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Everything posted by smutcakes

  1. There is no requirement to approve the budget in the General meeting, unless its specifically been written into your condo regulations which would be over and above the Condo Act and unusual. Only financial approval required is approval of audited accounts from the previous year within 120 days of year end. (aside from CAM increases etc) If you have had an AGM then the only mechanism if you needed approval would be call an EGM within 15 days if quorum was not reached. If quorum was reached and the budget was not approved i would suggest set up a meeting with the naysayers and try and run through it and allay their concerns and take their comments on board... or placate them by letting them set up some kind of Sum Committee to assist the Committee.. Anything to shut them up.
  2. Hows your 38 target looking for your condo purchase? Still waiting?
  3. Not least because he died at the end of the 1st one.
  4. 7pm guy here... 7pm until 3am is my routine.
  5. Thought they had one at Terminal 21 as well. Maybe that one is still open.
  6. They closed down as B&J as its just not that popular outside the US when compared to other premium brands
  7. Perhaps the management are paying the electricity and water bills for Owners who are out of the country and are to lazy to make alternative plans to pay their monthly bills. Electricity should have nothing to do with the management it goes direct to the unit owners unless your Condo has not been registered properly. If you pay it yourself why would you give any electric money to the management. If the management are holding funds for Co-owners to pay their bills (which i think is completely wrong) then perhaps they are asking for owners to leave sufficient funds for 6 months if they are going to be away rather than them then having to try and make transfers from overseas and begging the management to advance them money. What has electricity got to do with management? Cannot understand that at all.
  8. Both pretty grim. Phuket has some nice quiet areas, as does areas around Pattaya. However Patong and central Pattaya are absolutely cess pits- full of the dregs of society from assorted countries.
  9. There have been times over the last 15 years when it is less, but over the past 8 years it has noticeably gone up... currently its awful.
  10. I think most of them dont want Thaksin daughter but can understand why they still have support. Overwelming feeling seems to be dismay and lack of real ability to do anything. Doubt corruption will be any better as they have built the rules to encourage coalitions (to prevent TS parties) which of cause we all know how they are put together. But those same people will go out of their way to be deferential to officials, waiing them when all the time these officials are stealing from them, so i dont hold out much hope.
  11. I work in the private sector with 1000 Thai and International staff, and part of my role is dealing on a daily basis with authorities, BOI and investors into Thailand. I speak to thai lawyers, thai colleagues and officials daily. All of them acknowledge that the corruption now is shocking through every single level.
  12. Why? Thaksin has not set foot in the country in 15 years and the corruption is worse now than ever... Are you sure they are the problem? Certainly seems not.
  13. I am sure Haagen Dazs is bigger commercially than BJ.. Outside of SanFran and Key West in the US & around the globe, Haagen Dazs is the 'Go To" premium high Butterfat brand other than a small subset of the population who for ideological reasons prefer BJ's.
  14. haagen Dazs all day over Ben & Jerry????
  15. No he wont. They will simply not let TS win unless he has come to an agreement with high ups. The only sane vote would be for Move Forward party. It probably wont be perfect but every other party is simply old style mafia politics... Thaksin, Chidchob (pure scum), Suthep all the grubby Thai Rak Thai politicians...
  16. Has there been a worse Police Chief than the current one.... its literally every single day corruption, exposure.... I mean who selected this useless pillock? Presumably he is also reaping heavy rewards
  17. Presumably it would not of been more than a 1-2 hours trip from anywhere in the country.... Questioning you is not trolling... its a message forum which relies on people engaging backwards and forwards. According to the reports the ship was listing for hours and hours before going down.
  18. No No No @ozimoron assures us that condition were far to severe for any rescue- winds far to high for any rescue by sea or by air... Also they dont have a 31 seater helicopter so even if it was calm there was no point trying to save them.
  19. I am not sure mate, I am not in the Thai Navy, but they seem to have enough money for Submarines, Air craft carrier, so certainly appears they have enough funds to have Rescue helicopters... For a country with 3000 km of coastline you would think it is right up there high on necessity, as would be modern life boats.... They were 20 miles offshore which is like Koh Toh, not 300 miles... Not sure they would have to pick up all 31 in one go, perhaps more than one helicopter could operate or they could drop them somewhere safe and return again after GPS marking their location... In fact you are probably right... better not to bother at all if you cannot find a helicopter with 31 seats...They would probably prefer to stay in the water rather than slum it on a floor of a helicopter for a 10 minute ride..
  20. Well according to the internet Rescue Helicopters can fly in up to 90 Kmph winds.... If you want to suggest that there were 90 Kmph Strong Gale Force winds in the gulf of Thailand that night- You can carry on... you and I both know its complete nonsense but feel free to continue to believe that.
  21. Its a shallow Gulf of Thailand, there was no hurricane, typhoon and its not the roaring forties... weather and Marine forecasts advised small vessels to stay ashore. A Thai Navy Frigate is not a small vessel and is specially built to handle heavy seas. All of the reports in the news indicate it was a moderately stormy weather and the pictures and video footage from the actual vessel show that,
  22. Not often, in extreme weather- by all accounts the weather by Global Standards was not extreme... it was stormy with 4m seas... that is not enough to sink an 80m Navy Boat or prevent rescue helicopters flying.
  23. Yes, as they should be, and when over the result disclosed.... Here we are still waiting for disclosure on the Red Bull panels which we were told would be fully disclosed... and that is not even national security... The Thai Military will just brush it all under the carpet as usual.
  24. You what? So Coastal rescue service helicopters are grounded at the times when they are most needed.... have a day off....
  25. Absolute nonsense. If a European country had a similar action there would be umpteen independent panels and courts to investigate it. The Navy leaving a door hatch open or poor maintenance would not be hidden under national security. Sure if it was a Trident Submarine there would be much more secretiveness, but not for a run of the mill navy boat sunk inexplicably in choppy water
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