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Everything posted by Dazinoz

  1. I rent a house with 2 ACs. The main bedroom one is used a lot. On checking one day I found the unit was not earthed so I ran an earth from the junction box through the indoor unit to the outdoor unit. Nice and safe. A year or so later the AC compressor died so needed a new AC. Owner of house had an AC group to come replace it. The installers were not just a one man affairg but a largish group. After they left I noticed a length of earth wire I had used on the ground. Took connection cover of AC and earth connected. Took cover off ducting that house the piping and wiring. For some reason they had cut the earth wire off in the ducting but left a useless piece of wire connected to the AC. So much for your "Only have units installed by authorized vendors."
  2. Heard this before, wait till us oldies die out. News flash, oldies never die out. And they don't want to train us too much as we might understand their ultimate plan. Not really aheadlong rush. Been planned for years. Bitcoin was the physical start of things.
  3. You think Thailand is the only country doing this? And you are in Thailand but hate the queue when other people paying with cards. Supposed to chill out. People now so impatient now and in a hurry to get home to watch TV.
  4. I am 69 and use "scan" most of the time now, very easy. I also use Line to chat to most people, again for easy for me at least.
  5. Coming from the person that started the thread.
  6. I am not a big coffee drinker but someone gave me a pack of We Coffee which is 23 in 1 and I quite like it so it is now my morning beverage.
  7. I applied at Bangkok Bank. Had to do a fixed deposit for the amount of "credit" I wanted. Not so bad as it earned higher interest. The bank gave me 2 cards , one of which was an AirAsia card which earned points with AA, and a few other benefits. But that has stopped since covid. So I still keep it as a "just in case".
  8. Hoping for longer but from sibling trends 83 seems it.
  9. I was going to send my dog back to Australia a few years back. A very long complicated and extremely expensive process. Rabbies is the issue as has been completely eliminated from Australia and they take no chances of it returning. She is still here with me.
  10. Mum - cancer. Not sure where as I was only 12 when she was diagnosed. Given 6 months but lived another 4 years. I was 16 and I think she was around 60 when she died. Dad - Heart attack at 67. Retired 65. I was 21 when he died. I was getting married on a Saturday. My sister and he drove 1000km for my wedding on prior Monday. He died on the Wednesday so honeymoon was organising his funeral and travelling back to my home town for it. I have had 1 sister and 2 brothers die at around all around 83. 2 brothers left, one 78 and the other 81. I am the youngest at 68. Is I figure I have about 15 years left.
  11. Guess a good way to try it but seems a waste of money for small transactions considering exchange and blockchain fees. I assume you are short vendors cost by the blockchain fee? Why cant you just send this amount to complete transaction? Obviously fees on that too. Some transfers via blockchain deduct total amount including fee but others do what happened to you where they transfer the amount you say and fee is taken from that. I have done a few transfers from exchanges to cold storage to exchanges, etc. Bitcoin fees a little high and from the limited amounts I have done with Etherium they charge ridiculous "gas" fees. I mostly have the triple X rated coins, i.e. XRP, XLM and XDC. Their fees are very very low and extremely fast. Transferred some from my cold wallet to Australian exchange other day and there in less than a minute. I don't think I have actually bought anything with crypto.
  12. I been here 11 years and still need AC most nights. I cant acclimatize. But everyone is different. If we were all the same life would be boring.
  13. I think he is referring to the older style through wall/window mount all in one units. Everything is in one box and no piping needed. Just needs a very large hole through the wall. I had a couple back in Oz before splits became cheap enough .They usually have a damper that can be set to open or closed. Closed the air recycles in the room as per a normal split unit, and open it lets some fresh cold air in from outside. Pretty rare now but I did a quick search online and can still be purchased.
  14. Welcome. Any thing to help out.
  15. Well I must have imagined that my AC was not working well and had to drop temp setting lower and lower. Thought maybe low on refrigerant. Got someone to come check, a husband and wife team, checked refrigerant levels and ok. So cleaned indoor and outdoor fins. Lady called me out and showed me how dirty outdoor fins were. Amazing how well it worked after that. But, according to you, I must have been imagining it because it doesn't really affect it..
  16. Maybe terminology but the fan in the indoor unit is a barrel or axial fan (and probably other terminology as well) with a lot of closely spaced fans which do get dirty. The out door fan is a large, usually a four bladed fan which collects a little dust. Its the condenser fins in the outdoor unit that get very dirty and degrades performance as can be seen in the video I posted. So many posts on threads on here I read people neglect the outdoor unit cleaning and if my video doesn't convince people then nothing will.
  17. The outdoor unit often gets neglected. This video shows how dirty the outdoor unit fins get here in Chiang Mai. It was professionally cleaned one year prior. AC clean.mp4
  18. Which fan? There are 2, a barrel fan in the indoor unit and a standard bladed fan in the outdoor unit. The outside fins (condenser) can get very dirty especially here in Chiang Mai and needs cleaning yearly. See my next post.
  19. If done properly you should never need a gas up. And if you do you should have leak located and repaired. I had AC in my bedroom for 19 years back in Oz and NEVER needed a gas up. I changed it for an inverter type and the old one went into shed and worked ok, although rarely, without a top up.
  20. Be careful on here, you will have other members saying things like "Who cares if you're saving money but missing out on the most important thing in life?"😉
  21. Never heard the saying that silver is the poor mans gold? Silver is used in industry far more than gold. I had 100kg pool allocated in Oz. most of purchases doubled in price. I am happy with 100% ROI. Some people just not happy.
  22. Ever heard a thing called a joke? I guess not. People who can't take a joke are certainly not important in my life.
  23. I had a T shirt made.
  24. When I came to Thailand one of my investments was 4 x 100 ounce silver bars bought from a Singapore company. Later on I tried to sell one bar in Chiang Mai. Took a Thai friend and visited many silver shops, no luck. Contacted company I purchased from and they would buy back. Then came the problem of shipping it back, no one wanted to do it. The only company I found wanted an enormous insurance premium. In the end I booked a flight to Singapore, sold them back and flew back.
  25. I have already said maybe I am wrong but please explain what it is then so dumb people like can learn from the experts.
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