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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. 7 minutes ago, robblok said:

    They should just use the Dutch system (probably available in other countries too). YOu place your card in a scanning device have to enter your pin and the device scans a colored image (better security as numbers). 


    But Thais are light years behind.

    It amazes me with these developing countries have to re-invent the wheel. So many good systems around the world why not select best features from them and set up a good system from the start.


    But I forgot Thais are number 1 at everything.


    • Haha 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, samsensam said:


    hummm... being asked to compete a large number of forms does not necessarily equate to effective security. the fact that the web site has out of date forms and staff are not aware of current procedures and processes may indicate failings in customer information provision and staff training. such failings could be indicative of failings in other areas of the organisation which may, worryingly, include security.

    Fully agree.

  3. 1 minute ago, dotpoom said:

    I totally agree....constantly I have to remind myself that they are doing this to protect "my" money....then my attitude changes.

       On one occasion back home I tried to borrow money from a bank to buy a pub/bar. After many weeks of putting me through the ringer....they turned me down.

       The way things turned out...the smoking ban...the financial collapse...I would still be hocked up to my eyeballs to this day had they given it to me. I would have missed out on my carefree and happy life in Thailand for the last 17 years.

    Someone "up there" was looking after you.


    What I didn't like about the security was the original 3 page form is for just about all the changes you could think of for your account. I only ticked and changed one on one page, but had to sign the 3 pages where nothing was entered. I asked the teller to put pen line diagonally through the blank pages...."can not do"....so in this case I believe security compromised. But I never have much money in the account so not much of a worry.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Formaleins said:

    I can sympathise!


    I am still trying to get my local branch of SCB to put in my new passport number for my account - this is now over 1 year. They still haven't managed to do it despite more than 6 attempts.

    The problem is as you mentioned, much of this has to be done at the branch where you open the account, and if you are unlucky like me you will have a branch with staff who still have webbed fingers and toes. They are clueless!


    The city branches can do this in minutes, but not out in the sticks, oh no - try opening a direct debit with them - that took three weeks, but then later just try cancelling the direct debit, then you will see what hell is like.

    My branch is a reasonably major one in Chiang Mai but everything still has to goto head office. I guess anything not in Bangkok is regarded as being "out in the sticks" by the Bangkokians.

    • Like 1
  5. I had an issue awhile back where my son who was born to a Myanmar mother had to be taken from Chiang Mai to Bangkok for DNA sampling so as I could get his Australian Citizenship and then passport. We had his Thai birth certificate and there appeared to be no issue for him flying and was issued his boarding pass. But Air Asia refused to let his mum fly because her paperwork was not 100% correct. We obtained this paperwork through an agent. So we lost costs of flights, hotel and airport transfers. Went back to agent and told him and he said can fly anywhere within Thailand with the paperwork he had arranged. Again said the airline would not let us. "Your problem" he said and refused to give us money back.


    Last month I flew him and myself to Australia but not his mum. I had his Australian passport by this time and I needed his original Thai birth certificate to prove he was born in Thailand as he had no entry stamp, and in fact nothing, in his passport.


    • Sad 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:

    This is why you fight to keep you phone number here in Thailand and is one of the reasons that the government finally forced "number portability" on the mobile phone companies

    Had my number for nearly 5 years. Been getting a lot of people adding my on Line by phone number. People I don't know and when I ask them who are they they just ignore me. So decided to change number. Probably not such a great idea as now also having issues with other apps like Uber and Grab.

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  7. Hi does anyone know of any iPhone data recovery specialists in Chiang Mai?


    My iPhone met with a very large hammer and, to say the least, is not working.  I need to try recover some very important photos (important to me). I had taken a number of photos while on a trip to Australia and had only returned a few days and had not backed phone up before it met Mr Hammer. I took phone to Apple Service centre and they just looked and shook their head.


    So if anyone has any suggestions that may help would be very much appreciated.

  8. 14 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    His child is not a dual national.

    Any child born here that is not Thai has to show their birth certificate when leaving the country the first time since their passport would not have a entry stamp in it.



    He was born in Thailand to a Australian father (me) and a Myanmar mother so his birth certificate actually states "no nationality". Because of that I went through the process of getting his Australian Citizenship by Descent and then his passport.

  9. I left last month with my Thai born son but has australian passport and all I needed was his original Thai birth certificate to show he was born here and the reason he had no entry to Thailand stamp in his passport.


    They did put a stamp in his passport in Thai and when I was in Australia I went to a Thai consulate and asked what the stamp meant and they explained about what I said above.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    You did not mention her OA visa was still valid.

    All she needs to do is leave and re-enter the country on or before August 28th and she will get a new one year entry. Then she would not need to apply for a one year extension of stay until the last 30 days of that one year entry.

    After doing that last entry she will need a re-entry permit to keep it valid if she wants to travel

    Yep, did not mention that, sorry. Thanks for the info.

  11. 5 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    If it is the first extension of stay based upon retirement of a OA visa entry only 60 days is required.

    The agent may of been thinking she already had an extension of stay instead of a visa entry.

    I am really confused again. So to get another 12 month permitted to stay stamp she needs 800k in the bank for 60 days? When would this apply from? Her Non O-A visa has an "Enter Before" date of 28th Aug 2018. From what I have read in this post if she leaves Thailand and comes back say on the 26th Aug 2018 she would get another permitted to stay stamp until 25th August 2019. When would the 800k apply. I would assume 2 months before 25th August 2019 at which time she will apply for an extension of stay based on retirement. Am I correct?

  12. My wife has this visa and we visited our agent this morning to clarify things but confused us. This post and replies have made it clear. The only thing still not sure of is they said said you still need to have the 800k in the bank 3 months before. We have been told this is not correct. Can anyone elaborate on this? Thanks.



  13. 3 hours ago, muratremix said:

    You need a new router that supports dd-wrt. And then some technical stuff.

    Not sure you can find somebody in a computer shop etc that can do it.


    how is your 3bb setup?

    GPON + router or, fiber cable goes directly into white color router (one small device + 1 router combo or just one device for wifi/fiber)

    Fibre direct to white modem/router. 


    Yes I know I need another router but no use buying one until I know how to setup

  14. 12 hours ago, Alotoftravel said:

    In another thread, I was asking for a turnkey solution to have VPN for all my connected devices. Installing VPN on another router is not trivial to make it work well with your current ISP. 

    As far as I can tell, basically the vpn site I signed up with, 3BB is DNS Hijacking so VPN won't work. If I get a ddwrt router and redirect DNS from port 53 to 54, or vice versa it should work. I know it's not trivial and that's why I asked for help in here. 

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