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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. 3 hours ago, fletchsmile said:

    How did those small whole appear in the first place? Was it the duck?  (in the bottom right hand corner that is)


    Yep, I think he went quakers.


    Actually someone had put 5 small ugly trees in. As can be seen from the first pic the holes were not aligned and something in the soil had made them grow at much different rates.

  2. 46 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You could pave that small area with the non coloured ones that you can buy and no one will notice. Only 8 baht each.

    If that is a gutter down pipe I see you don't want the water flowing into that dirt. Either replace the pavers with new ones or extend the pipe.


    Actually we have a small dog and she has no real toilet in the yard, just the pavers. So today I decided I will put some grass in that small area for her toilet. Easy to hose out. And yes I will extend drain pipe.

  3. 2 hours ago, sfokevin said:

    Can you take a few matching green ones form the back of the house and move them to those holes and then fill the one in the back with plain ones that you can try to paint to match?

    Yep. Small area near front gate was raided for the pavers. Going to make little "feature" of this area.


    Holes now filled.



  4. 2 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    Hmm, I hadn't considered the colour issue, sorry!


    Personally, I would be very tempted to fill them with concrete and etch the lines of the blocks into the semi-wet cement and then paint them, probably all of them.

    No problem.


    Too many to paint as most of the yard is them.


  5. 11 minutes ago, anto said:

    Maybe deep down he wants to get away from people .Well at least the ones he knew before .

    I guess we will never know. After 67 posts he has not returned. Maybe just a troll. 


    Hmmmm. Last post was #67. Now this one of mine comes in @#61

  6. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    No need to buy the pavers. Just get a bag of concrete mix and fill the holes, then shape them like the pavers before the concrete sets.

    If using actual pavers you will need 8 new pavers for each hole.

    Had a small area next to from gate with just enough of the same pavers so using them and making a "feature" of the small area.

  7. 4 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    Almost everywhere that sells stone, they have them at JJ's market and on the Maejo road, left handside, between Ruamchok and the Maejo traffic light.

    Went to JJs and visited several shops that sold rocks and pavers. No green ones and only one place had plain cement.


  8. I received a message here from a claimed Bangkok Bank Staff member asking for my details so as she could help. I replied that I would not give out information like that via a contact on here.


    Those 2 posts have been removed. Can a moderator tell me why? Just curious.


    As it turns out she was genuine and contacted me through the proper bank channels and my card was approved that day and should be here next week.

  9. 3 minutes ago, samjaidee said:

    Let me explain it for you. The driver is quoted as saying that he went over something. He check behind him but nothing was amiss. 


    If he went over something then checked behind him and nothing was there, didn't it occur to him that maybe the thing he went over was stuck under the van?


    Does that help you to understand. why he would necessarily know there was something under the van?


    Glad to be of service. :-)


    I often know if I have caught up a plastic shopping bag under my car. This was a whole body. 

  10. 5 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

    Driving 3 km with a body under the van without realizing it!!!

    Seen many idiotic drivers in Thailand but this man must take the 1st. price.


    There was a video on here awhile back where a Thai lady was dragging a motorbike under the front of the car and it was on fire. When pulled over she didn’t know it was there. All on video. Couldn’t believe it if you didn’t see it. Actually still can’t believe people are sooooo stupid. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Brunolem said:

    Barrel-shaped hairless creatures, dressed for the most part with tattoos, holding a bottle of beer in one hand, and a mosquito-sized girl with the other hand.

    Sweaty bare-chested creatures, covered with hair, wandering around the shopping malls.

    Creatures with arms the size of thighs, thighs the size of waists, and a waist that could fit in a napkin ring, moving weights and panting like dogs, in open showrooms named Tony's.


    Obviously, humans don't look or behave like that!


    Things get even spookier if the high value visitors venture out at night, when they are bound to come accross men who look like women, women who look like men, women who look like a sack of potatoes, grandfathers holding the hand of their granddaughters who sport T-shirts saying "I am with stupid", Chinese ants blindly following little flags, pedestrians happily breathing the heady emanations coming from the exhaust pipes of thousands of permanently stranded cars...


    Obviously, humans don't look or behave like that!


    With their mind whirling, the shaken visitors may come to miss the good old days of "close encounters of the third kind" when it was so much easier to differentiate between humans and aliens...

    Good to see there are still some perfect people, like yourself, left in this world.

  12. 6 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    Put 15 people into an elevator designed for 10 and it should be pretty obvious that it's overloaded. And how stupid do you need to be not to understand a warning buzzer, or to ignore it?

    I was in a lift in Maya in Chiang Mai and heaps people piled in. Alarm went off saying overloaded (in English) people just kept pushing buttons. I said too many people. People just looking at each other and pushing the buttons. I said much louder and pointed to alarm too many people. A few got out and we were off. 

  13. 34 minutes ago, fiddlehead said:

    It probably depends where you live. 
    Here in Phuket, the Items for sale-Phuket FB page is the quickest way to sell something. 
    I've bought and sold on there. 
    Tried bahtsold, this site, and craigslist 2 of the 3 are free), but the FB page was the quickest to move my stuff. 

    It depends how many are watching in the area you are trying to sell I imagine. 

    As far as worldwide, Amazon is king in the US, 

    ebay in some countries

    FB in others. 


    I used to buy and sell a fair bit on eBay in Australia. I have tried to sell a number of personal items her in Chiang Mai on Facebook but just seem to attract the people who want things for nothing and want it delivered for that price. Will try ebay here but I have a feeling I am going to get the same result.

  14. 4 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

    I use eBay in Thailand both to buy and sell things. It's in English. Can't recall if I originally  had to do something with the settings or whatever, but every time I open it, it's in English.

    Sometimes the prices shown are in baht, but all the transactions I go through with are denominated in US$.

    First time I tried was only Thai. Will have an other look.

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