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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. 1 hour ago, malt25 said:

    You appear to be taking umbrige to many of the replies. I dunno why, you asked for it.

    " Now I get off my soapbox and hand over to the trolls."


    i made that comment because I have done a number of posts on here sharing experiences and its amazing the number of people that instantly know what you are like and comment to such. Like "its obvious that....", etc etc. When its not obvious at all.


    The world is getting a sad place with these people who feel they need to berate others for sharing there experiences. Sometimes people just feel the need to share without being berated.


  2. 23 minutes ago, kenk24 said:


    The things you complained about sounded so minor to me that they were not worth mentioning. I hope there are much more positive things in your life for you to focus on... Is there anywhere that people who live in the negative have more enjoyment than people who live in a positive, rose colored, if you will, world? 


    You know NOTHING about my life. If it was just the bank issue not a problem but there are many others.


    One is trying to share my experiences with others and Trolls like you make me out to be a nasty, negative person. And I am to people like you.


    Have a nice life hounding others.

  3. 52 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

    Perhaps the OP made things too complicated when he wanted to add an FCA to his regular account. What is the purpose of having one?

    I just roll the 800,000 into 12 month term deposits every year, then get a letter from the bank when I'm close to the extension. Although I must admit I'm getting a bit tired of receiving SFA in interest, might try the pension route next time around.

    I opened an account at Kasikorn two years ago for emergency medical funds, Thai baht. I've found if you turn up with a large wad of cash, bank staff fall over themselves to get you signed up.

    Pray tell how did I make it too complicated? Only did what the first bank requested which was not enough for the second bank.


    If you READ my original post you might understand why I wanted to open one, basically exchange rates.


    I don't like to have too much in Thai bank for a number of reasons. Interest rate as you mentioned, security of money if it goes missing, at least Australian banks cover your money and ease of access for my beneficiary if something happens to me.


    This time I wanted to bring in the equivalent of 2 million baht. told them that. The only place staff interested in falling was back in their comfy chair and asleep.

  4. 3 minutes ago, lkn said:

    Before you go to another bank, I suggest you check out the requirements on their website so you are properly prepared, possibly print out the Thai version of their page, should you run into problems.


    Also check which branches can do foreign currency deposit accounts, for example Bangkok Bank has a list on their website which does not include the Panthip Plaza branch (but there is one on both Changklan and Sridonchai Road, not that far from Panthip Plaza).



    Because, as mentioned in the posts, they are very branch specific I visited my branch, Panthip Plaza first to find out what I needed. A week later i took what I was told to bring. Then I was told that that Branch did not do FCAs. Would have been nice for them to tell me that the first time. Then what I was told to bring was not good at the other branch.


    I have enough stress in my life at the moment so will just stick with my everyday account and loose on the exchange rate.

  5. 25 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    Yes, your entire post sounds like a complaint... What do you think it sounds like?


    I think any one of us has had mix ups at banks, both here and at home... I surely have but would never consider posting about it on an internet forum...


    A walk can be pleasant, lovely, all sorts of nice words - - you chose "very hot" which sounds like you did not get much joy from it... A self aware person might realize it is very hot for them and take a taxi... 


    If you think your post is full of the joys of life, then maybe you are right and others can glean more from your post than you know of yourself... lacking self awareness seems to be neck and neck with cultural insensitivity... 

    Please don't use big words. I am not very smart. Obviously all I can do is complain. And Thailand is perfect.

  6. 10 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    Yes, your entire post sounds like a complaint... What do you think it sounds like?


    I think any one of us has had mix ups at banks, both here and at home... I surely have but would never consider posting about it on an internet forum...


    A walk can be pleasant, lovely, all sorts of nice words - - you chose "very hot" which sounds like you did not get much joy from it... A self aware person might realize it is very hot for them and take a taxi... 


    If you think your post is full of the joys of life, then maybe you are right and others can glean more from your post than you know of yourself... lacking self awareness seems to be neck and neck with cultural insensitivity... 

    BTW where do you buy the rose coloured glasses from?


  7. 11 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    Yes, your entire post sounds like a complaint... What do you think it sounds like?


    I think any one of us has had mix ups at banks, both here and at home... I surely have but would never consider posting about it on an internet forum...


    A walk can be pleasant, lovely, all sorts of nice words - - you chose "very hot" which sounds like you did not get much joy from it... A self aware person might realize it is very hot for them and take a taxi... 


    If you think your post is full of the joys of life, then maybe you are right and others can glean more from your post than you know of yourself... lacking self awareness seems to be neck and neck with cultural insensitivity... 


  8. 1 minute ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    I would also add that maybe you should avoid the bank 800K issue, and get a witnessed/stamped stat dec from the Aust Embassy and use that to prove your annual income is over the required amount - that is what I did last time. Aus Embassy does an outreach to CM every 3 months or so - check their website. See seperate post/OP on the issue for details - it started last year I think.


    PS - I also recommend that you have minimum of two bank accounts in Thailand  (eggs in a basket and all that).

    I don't have an income as such, just some interest which is not enough to qualify. Just live off capital.

  9. 18 minutes ago, phil2407 said:

    Surely if you have 800000 baht in a Thai bank account - no matter what exchange rate is you still have 800000  baht left in your Thai bank account -  if am thinking correctly from the posts - each year they convert to account holders currency from  their home country and then convert back to baht - or am I missing something 


    I have always transferred my Aussie dollars and appear in my Thai bank as Baht. The exchange rate is poor right now so wanted to open foreign currency account so that the Aussie dollars I transfer stay in Thailand as Aussie dollars. I checked with my immigration agent and was told as long as the equivalent of my Aussie dollars in Thai baht does not fall below 800,000 then that qualifies for my retirement extension. Then when and if the dollar to baht exchange rate improves i can transfer my Aussie dollars to my everyday account where it is converted to baht.


    Hope that explains it.

  10. 19 minutes ago, kurtmartens said:

    It wasn't a dig at just you, it was a dig at most of us.  We all feel the pain of what we think are "silly/stupid/asinine" rules, but bottom line its not our country.  I am sure expats who move to our respective countries find things the same as we do here at times.  Just look at my raincoat rant earlier today.  All in all though, I call Thailand home and prefer it over my own home country.


    Ok, thanks for clarifying. I guess I am too pedantic about people doing the right thing by others. Was the same in my country.

  11. 23 minutes ago, Kabula said:





    What they probably failed to tell you if you cancel any Thai bank account they will not open a new one now without a work permit! I was told that by several Thai Banks this year that I have done business with for 11 years.


    Even with a retirement visa extension which I've had for years.


    Another surprise is you are forbidden to wire funds out of Thailand unless you can prove the funds were wired in!   More and more banks are now enforcing that. 


    Now you know why It's hard to find expats that lived here for many years in Bangkok and why business owners are no longer smiling.


    After 11 years living here, all my expats friends left.


    And, most of the Thai lady friends I've had for many years have left Bangkok and returned to their provinces in Thailand. Several this week in fact!


     The herd is thinning my friend. 


    Convinced Prayut or some one up top wants us Farang gone. Things getting harder every day. Hope they (we) all go back and see what happens to the economy. Only the Cheap Charlie Bogan tourists come and spend SFA.

  12. 2 hours ago, 11223344 said:

    hmm, I have the exact opposite experience... I always start super friendly, nice, smiling and get "no can't" "not possible" aka translation (I'AM LAZY SH.T SO LET ME ALONE)


    Then I get pissed off because I know they "can" and my chance of success increases dramatically


    Maybe I should try that, politeness, as some suggest I should do does not work often.

  13. 34 minutes ago, kurtmartens said:

    OP and Trolls aside.


    Banking is frustrating here I agree.  My original account was with a KBank branch in Bangkok, we now live in ChiangMai and if I ever need something changed or updated on my KBank account ... I have to go to the branch I opened the account at.  Never mind we don't live in Bangkok anymore.   My wife (Thai) and I both have Bangkok Bank accounts in ChiangMai, but its the same issue ... anything more than taking or depositing money requires going to the branch the account was opened at.  It does frustrate me and even my wife doesn't understand why a branch refuses to service an account they didn't open.


    Then again, to be fair, this practice of branch managers "making up rules" as they feel ... allowed me to open my original KBank account with just my passport and "tourist visa/stamp" years ago ... when some branches wouldn't.


    As others have said .... TIT.  (Don't get me started on the fact I spent all day yesterday trying to buy a proper raincoat for my daughter and son, and all I could find was the silly trash can ponchos ... when it rains everyday for 1/2 the year!)

    My original account was with Bangkok Bank at  patong Beach, Phuket branch because I had some timeshare down there. Had just under 2000 in in and never used after moved to CM and opened account here. On a hose move I misplaced the ATM card and bankbook. I reported them missing and the bank blocked them. Since then I found the book only.


    Last year I made a trip to Patong beach so took book with me. Went to Bank and asked the have the balance transferred to my CM account. Cant do, book blocked. OK i understand and explained that I had found book and wish to transfer the balance and close. Cant have to get police report. I say what to report I found the book I thought I had lost. Nope, need police report. Ok, I will goto Patong Police. Nope. need to go CM police. I politely told them that CM was over a 1000km away and I would not be back in Phuket for some time, maybe years. Thats how is has to be done. 


    BTW, what do you mean by OP and Trolls aside?


  14. Just now, xvend said:


    In the early 1700's the cut of the jib sail, often signified the nationality of a vessel. The term was being used figureatively by the 1800's to express like, or dislike for someone. So, the 'Cut of one's jib' refers to their general appearance of personality.
    An old expression showing a general dislike for somebody.

    I don't like your jib


  15. I have had an account with Bangkok bank since I have been her which is nearly 4 years now. My account is with the Panthip Plaza Branch in Chiang Mai. 


    Coming up to my retirement extension so need the 800,000 in the bank. Aussie $ to baht exchange rate is low at the moment so thought about opening Foreign Currency Account. Checked with my immigration agent and was told I could use for immigration requirements as long as the $aud was equivalent was more that the 800,000 requirement.


    Went to the Panthip Branch to enquire. Was told I needed this>


    • Passport and one of the following documents:

      3.1 An official document from another country, such as a document from the relevant agency giving evidence of the customer’s right to receive pension funds, OR a letter of reference from one of the following:

      - Embassy or international organization
      - Customer’s home bank to Bangkok Bank via the SWIFT messaging network
      - Person acceptable to Bangkok Bank e.g. branch officer, customer, government
        officer or company executive
      - Educational institution located in Thailand and acceptable to the bank
      - Company that is acceptable to the bank, confirming the customer is in the 
        process of getting a work permit; OR

      3.2 Other documents that show the name of the customer e.g. a document showing the ownership of real estate in Thailand such as a unit in a condominium


    Enquired to as what 3.1 really wanted. Lady in bank said my passport and lease agreement ok. So yesterday rolled up to Panthip Branch with all necessary paperwork. Sorry we don't do FCAs here, you will have to goto Tapaie Branch. Not far away but very hot walk.


    Rolled up there, told them what I wanted and gave my passport, current bankbook and lease agreement. Was told lease no good. I need proof of address from immigration. I said that all they do is look at lease and type letter with that address and charge me. So the I asked about my current account where I had transferred heaps from Oz already so was is that not enough? So she took my bankbook and started looking through it. This is Panthip Branch account she says, you will need to open one here. So I asked was  this the Bangkok Bank of Thailand or the Bangkok Bank of Panthp, Tapaie etc. Just got blank look.  So just picked up my stuff and said I will open at another bank and left.


    Now I get off my soapbox and hand over to the trolls.


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