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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. 1 hour ago, Autonuaq said:

    underground can become even a more worse nightmare because the trenches and cable move and popup at unexpected places. moved by the soil. The soft soil in many areas make it worse.


    Underground looks nice and even with a good administration and discipline cable and pipes move due the nature of soil/Some stay a the place others move around as seen many areas around the world experiencei.

    besides the well-known fact that there are contractors who not always put the cable on the specified depth to save money. 

    and also not forget the force of nature in the soil  make that things are not on the expected depths come up or are pulled down. Even in Ubam areas many times the cables and pipes are not there where they supposed to be to the plan, they just moved. Of course one probably can come up with some very expensive solutions to fix all to each other not expect that happen due to the high costs involved .  


    There is a lot learn for the Thai as well in the future with the removal of the cable when they are not needed anymore,

    The current system has advantages as well disadvantages, The under the ground version has advantages and disadvantages. conversion from one to the other is there are several ways to do it. The most straight forward is build the new one connect and then remove the old one clear the area.



    Oh dear, perhaps you believe, for some very strange reason, that Thailand is unique, I have news, it isn't. If the soil moved, as much as you propose, the nothi g would be safe... roads, bridges, biuldinds, railways, water pipes etc... time to understand, other countries bury their infrastructure, Thailand is NOT unique.

  2. 1 hour ago, joepattaya1961 said:


    Rorri, if they treat the "above-the-ground" system as if it was underground there won't be a problem. 

    I mean, will they dig up the underground-system every time they need to add a cable or will they have some kind of way to use the existing cables?

    It's just a matter of laziness of the provider engineers: putting up a new cable is far more easy than finding a non-used cable. 

    The idea is to provide for future capacity, eg if currently have 500 customer, put a 1000 pair capcity in. If installed in conduit another cable can be hauled in.

  3. 1 hour ago, The stuttering parrot said:

    The courts showing these types of lenient sentences to the Hiso society should realise that it only causes further divisions in society where the poorer people would have copped the full brunt of the law. 

    I would have liked to have said that her punishment would be that she has to live with this the rest of her life but this little spoilt brat has thumbed her nose at the courts has shown no remorse and doesn't give a sh.t and the victims or the families.

    The guillotine took care of this, in France, a long time ago.

  4. 1 hour ago, TimTang said:





    With one of these (used in Singapore) it would take 2 hours to do the trip one-way. It cruises at 28 knots or 53 km/hr. It's hardly scary and is usually a very smooth ride. I've traveled back and forth from Singapore to Batam many times. The problem is, would there be the market to justify the purchase one or more of these.

    In my comment I specifically said Thai ferries, as per the op photo, not those in Singapore, or anywhere else, at least at this stage, assume any other type of craft, or the capabilities of the crew.

  5. 12 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    Like leaving food out all day and then having it for supper, like chopping up a chicken on a cutting board and then using the same board yet unwashed to cut up fruit.

    It's not that long ago that western countries did the same thing, and guess what, we survived, our gut culture, hope you understand biology, was much better. How many thais suffer from food poisoning, out of 65million people, not many.

  6. 9 hours ago, Thian said:


    And you better go home! Seems to me you have never heard about thai etiquette.



    Is that all you say... mmm seems very limited intelligence. Soles are seen everywhere, even, as I said, at temples. It is the deliberate pointing that offends. Do this, go to a temple, sit at the rear, and see if you see if don't see soles, go to a thai house, at meal times, and I guarantee you will see soles. 


    AS for your "go home" comment... childish.... VERY childish

  7. Two things stand out, the op has a sole fetish and has no hands, to point with.

    A suggestion, do not go to a temple, you will see hundreds of soles... oh wait, your fetish will be satisfied.


    Another thing, grow up, even Buddha  had soles, in fact on some statues the soles can be seen.

    This foot thing, except in temples, is purely thai, and comes from feet being dirty, usully from working outside, as for thais crossing legs, when sitting on chairs, this is comfortable  for them, many do not eat at tables, but sit cross legged on the floor.

    Op, you need to eat at home.

  8. 6 hours ago, sujoop said:

    One 'small' point many of the usual pro-red/Thaksin/mayhem crowd are overlooking about the detainees: ''conspiring in armed struggle against the state, an allegation denied by leaders of the Redshirt movement.' Seen this movie before in 2010, it did not end well.

    For those pining for a double-down of 2010 etc, you'll probably get your wish if history repeats. Directly after confiscating 46 billion of Thaksin's ill gotten gains in 2010 unrest really kicked off. Now, coffers facing massively higher 286 billion confiscation over rice scheme:



    Read the whole paragraph, you missed the important bit "The defendants, who are mostly Redshirt supporters in their 60s, stand accused of belonging to a clandestine network " notice, no mention of being guilty, only being accused, this means anyone could be "accused" as no evidence is required.

  9. 3 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    You're assuming he has done something criminal. Reports in the media suggest he was in no way linked to the bombing and nobody knows why the police picked him up. There has never been any scrap of evidence presented for his arrest.

    They arrested him, for arson, and the bright cops announced he was a suspect, in the bombings, so it appears he is let off the arson charge.

  10. 2 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    You're assuming he has done something criminal. Reports in the media suggest he was in no way linked to the bombing and nobody knows why the police picked him up. There has never been any scrap of evidence presented for his arrest.

    They arrested, for arson, and the bright cops announced he was a suspect, in the bombings, so it appears he is let off the arson charge.

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