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Everything posted by smutcakes

  1. Sorry mate its national security... an internal probe carried out by the RTN will perform a root and branch review leaving no stone unturned... but they cannot publish results due to national security so you will just have to trust them...
  2. I thought that was a seperate issue. You probably no more than me, am just an idle observer reading the news and seems a cock up from what i read but sure more nuanced than i know.
  3. So let me get this straight: The NBTC a government body lent 600 million to another Government body the SAT to help get the WC rights for all to see The SAT another government body accepted and also negotiated with corporate sponsors seemingly giving them exclusive rights to 32 matches completely contrary to the all to see regulation The NBTC were completely silent about this and never even raised it as an issue When the 1st match started it was clear that it was not free for all and TRUE had been given rights The public complained and the NBTC quickly trying to save face decided they had to do something Now they have demanded the money back and looks like hte two government tax payer funded entities will start wasting more taxpayers money in court So TRUE have effectively had the NBTC subsidize their bid for the best 32 matches- the public cannot see some of them, the money has gone, and the SAT dont have anything to pay back. They are all a complete bunch of incompetent morons who should be sacked and asked to pay the money back themselves. And lets not forget the President of the SAT is one Prawit Wongsuwan.
  4. Such a juvenile comment, made me laugh though ???? Put a smile on my face.
  5. Previously yes i believe he has come back in and out but suspect given how sensitive it is now i think even the family would think its just not worth the potential heat. Sure he is holed up somewhere nice near a quiet town he can have friends come and go.
  6. He has certainly not been seen at F1 events for a few years since it last kicked off.
  7. I am very much just a buy and forget about it for 5 years person. However when you talk about that interest it immediately alarms me... where are the interest payments coming from... for investments to produce a return they need to generate a return themselves. Where are polkadot generating income from to pay investors a 14% return? Or Kraken for that matter. Polka are probably many multiples down over the past year or so, so how can they being paying those returns. Something smells off to me. If something sounds to good to be true it normally is.
  8. I have a Nano Ledger to. But i dont speak about things like that to anyone. How would anyone know even know?
  9. Would prefer to keep it myself, what happens if your friend loses or deletes it. Surely its just far safer to do your crypto, keep quiet about it when things are going well or not, keep your crucial details somewhere safe like you would a title deed or passport.. surely its a bit of a stretch to think thieves are going to start robbing houses to steal hard wallets and keys.
  10. Fair play to them... not sure why it would annoy 'haters'. Seems they have made a bit of money, but hardly massive amounts. Dont know why if they had plenty of cash they would ever think its a good idea to do an article about it so everyone knows. Although i did note that they repeatedly insisted that their cold storage wallets are hidden ALL OVER the world, not in their pant draw in their house in Phuket.... Not exactly convenient if one of their holdings sky rocket and they need to fly to Holland to get their wallet.
  11. Both fairly disgusting nations.. not much between them... (I mean the leadership and certain policies/ideologies- rather than the ordinary citizen)
  12. well it is my business as i pay common fees, which pays for reception to handle the reception, not going up and down to deliver food to owners who are to lazy to come down.
  13. Would never even consider a condo which allowed delivery drivers from foodpanda to literally go inside the condo and deliver to the door.... In our condo they leave in the designated space in the lobby, and presumably the drivers phone when they arrive, or you can see on the app. One of my bug bears is able bodied owners who ask reception to then take it up to their doors because they are simply to lazy to do so. Elderly, pregnant, those looking after kids, yes i understand... but someone being purely to idle.... makes me angry... go and get it yourself you lazy <deleted>.
  14. Its been to 38 like once in 10 years, be prepared to wait another decade...
  15. Problem is he does not understand the language so he can only play with farangs.
  16. Would not bother trying to 2nd guess the exchange rate. If you both like the condo, location and you can find a price both you and the seller are happy with just get it done. The exchange rate might go up and might go down... 2nd guessing it or waiting for it to reach a certain amount just seems a waste of time. You like it, want to stay there-- the amount you save in one months rent essentially would account for any swing in exchange. Just get it bought.
  17. Who pays for all of the hotels? Do individual countries pay there own? Or is it the trusty Thai Taxpayer putting money into the pockets of the big families who own the hotels and the convention center?
  18. Very unusual for any condo in BKK to reach foreign owned quota.
  19. People who have PTDS and depression are weak minded and soft snowflakes according to the fat old retired whingebags on Thai Visa.
  20. Accroding to our Giddy up DVA assesor the assesors are wideily gullible morons.
  21. Trained Pschiatrists who have studied for years are now labelled by some bogan as on the whole gullible... lucky we have you here trained on what is and whats not to lay down the law.
  22. Have i given you stress? Old boy lol you thought you could handle it... what are you some kind of woke young one? Toughen up. PTSD allegedly only affects the younger generation who are trying to scrounge benefits according to the old boys on this topic.
  23. No. I am being faceitius.... on a thread with lots of old men looking down on younger people because they were not strong like the older generation. This topic is just pathetic..
  24. Lol pussy... could he not handle the front line?
  25. The landlord is entitled to the rent for the length of your contract.... that is what a contract is, unless it stipulates that you can leave without penalty or under what conditions. Why does the landlord have to jump to action to find a new tenant, that is completely up to them. If you leave early the landlord has absolutely zero obligation to find a new tenant or lease the property to anyone else. You contract with the landlord and what they choose to do with the unit if you leave are completely separate matters. Perhaps in some cases the landlord could get double rent if someone breached nearer the start of a year agreement, but they would still have the time, cost of releasing the property. Depends on the property market and demand for the property. Whether they manage to do it and get 'double rent' is completely immaterial to whether you are still contractually obligated to pay the rent for the remainder of the term.
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