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Everything posted by Dazinoz

  1. But apparently you are the expert. Always one on here.
  2. Maybe tidal was a bad comment but I knew some expert would definitely correct me. Thank you. Where tidal or not the law of physics states that water, and other things such as heat and pressure, etc, flows from high to low. If the Mekong had no water the Tonje Sap would flow according to that law from high to low. Obviously at times the Mekong get high levels and thus a "back flow" up the Tonje Sap.
  3. That is basically tidal.
  4. It may run North but not uphill.
  5. Once drove a Thai lady from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai. We crossed a bridge over one of the larger rivers and she said that that river flowed UP to CR. I said dont you mean down to CR. She replied no, this is the only river in Thailand that flows uphill. Sadly she believed it and no amount of explaining could convince her.
  6. I have the X rated ones. XRP, XLM and XDC, Good or bad? Only future will tell.
  7. Are we not past that date already? Its a pity proof reading not carried out in a lot of these stories.
  8. Different Ways to Unclog Drain Lines in Your AC Plunger Method. ... Use a Wet/Dry Vacuum. ... Pour One Cup of Vinegar Down the Drain Line. ... Pour One Cup of Bleach Down the Drain Line. ... Blow Air Through the Line. ... Flush Clean Water Through It. ... Use Chemical Drain Cleaners. ... Use an Electric Snake. Obviously some of these really would not work or be difficult. There are also YouTube videos on how to do it. I would use 5 or 6. I have use a water hose to push water back up through drain but you have to be careful not too much pressure or flow to blast it into indoor unit. If it clears water just in catch tray and flows back out when you remove water hose.
  9. Photo he posted showed where water dripping from.
  10. I believe it does, coming from bottom of ducting on left hand side of unit.
  11. Yes, looks like many people here think should be a drain line from the outdoor unit, wrong, as you say should come from indoor unit. In reverse cycle units, which I have never seen in Thailand there is also a drain line on the outdoor unit as it does produce condensation when in the heating mode. I have also found if the unit is short on refrigerant icing can occur on the service valves and piping on the outdoor unit and hence more condensation. Looking at the picture the refrigerant piping is on the right side and the internal drain line comes out the bottom of the ducting on the left.
  12. I had to get a new passport in May 2021. The original visa sticker stays in the old passport but a few stamps are added to the new one. I travelled out of the country first time since in May this year. I was pulled aside and asked extra questions by IO but not sure if in relation to old PP or not. I have not needed old PP in more than 3 years since renewed but did keep in just in case. I have heard that some countries keep your old PP when you get a new one. As far as carrying PP all the same I never do as not needed. Even when I air travel within Thailand I carry PP but don't show it I use my Thai DL and never been asked for PP.
  13. A friend had a 42,000 baht Apple MacBook pro that stopped working. She took it to Apple and they discovered these little ants had gotten into it and apparently they love eating the insulation inside. Also talked to another guy who had same issue.
  14. I use this iPhone app from the Thai app store. Translated means "Today's gold price"
  15. Wow, where do you register your email? I am lucky to get around 1 spam a week.
  16. I often wonder why people ask advice when they already know the answer and have no intention to follow advice give.
  17. Recently for the first time since covid I left Thailand for a week. On return no new TM6 as expected. I was required to visit Immigration in person for first 90 day report after return. I had previous TM6 and I asked IO and he said not needed so I asked throw away and he said yes.
  18. I received the book but was never told what it was for. Lazy salesperson also considering she never filed paperwork with DLT.
  19. I bought my car when I arrived here 11 years ago. No plates but was told red plates in a few days and they did arrive. Was also told if I was to get a fine in those few days dealer would pay. Also told the normal plates would be about 6 weeks. Went back in 6 weeks no plates. Kept going back to check, no plates. Finally at 6 months with no plates I said I was told 6 weeks now 6 months. sales person asked me who sold me the car and I told her. She said oh, she no longer works here and did some checking. The original salesperson had not filed the paperwork with DLT so was driving an unregistered car for 6 months. I was never told about the not driving outside province or after whatever time at night nor about the log book. So was also illegal in those situations many times.
  20. From BB website. Added facial recognition for the following transactions via mobile banking effective from May 2023 onwards. Transfer to others via Account No./PromptPay/QR code or top up PromptPay/G-Wallet for these conditions: A transaction of 50,000 baht or more A transaction which pushes the daily accumulated transfer amount to reach 200,000 baht. This applies for each instance that the total accumulated transfer amount passes 200,000 baht. Increase the daily transfer or payment limit in the application.
  21. Make sure they delete old number. Changed my some time ago. Later applied for a credit card. After a considerable time of nothing on the CC I did a post on here to see if anyone had experience. Amazingly someone who works at the CC section of the bank in Bangkok saw the post and contacted me.. Why took so long? Explanation was I had 2 passport numbers, even though one was well out of date.
  22. Preferably under it.
  23. I had the V to use the V.
  24. I get the Zinger and a small tub of gravy. I scrape the lettuce and mayo(?) off and add the gravy. Really nice. I could probably ask not lettuce or sauce but easier to scrape it off.
  25. Thanks for the helpful update instead of coming on here and being sarcastic to someone who asks a genuine question.
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