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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. 17 hours ago, Caxa said:

    This is slightly off topic but may be of help to someone reading this thread.


    If you don't actually need the credit and the only reason you want a Thai credit card is to do “customer not present” transactions – for example buying items or paying bills over the internet - there is an alternative. I only have experience of the K-bank but I believe the other banks have something similar.


    The K-bank offers a “K-web shopping card”. It is easy to apply for and all you need is an ordinary K-bank savings account. However you do not get a physical card, they simply issue you with a card number, expiry date and CCV code which you can then enter as you would normally. You can set your own transaction limit up to 100,000 baht and extend that limit by arrangement. It is, of course, still a debit card, but then a credit card requires the fixed deposit account anyway.

    One of the main reasons I want a CC is to use for PayPal. I have Australian and Thai PayPal accounts. For seller/buyer protection. especially on ebay, the seller needs to post item to registered PayPal address. I could not put a Thai address for my Oz account so opened a Thai account. I linked to my BKK Bank savings account and deposited cash into PayPal so I could make purchase. However I found recently, even though I had the cash in my PayPal account I could not purchase a certain item until I had a backup account to my savings account listed with PayPal. I thought cash backed up by a savings account would be ok, but......... Go figure.

  2. I got a lady from a bar pregnant. I looked after her and baby when born. I had had Thai Friendly from a long time back.  I looking one day and found her profile set up while she was pregnant. Did further searching and found 5 profiles. She asked me to set up a Facebook profile for her which I did. After I did she change the name to Thai and then blocked me. 

  3. 18 hours ago, Reigntax said:

    My computer holds information from Prayuth promising elections by at least 5 previous dates.  Would someone please charge him for distributing false information, totally wrecking any chance the country had of any reasonable reputation and his contribution for lowering the medium intelligence level of the human race. That is, if he qualifies.

    No. You are the guilty one for keeping his, ummmmmm, misinformation on your computer. That could hurt him. ?

  4. 31 minutes ago, JoePai said:

    I had a similar problem with BKK bank and in the end I was phoning the Head Office. Unfortunately the English speaking boy does not know the rules/requirements so I had to go back to the branch I applied, explain to them and they got onto Head Office and sorted it out.

    BKK Bank was once a god bank but recently they have gone to the dogs, service poor, their stupid ideas of ATM cards and lack of knowledge on CC's

    My other 2 banks (SCB and KK) are far better

    Thanks for the info. If I don't get it in another 2 weeks, 7 weeks total, I will close fixed deposit account and open elsewhere and try for card. Its not as if they have to check my credit profile out as they have the cash locked away.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Aussieroaming said:

    Because your kitchen wall is at the fenceline doesnt mean its legal and hence doesn't preclude the authorities from asking for it to be removed if they inspected it and found it to be non compliant.No issue if its never checked but leaves a homeowner at risk if the authorities decided to enforce the law.

    Yep, just stating a fact. Actually seems to be a fairly common practice in this relatively new moobaan.

  6. 13 hours ago, Top man said:

    Ubers days are numbered, you pay peanuts then you complain. 

    You need to complain if there is a problem so they can fix the problem. They don’t know they have problems if no one tells them. 

  7. 16 hours ago, micked58 said:

    Hi all,


    I have been in Thailand since November 2017, so far I have used two tourist visas, and now 4 visa exempt entrys(with 2 extended). I am going to Myanmar on the 15th of this month for 4 days, I am then coming back through on visa exempt(don muang). I am getting another visa exempt because I am only staying for 20 more days then going home. 

    Do you think there will be an issue coming through this last time?. If so is they anything I can do on my end.


    I will make sure I have 10k baht in cash and my flights out for proof. Is there anything else I should bring with me or have ready?


    Last time I came in 2 months ago the IO asked "how long you stay this time"... If I was to get rejected this time, would there be any trouble? or just me getting a flight somewhere(i wont have a visa for Myanmar for I assume I can go to KL or Singapore?)


    Maybe start a new thread as this is not on topic about the TM30.

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