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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. The rubber problem in the South is genuine, and the government thus far has all but ignored it. This MP was right to demand action. The irony is, by being tossed out of parliament, the speaker has thrown a spotlight on the issue they were all trying to avoid.

    What is genuine is that the Democrats have incited and supported the southern rubber protestors.

    I find it odd that the very same people who have criticized the government's rice pledging scheme, want the government to offer subsidies to rubber farmers on a basis that exceeds the subsidy rate per rice farmer. The Southern rubber growers are not a vital component of the Thai export economy as are Thai rice growers. If one disapproves of the rice pledging scheme, how can one then support the demands for a handout to the rubber growers?

    Subsidies should only ever be a short term solution, and in a healthy competitive market they can be. Thailand’s economy is neither healthy nor competitive, at least for those at the bottom of the food chain.

    The subsidies can be considered a way for those in power to buy on a continual basis. They are not a way to pull the farmers up and make them better off in the long term. Doing this would only make them more independent and less likely to follow the wishes of those who seek to manipulate them.

    In summary, subsidies are not a solution, just another tool used by those in power to perpetuate that power. Anyone who thinks that the rich and powerful of this country actually care about the less fortunate are deluding themselves.

  2. Political correctness (the western hybrid type) strikes again. Nothing wrong with the ad. Some ethnic Chinese or a farang woman saw it and took a pic.

    Ban all whitening creams, too. It is insensitive to black folk.

    Agreed. There is nothing wrong with the ad. The message it was conveying was in no way demeaning.

    The marketing of whitening products on the other hand..... not only is it insensitive, but also potentially dangerous. But does anyone care? No, because there are vast amounts of money to be made.

  3. Any one knows where these resorts are on Koh Somet? I dont recognize their names

    I've never heard of any of them either. I am guessing they are smaller resorts inland (makes sense geographically if they are encroaching).

    Muk Samet (bungalows) is on Noi Naa Beach at the north end of the island, as is Ploy Samet (restaurant). These are probably owned by the same clan, as Muk means 'pearl' and Ploy means 'gem'. Both of them seem to be on the water, literally. Both of them say they are 'closed for refurbishment'.
    Unseen Samet is in the same area, and seems to be located on stilts quite far out in the sea. (hence 'unseen').
    It is quite possible all 3 have the same clan as owners.

    Well that is interesting. Because the National Park entrance is further south. I always assumed it didn't stretch to the top of the island for that reason.

  4. What may I ask is a "fit-flop"? Some new work out thong sandal of sorts maybe?laugh.png

    Yes, actually. They are a type of sandal, jandal, flip-flop, thong or whatever you call them, that are designed to give the leg muscles a work out when you walk. They have been a round a few years, becoming very popular in Thailand around 2 years ago. The range has expanded since then to include a wider range of footware, including models for men.

    Central carry them if you are interested.

  5. I fly Thai, simply because I like to fly direct. There planes are new (777 ER200S if I remember correctly) compared to some of the clunkers on the Euro routes. Only issue would be that the planes tend to get a bit warm and there are no individual air-blowers. Unusual as Thai’s usually go for over-chill.

    I’ve brought 3 different girls to NZ over the years. All had office jobs and came from financially stable backgrounds. Visas were never an issue.

    I’m an outdoors sort of guy, and like friends and companions to be the same. So always recommend a good jumper and a waterproof jacket or raincoat. If I need extra, just borrow from family.

    Food has never been an issue. Only ever went for a few weeks and they seemed to love NZ food…. especially seafood and the Farmer’s markets.

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