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Posts posted by laobali

  1. You're beginning to see the light, but it's still heavily shaded. If she had told you the truth (really, you only have her version of things) mightn't you have walked away?

    If she told me "I have a bf in Germany, but I'm not sure about him" I'd still see the girl and approach the situation accordingly.

    She (Thai woman) doesn't think the same as you (farang). Apart from generalisations you are two individuals. There is no right answer.

  2. I suggest that the OP go out and about there are more places and things to see other than Soi Cowboy and walking street. You see if you hang at places with titty shows you get those type replies from the ladies there.

    Ha ha. I was waiting for one of these holier than thou posts. But I'm not talking about those kinds of girls, mate. If you haven't noticed this in TH- or you think it only exists among low class girls- then you're not in the game. Look at the DP25's post about the kindergarten teacher. Or ask one of your stand-up Thai female friends if they, or any of their friends, mislead foreigners about their relationship status.

    So true. I went out on a date with a girl recently who is a quality manager at an international company. She has a masters degree, owns a house and condo...blah blah blah.

    She asked me if I had a girlfriend and I said no because I don't. Asked her the same question and she said she was single and not only that not dating anyone else. She told me she wanted a serious relationship and I was honest and told her I am just dating at the moment. We still talked a little bit off and on and then one day she calls me and tells me she has a boyfriend in Germany that she has been with for years. He wants her to quit her job and move there. She did not want to do that so she broke up with him that day.

    So she expects me to be 100% committed to her and she can use me as a trial BF. I don't think so. It would have been so much easier if she just told the truth. I mean I had already told her that I was dating other girls so why would she not take that opportunity to tell me the same? And then to tell me after she broke up with him is even stranger.

    You're beginning to see the light, but it's still heavily shaded. If she had told you the truth (really, you only have her version of things) mightn't you have walked away?

  3. You're the kind of expat or tourist who never assimilate and understand the culture and the people of the places you are visiting. Judging by your comparison with Thailand and it's ASEAN neighbours, you immediately conclude what that country and it's peope is like without delving into their culture and living capacity. You're a perfect example of a cheap sex tourist who's only main goal in coming to a South East Asian nation is BOOZE, SEX, and WOMEN!!

    He hasn't tried to pretend otherwise and if he's a single farang and not an avid outdoors type, then there's not much else to be concerned with; like the many thousands of others who visit and enjoy Thailand. And he won't worry about politics or law and order until it affects him personally. Then his opinion might change ... But that would go for the other Asean countries too.

  4. You really have to wonder about some of these people. One, trying to make hay from a crisis in west Africa. Two, being , so massively ignorant as to imagine that anyone would avoid travel to three massive continents because of an epidemic in Liberia.

    Cretinous is the adjective that springs to mind. You have to question on what basis these people get and keep their jobs.

    Probably have to buy them, much like the rest of the employment industry in Thailand..

    • Like 1
  5. Depending upon your degrees North above the Equator at your location, wouldn't you get more Sun facing on the Southern side of house?

    (p.s.wifey always says West Front is worst for the god house. She won't now stay in one of our houses facing the West at front)

    West is worst for heat. The afternoon sun is hottest and beats down until it sets. South facing gets more in the Northern Hemisphere. I would suggest (for living room and bedroom) between North and NE facing for the least amount of direct sunlight but efficient roof insulation and ventilation will probably help more as will double glazing.
  6. You would think it would be a major priority for the City of Pattaya and it's leaders to resolve these constant flooding issues in the city????

    there's only patchwork possible but not a solution. of course levelling 70% of Pattaya and grade a slope from Sukhumvit to the sea would provide a solution... albeit a very expensive one.

    Some would suggest 100%.

  7. What would a chain store in your home country do?

    I guess they would close down.

    And if it only be that the theft alarm does not work.

    Most stores have little daylight.

    A dark crowded 7/11 shop, a shoplifters paradise.

    All such highly engineered businesses are completely dependent on power.

    No power, no IT, no business!

    There are doomsday scenarios which say that the civilized world would break into chaos after a few days without power.

    Absolutely clear to me that they close.

    An automatic standby generator would take care of the problem, but relatively expensive and probably not worth the investment for the occasional power out.

  8. What depends on what?

    Sorry if it didn't make sense. I meant, assuming they would need the services of interpreters/translators, the outcome could depend on who and how 'independent' these people were; I'd be happier if they were Thai speakers based outside Thailand and unaffected by nationality issues, that's all.

    Sounds like you think the British Police are pretty thick and really don't know how to do anything constructive other than say "ello ello, nice day in'it "

    Not at all. Just don't trust Thai authorities. Wonder why.

  9. the difference is the british police do there job don't take tea money ,wish i had to pay 200 bt every time i got stopped for speeding in the UK ,

    Even Prince Charles was fined for speeding!

    No way! That is a totally screwed up system if the future king is given a speeding fine.

    Why? No-one should be above the law, what's so special about Prince Charles?

    You couldn't even contemplate making such a statement in public in Thailand.

  10. With the language differences it will be tough for the Britcops to get to the truth....unless of course the Britcops picked to come speak and read Thai!

    Have you never heard of translators/interpreters?

    Depends which side they are loyal to and who picks them.

    What depends on what?

    Sorry if it didn't make sense. I meant, assuming they would need the services of interpreters/translators, the outcome could depend on who and how 'independent' these people were; I'd be happier if they were Thai speakers based outside Thailand and unaffected by nationality issues, that's all.

  11. With the language differences it will be tough for the Britcops to get to the truth....unless of course the Britcops picked to come speak and read Thai!

    Have you never heard of translators/interpreters?

    Depends which side they are loyal to and who picks them.

  12. Clearly,

    his hand has been forced

    Let's not judge him, he simply may not know what is really going on

    it wouldnt be the first time the guy at the top was screwed over by underlings

    et tu Brute?

    I agree with this. The general may be placing too much trust in his countrymen & police force thro his own personal nationally controlled ideas. Don't forget that he is also a victim of this system.

    I won't completely discount the possibility that he has been naive and overly trusting about things. But this also the same person who has been 'campaigning' against corruption and everything else that he thinks might conceivably damage the country. That there is corruption in the RTP is known to every Thai over the age of 10. So it's hard to understand why he would expect this case to be different, especially if so-called 'influential persons' are really involved (as per rumours from the very start). At the very least, he could have sent some of his own people down at the first sign of 'trouble' to keep an eye on things--take a national perspective, if you will--to make sure this doesn't go off the rails. [And yes, murders happen every day, but once this one took off in the media, it was time to put the whole thing under the microscope].

    What gets the public eye might be totally different than what is really going on, especially in Thailand. It doesn't take much research to find the names of those chummy with each other. Check out this article in The Diplomat website:


    Interesting article, especially the final paragraphst:

    The filthy politics à la [ ] is also indicative of an anxiety hidden in the mind of the army and its supporters in the [ ]. Undoubtedly, the 22 May coup was not meant to tackle the so-called corruption problem, since the coup makers themselves are not free from corrupt practices. But the coup was staged in order to ensure that representatives of the [ ] would be able to take control of politics at the critical [ ] transition. The stakes are too high to allow Thaksin proxies to be in charge at this point in time. Thus, they had to be eliminated. Corruption just happened to be the perfect excuse to legitimize the decision to topple the Thaksin-backed regime.

    But the case of [ ] exposed the fact that military and political officials are equally sullied in corruption in Thailand. The only difference is that under military rule, requests for transparency and good governance often fall on deft ears.

    Maybe he meant deaf ears, but I have seen some that can waggle theirs.

    Deft: Skilful in physical movements; especially of the hands

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