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Posts posted by laobali

  1. Im referring to Thai elder helping Thai younger person.All clear so far from your replies, but what if the Guarantor gets into a cash flow prob too, and cant make the payments either after a while .All rather "iffy" to me , this borrowing business.coffee1.gif

    OP: I've been told if i act as Guarantor on Car Finance im stupid.!!.. If He cant pay so I will pay the monthly installments to Toyota but will never have any claim on the Vehicle, it remains in His name , he can keep it ,and I loose , is that correct.?..

    So you are a Thai elder?

    In any event, just say no (politely).

  2. What about our names for Thais. My name is Phil Ross. Above where I sit right now my wife Pim has put my name and moblie number 082...................... Few.

    Yep after 10 years I am not Phil but Few. Not only this but Ross has become Rocks. The house name on the gate is Few Rocks I kid you not.

    Surprised it isn't Few Locks but maybe that might encourage burglars! smile.png

    • Like 1
  3. I recently bought a MINIX Neo mini PC (£130 Amazon) with Win 8.1 included, and HDMI'd it to a 40" TV. Wireless keyboard/touchpad.

    Very impressed with both hardware and OS and it boots almost instantly.

    The tiles are meant for a touchscreen, but a normal desktop is there too. Still use Win 7 and XP on laptops. 8.1 seems a decent improvement; stable and faster.

  4. Twenty years ago, at the same age as you, I had similar ideas about leaving the UK for a new life in Thailand. I had little capital, but some self-employed business experience. I made it work within a few years, but it was a continuous struggle. You really need to think seriously about your future. At this stage, the visa is the least of your worries. Best of luck; you're sure going to need it – as well as the right partner! Don't burn your UK bridges as that would be your biggest mistake so far.

  5. And the problem is? In New Guinea they created a new language when they accepted Pidgin! In VN during the war if you didn't speak Vietglish you just didn't communicate as Vietnamese is more difficult to pronounce than Thai!

    It's pretty boring trying to speak perfect Thai when the locals don't even try! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

    Oh, so that's why they still don't understand you; your Thai is too perfect! wai.gif

  6. Can't help it........have to give one of my brilliant advices once more.

    OP, start eating and drinking less.

    It will be good for your health and also it will not hurt your pocket.

    That's OK.......the advice was free of charge......just for you.

    Costas, what would we do without you and your magic advice?coffee1.gif

    Have less to laugh about. He is a master of illusion self-delusion.

  7. Heart breaking story.

    There is still love in this cruel world of ours.

    May she Rests in Peace and the man keeps being healthy till he meets her again and be with her forever.

    Are you for real??

    A guy sleeping with a decomposed body for 10 months, and you call it love??

    Note to self: Never go to Greece looking for love!!

    And never be surprised by Costas' contributions smile.png

    • Like 2
  8. Headline is wrong and misleading... suggests that Thailand has the highest household debt in the world. No stats to support that. Instead, the article claims that household debt has increased the fastest in the world. That's possible, but what's the source report? Given such a politicised climate, we can't just accept something along the lines of "the Finance Minister says...". Also, growth rates can be misleading because they all depend on what your starting point is: going from 1% to 2% represents a 100% increase, while going from 50% to 75% represents only a 50% increase (though clearly the latter would be more concerning). p.s. I'm not disputing that HD is a serious problem (and an increasing one), but simply saying that I'd like to see the numbers.

    And what would you do with them?

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