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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. 6 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

    >What concerns me is she collapsed, in hospital, and yet she suffered a lack of oxygen for 11 minutes, what were the doctors doing, or not doing<.


    Being  ambulanced to a hospital  due to a debilitative  condition presented initially  for a sore throat  and then suddenly  multiple  siezures.. ( heart or  epileptic ? ) emergency action which  may have included  CPR initially  and/ or defibrillation following heart arrest could  easily be beyond the threshold of oxygen depletion of the  brain and not due to any lack of  effort by  medical staff.

    The initial symptoms may be caused by  any number of sources including exposure before travel, during, or after arrival in Thailand.

    Speculation is  void considering there is  no  specific detail as  to cause.

    All that can or should be expressed is  some sympathy  for the  husband .


    Even simple first aid teaches heart massage and mouth to mouth resusitation, how on earth can this fail in a hospital, if a heart stops there are actions to be taken, you comment is rubbish. Geez 11 minutes without oxygen, in a hospital, stay away from this hospital.


    Siezure def: a sudden attack of illness, especially a stroke or an epileptic fit.

    Notice no heart mentioned.

    Stroke def: A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted or severely reduced, depriving brain tissue of oxygen and nutrients. Within minutes, brain cells begin to die. A stroke is a medical emergency.

  2. 44 minutes ago, Catoni said:

    "... her heart stopped, starving her brain of oxygen for eleven minutes."


    The brain can survive for up to about six minutes after the heart stops. The reason to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is that if CPR is started within six minutes of cardiac arrest, the brain may survive the lack of oxygen. After about six minutes without CPR, however, the brain begins to die.


           If her brain was indeed starved of oxygen for eleven minutes, as stated in the report, then the prognosis is very grim.  


       She may be little more than an alive body, with no mind left... like a house.... with nobody home.


       What they used to call a "vegetable".   Brain dead.   Very sad...  

    What concerns me is she collapsed, in hospital, and yet she suffered a lack of oxygen for 11 minutes, what were the doctors doing, or not doing.

  3. 27 minutes ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    As noted by others there was a period in which 3 choppers went down. At that stage only 40 of the 80 choppers was airworthy as there was not enough money to fix and maintain the others. It would have cost +- B 10 bn to get them in the air again. Yet they have bought new Grippen fighters and will be buying submarines. The priorities of the military is just so skew and their management of their budget is suspect to say the least.

    Similar thing happened to the aircraft, for the aircraft carrier, and they want submarines.


  4. 10 hours ago, Thian said:


    I don't care if it's a he or a she was hiding for the police and what he or she did. 


    Fact is that the police ordered her to do something which she refused. He was investigating something and on duty.


    I don't see what he did wrong, he was still polite and shouldn't start such long discussions. If he has no right to arrest in a shop then he should leave and tell his boss about it. 

    If he has the right to arrest then just do it, don't let a lady stop you.

    Your attitude is as bad as the cop's, no wonder you support him. If he detailed why he needed to speak to someone, and was refused he should have contacted his superior, NOT get into an argument, this is where he lost it, the manager remained calm, we see male attitude far too much, as they are brought up as spoilt little brats.

  5. 3 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    You aren't a baby in a pram, no government can protect you from terrorist attacks or road accidents or robbery or a heart attack, it's called living in this world,get used to it

    True, but many countries have foiled "attacks" before they have happened, something Thailand is usually incapable of doing, they simply do not have the intelligence gathering abilities.

  6. 1 hour ago, Thian said:

    So mummy protected her son who drove motocy without helmet?


    Who knows what else her son did? 


    Finally we have a persistent policeman who does his job, let him come to BKK please.:thumbsup:

    Um, where does it say the the person is a boy, or where does it say the person was her son, geez, why do some people just make things up, so they can say something, personally, I think she was hiding one of the bombers, but hey, I could be wrong, but at least it's a better story than  yours.

  7. 14 hours ago, robblok said:

    I agree with the other poster that your ignorant.


    To condemn all males of an entire nation because  of news articles. I read quite a few about American shootings and I don't think all Americans are mass murderers. I have read some bad things about Brits too, and a lot of drug use among Dutch. Now to generalize like you do is just ignorant. 


    To take movies/  tv series  as an example so funny, I wonder what you think about all the action and Western made horror movies :cheesy:



    Honestly, I believe most readers are mature enough to understand that in context it is taken as many/most, but not all, along the same lines as thai drivers being piss poor, we know there must be some good drivers, it's just so hard to find them. Time to grow up kiddies.

  8. 16 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


    I weigh about 100-kilos and I respectfully disagree with you.


    If there is a railing and if that railing does not fail then it is not a matter of simply "shoving"...it requires an upward force to get the center of gravity "over" the railing.


    Although I am not amazed by anything at this stage of my life, I am often surprised how few people actually understand even the basics of physics. 




    The taller you are the easier it is to topple over, also you need  to take into account the height of the barrier, and in Thailand many barriers, as already pointed out, are too low. Your weight means little, think of levers and fulcrums. Physics, ya gotta love it.

  9. 5 hours ago, SABloke said:


    Ummm, do you know how effective police forces work? They patrol, they're visible, they enforce rules and regulations. These actions desuade people from committing crimes...duh. Do you think you're more likely to get attacked on a corner standing next to 2 policemen or one without?:coffee1:

    Funny you should say that, not long ago a cops friend was selling drugs behind the police box, at the end of soi bangla, then notifing his cop mates, who apprehended the buyer, they then extorted funds from the buyer, so, anything is possible.

  10. 5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


    This is interesting. If this is verified to be the reporting practice then it does provide a very real incentive to call everything a suicide. 


    Although it still would not explain why tourists would be shoved from balconies as some on TVF like to think. I just don't buy into suggestions that 40-kilo Thai women are secretly killing farangs.


    Regardless, Thailand does not need Australian visitors any longer--they are now attracting very high quality Arab & Chinese. 


    Never ceases to amaze me how some of you think. It doesn't matter what the other persons body weight is, if the deceased person is leaning on the balcony,  a quick shove, from anyone will send them over the edge.

  11. 1 hour ago, kingstonkid said:

    I think most countries ban alcohol on election days until polls close.


    I agree that the night before is a little strange closing at midnight might have sufficed

    Really, mmm, I like to see your proof, I know of many that don't ban it, Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Germany, Norway, just to name a few, maybe you mean a "few."

  12. 3 minutes ago, geisha said:

    Are shisha pipes illegal or not ? I'm sure I've seen quite a few bars in certain areas openly having them !

    Actually, there is no "law" banning them, it's like so many "laws" just made up by local police, and any other number of officials, the problem is, no one will  tell them they don't have the authority to make up Laws, these need to be passed by government decree.


    However, there are "laws" banning smoking from certain areas, but as usual, these are enforced only "selectively".

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