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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. Was holidaying on a little island in the middle of the Pacific out from Australia. It was called Norfolk Island. One day I saw this old guy going through the bin and digging out the aluminium cans and putting them into a bag. He would have been in his late 70s early 80s. Talking to a local that day I mentioned the “poor” guy. The local said that’s Borry. Owned a car rental business and several hotels on the island. Turns out a multi millionaire. Guess he figures he can take it with him. 

  2. I was looking at buying one when I first moved here about 4 1/2 years ago. My real estate agent told me not to unless I wanted to live in it as there were so many being built in CM that there will be an over supply and thus lower returns.


    Having said that I was stupid enough to buy a Fractional ownership of a unit in a great complex in Patong Beach Phuket. Turns out a BIG waste money and I would have been better off buying a couple of condos for the money I out layed.

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  3. 30 minutes ago, maxpower said:

    Suggest you make another post titled How to watch Australian TV from Thailand

    List your devices and the channels you want to watch along with a request for help.


    I guess you have already tried the smart DNS route and the wheels fell off. You really need to ask around when trying to trick streaming servers because some services work better than others.

    Ok thanks for that. Hard to know what you are asking for when you don't know. Just basically said what was in the support email from the VPN provider.


  4. 18 minutes ago, RichCor said:

    Have you tried other VPN solutions and have any of them worked?


    Did they have you download a diagnostic tool that indicated DNS Hijacking, or did they just "say" this is what was happening?  Otherwise I'd be very leery of any support conclusion that seems to involve random guessing.  


    Do you need/intend to run a VPN 24/7 for all connected devices, or just 'some' of your devices and when needed?


    Unless you want to educate yourself on how Routers and VPN, or find a person or business that will support your usage, you are likely to wind up in the same position you are now.

    I have not tried any other solutions. Like I said I know very LITTLE about networking so if one doesn't work I am not going to try another one and I ask for help, hence the post.


    I don't know if they ran any diagnostic tools or not. Just went by their email and when you don't know anything its very hard to ask if they have done this or that.


    I want to be able to access Australian online TV stations and anonymous browsing so I guess I want on my computer and Apple TV.


    And I can't be bothered educating myself on these things and again thats why I asked for recommendations for help.

  5. I am on 3BB optic fibre on the 200mb download plan. I received a discounted offer from a VPN provider last month. I had a look at the website and at their non-comparable ISPs and 3BB was not on the list. So I subscribed for a year.


    Could not get it to work so emailed tech support. Very fast to get back to me and said I should try their SmartVPN option. Tried that and still no good. Emailed support again then came back with the answer that 3BB is apparently DNS hijacking and suggested I use a dd-wrt router and redirect DNS from port 53 (I think) to port 54.


    All very interesting if you are a network engineer. I know very little about networking so can anyone recommend someone who can help me or someone who could come set it up for me (paid of course). I live near Big C Hang Dong in Chaing Mai. I would also like a recommendation on a router.  Previously I had tried a TP-Link TL-MR3020 who my neighbour set up and it worked ok. But then he went back to Australia and left me no contact info so this thing is useless.



  6. 29 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    Yeah, it seems that way in many countries. It's been almost 12 years since I was in the States and I have spent most of my adult life outside the States; however, I have never lived anywhere in the States where foreigners were even prevalent. let alone outnumbered Americans. In fact, in several places, my two SEA wives were the only foreign persons in the area. I intend to go back for a visit this spring; let's see if that has changed--at least in the areas I will frequent.

    My brother used to teach science at a Sydney (Australia) school. Sydney's water supply came from Warragamba Dam. One day he was teaching and said that Sydney's water cam from Wogaramba Dam. One of the kids corrected him and said don't you mean Warragamba Dam sir. My brother replied you obviously haven't been there on a Sunday. Well he would not get away with saying that now and he would have to think up an Asian reference. Maybe Wallagamba Dam.

  7. 36 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    Well, then, that's the ticket. Come half-way around the world to live in a ghetto of nothing but those like you, because you can no longer do that at home.

    I live in a house. And if you did live in a condo in my country it would probably predominantly chinese, they are buying the country up.


  8. 32 minutes ago, cyborgx said:

    Is he right? Are the disposable cans so different in pressure?

    what about LPG pressure?

    Propane, butane, propane/butane mix are all classed as LPG. And as I previously posted:


    At 70f (21.1C) the vapour pressure of propane is 110psi while, at the same temp, butane is only 17 psi, hence the thicker walled propane cylinders. A mixture of the gasses results in lower than propane and higher than butane pressures. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, frank0424 said:

    Good story with a good ending but as regards to 90% of the 2000 residents being foreigners, what happened to only 49% of foreigners being allowed the aggregate unit space in a building. Im not being a smarta... about it Cheers

    I knew it was only 49% Farang ownership. Does that apply to occupants too? If a Thai own a condo room and rents it to a Farang. How does that figure in?


  10. 5 minutes ago, recom273 said:

    That’s rather strange because the issue why i was having with my account was that I hadn’t confirmed it, the guy explained that it wasn’t possible in SEA and sent me an email to send to the eBay seller explaining the situation, then they could un-check a box allowing me to purchase the item.


    The point I was making was PP have a local telephone number to amazing helpline .. if the poster needs some info then call the infoline, but it seems like we have our own expert here already.

    Typical. I am not claiming to be an expert just stating FACTS as has happened to me that helps the OP and not I THINKS. You have helped the OP with your comments about the telephone number and I am just trying to help in others. Or maybe you are the self proclaimed expert and only what you say is correct.


    And it is possible. I will send photo of my statement if you are so disbelieving.

  11. 8 minutes ago, recom273 said:

    i think from memory, a lot of things in the thread are true, I remember opening an account at .TH and using a different email, wether that’s necessary, there is also a step of confirming your address - PayPal put some small credits into your account - we can’t do this as the banking system isn’t set up for the additional notes on your statement.

    I did this for both my savings account and credit Card through Bangkok Bank. In fact I had not received my first CC statement with the code and I phoned them to obtain a statement so I could see the code but the guy I talked to understood what I meant and gave me the code over the phone. I have now received my statement and the code is listed. in the form of "PP*1111CODE"

  12. I had an Australian PayPal account for many years and I wanted to keep it so had to open new one here with a new email addy as others have said. I linked it to my BBL Be 1st savings account but PayPal will not pay some items without a "backup" account. I just transferred cash from my Australian PayPal account to the Thai one and used the balance as primary payment with the BBL card as backup. Now I have a Thai credit card so it is the backup.

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