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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. Tom n Toms

    You are kidding, right? Large quantity, so weak it could qualify as dishwater. Ditto Starbucks - yecch.

    Doi Chang and Doi Wawee can produce excellent coffees, although the quality seems to vary from shop to shop. Amazon is adequate, when nothing else is around.

    If you are serious about Tom n Toms, I suspect you consider McDonalds or KFC to be fine cuisine.

    Oops I did not realize that bazza40, supreme coninoisseur, was a member of this group or I would not have posted.

    I apologies for offending your ultimate knowledge of all things coffee.

    I also apologies for not seeking your permission before posting my own thoughts on here. I should have realized the are the expert poster on these forums.

  2. Yes you are right. I am after wood and metal drills. I have a drill that takes SDS drill like in your pic but I sometimes use battery driver that only takes 1/4" hex drive bits. I just want a few drills to do pilot holes for screws etc for small jobs around the house.

    Another pic added here.


  3. UPDATE: Agent dumped. Went to another agent and they admitted they did not know so took all our paperwork to immigration and got and answer of bank account not needed.

    They did all the paperwork and went to immigration and had it check and approved then wife only had to go with them for a few minutes to have her photo taken and done, extension obtained.

    Also I did a post a little while ago about immigration not accepting an older copy of marriage certificate because of date of verification was too old. Another piece BS. Nearly cost me a trip to Bangkok but till cost me 800Baht for verification by Oz consulate when they came to CM a few weeks back.

  4. Thank for that.


    BTW does anyone know how tight a bend you can make in the optic fibre cable? After moving I need to clip it to skirting board and go around some beams.

    Per the Internet:

    "If no minimum bend radius is specified, one is usually safe in assuming a minimum long-term low-stress radius not less than 15 times the cable diameter. Beside mechanical destruction, another reason why one should avoid excessive bending of fiber-optic cables is to minimize microbending and macrobending losses."


  5. I have 3BB in Chiang Mai nearly 2 months. Using WiFi and testing speed through Ookla app on iPhone or iPad to AIS server in Bangkok consistantly over 30mb down and 3 up. if within 6 metres. Tried on my Mac upstairs and got much less. Moved wifi down stairs to directly under Mac upstairs now getting same results.

    Very happy so far.

    BTW does anyone know how tight a bend you can make in the optic fibre cable? After moving I need to clip it to skirting board and go around some beams.

  6. Their is no requirement for you to have the 800k baht in the bank for your wife to apply for the dependent extension.

    She will get an extension up to the date your current extension ends. Then apply for another extension when you do yours.

    I hope that is the case. Just need to convince immigration.

    I don't think you will have to convince immigration of anything. Perhaps your agent will need to be convinced.

    See clause 2.20 of Police Order 327/2557 basis for extension of stay. There is no mention of any financial requirements.

    All that is required is for you to have is a valid extension of stay which you do have until October. There is no requirement for you to keep the 800k in a bank to keep your extension valid ether.

    You maybe right. Agent is still saying they will ask for it even though I emailed her a copy of the clause you gave me the link to. BTW thanks very much for that.

  7. All you have to do is (if correspond to truth), obtain an affidavit from your embassy about your monthly income for the balance of 800,000 bath minus what has been in bank for three months.

    Example: if you had Bt 300,000 in bank for three months, monthly income must be at least (800 - 300) / 12 = 41,700 Bt.

    The funds in Thai bank is demonstrated with bankbook (in you name only), statement and letter from the same day or day before application.

    The income is demonstrated only with the affidavit at most six months old, although in rare cases immigration can ask for backup proof.

    Whatever money is "coming to you" doesn't matter for immigration purposes.

    This is a rare case for us. Bank balance actually went to nothing while waiting for Absolute to pay us money for the Time Share. So no real savings to show after October last year. Wife bought $aud10k back with her. Also there is not set monthly income only an email from Absolute stating the 6 payments. Don't know if embassy would give affidavit for that.

    BTW, what do you mean by"(if correspond to truth)"?

  8. Firstly I would like to apologise for another visa post but have done much searching and confused with the varying answers I read.

    My wife and I came to Chiang Mai nearly 20 months ago. After the initial 90 days on a Non O visa we obtained extensions to stay based on retirement for me and dependant for my wife.

    I renewed my retirement extension in October last year but due to illness in family my wife was back in Australia when hers expired.

    She obtained a new Non O in Australia and her 90 days expires 30th this month. We usually use an agent and was checking with them the other day for requirements and one was my bank account has to have 800k (3 months) for her to obtain a dependant extension.

    This is where the problem starts. I usually transfer around the 800k baht from my savings in Oz 3 months before my renewal date then we live off that until 3 months before next renewal. We have made extra purchases and account has dropped well below required. We have just sold a Fractional Time Share in Phuket for 1.7 million baht to be paid in equal instalments over six months the first being paid February. As we knew we we getting that i tied up my "spare" cash in Oz and don't want to access any due to tax and the low exchange rate. I will pay tax on any withdrawal from my superannuation until mid November when i turn 60.

    Our agent is saying that immigration will not count the 1.7 million coming to us over the 6 months as not real income.

    So I guess my questions are has any one had similar situation and what will our best option be? Maybe we have to do visa runs but know nothing about them.

    Thank in advance for any help.

  9. Next, as someone mentioned, is orientation and shading. In Brisbane Australia where ours was installed the perfect orientation was the panels facing due North at an incline of 27.5 degrees to the horizontal. I guess here in the northern hemisphere it would be due south but I don't know what inclination.

    That part is simple - if the panels are going to be solidly fixed/immovable, you install them at the same angle as your latitude - South facing in the Northern hemisphere, North facing in the Southern one.

    Ok, some thing new I learnt. Thanks.

    • Like 1
  10. The word on the street, if you'll pardon the expression, is that they are scouting out and buying businesses and land. Yes they are tourists, but tourists with an agenda.

    I've seen them on and off for over a year here in CM and the surrounding area.

    Seeing a lot more of them lately here. Like Australia where I came from. Buying everything up ready to take over. lol

  11. Hi All,

    Anybody know what the go is with the convoys of Chinese vehicles (I assume Chinese as they have Chinese looking number plates and are left hand drive) driving around Chiang Mai in convoys with their hazard lights flashing?

    Are they somebody important or just think they are. Not really the correct use hazard lights. Then again maybe they are a hazard.

  12. Are you sure that its not just groundwater that will quickly fill again? If not and you dont get any better offers then the guys that pump out septic tanks could probably do it. They charge around 500 - 800 baht to do a septic.

    Hi, thanks for that.

    We are just moving into the house and it was the water tank for the house. We did not like the look of the water (see another post of mine) so installed an above ground tank.

  13. Hi,

    Can any one help me pump out small underground water tank near Maya?

    I have just installed an above ground tank and want to get most of the water out of the underground tank. It is small diameter and only about 2 metres deep and is about half full. Should only take about 10 to 15 minutes depending on pump.

    I am located in a moo baan next to Think Park in Nimmarnhemin Road.

    I looked at pumps in HomePro and the smallest submersible is about 3300 baht.

    I can hire your services or your pump please.

  14. I cant see how a snake in the distribution panel cause damage to power points and wiring through out the building.

    I can see a voltage spike getting into the lines if the snake bridged the three phases and cause damage to electronics plugged in, but not damage the outlets, even in Thailand. I wonder if the wiring used an earth wire, or just used 2 wire or if there were earth leakage breakers installed.

    If the outlets have indeed been damaged, then thee is something seriously wrong with the wiring, then the building woud need to be stripped and rewired properly if thats even possible.

    Get out, and move some where safe.

    P.S. I am an Aero electrician, but I do know how house/building wiring works.


    An electrical circuit comes from the mains via the main switchboard through a fuse or circuit breaker. If something shorts in a circuit the fuse blows or the circuit breaker trips and does not affect any other circuit. If the circuit breaker was faulty and did not open, or the fuse too big, on a fault then that circuit could have burnt wiring, but again no other circuit. Electricity takes the shortest path. Even if the "snake" shorted the main switchboard of the building the damage would be restricted to that board and possibly the circuit supply in the board. Even if the "snake" shorted the three phases the resultant voltage would not be sufficient to damage circuits downstream of the short. Extremely high voltages (as compared to the standard domestic voltage) and currents would be needed to cause the type of damage you describe. This would more than likely come from the transformer supplying the building if it had an internal short.

    I have seen that type of damage on an 11000 volt switchboard with very high current capacity when a cat chased a mouse into the board. The bodies of both the mouse and the cat were found in the clean up. The board was severely damaged but other than the immediate wiring within the board not damage was done to the circuits further downstream.

    So in light of all that I can not really imagine how the damage happened unless from a very high voltage spike.

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