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Everything posted by arick

  1. Maybe closed up and orifices to stop key from coming out.
  2. Exactly nothing to do with covid! Schools have all gone back so Iyou got all school bugs and mosquitoes are extremely high this year. Can I ask where all you sick people are from so I can avoid your area for a while.
  3. I have a couple you can just take them out of my bedroom cuz they're getting collecting dust
  4. I don't know anybody that's physically ill with scratchy throat but I do realize there's a lot of sick people on here every morning when I wake up at 6:00 a.m.
  5. Waiting for a surge. Well it open happen during a penial pause. Will it. There is still only 14% of Chinese airlines flying.
  6. And the squash and mangoes and bananas grow on the trees outside my house I don't have to worry about getting any of that stuff it's all for free and I guess if I go fishing in my pond that's for free if I want to cut up my horse I guess I could have free meat too
  7. Last time I checked the prices in macro Topps lotus are exactly the same all around the country. However in the countryside we don't have to spend money on gas and tickets going to the supermarket cuz the trucks come to your house and you just have to walk out and purchase it yourself so you're saving money on petrol. And to order street food is like 30 30 baht to 40 baht. And you're not tempted to go and buy junk food from the McDonald's or pizza or restaurants
  8. Do I need to say more has anybody looked to the news today who the hell has just left the move forward party
  9. Many studies were conducted around 2013-2014 samples if street food taken in central bkk. Showed bacteria salmonella etc were found in the stocks of the vegetables because the vegetables aren't thoroughly cooked they stir fry the meat first and then just add in the vegetables at the last and they're not fully cooked so all the samples taken most of them all the bacteria and salmonella were found in the vegetables not in the meat
  10. Yes he is better off take your money and leave the country find a nice partner
  11. Most bacteria is not found in meat it's found in recooked vegetables on the street food in Thailand for example the bacteria is not fully in cooked in the middle of the stalk of the vegetable
  12. Frog is eaten raw. But frogs don't have the parasites because they don't eat snail or fish.
  13. Lots of Ph medical students have wrote medical journals on this at KKU interesting reads .
  14. Apparently the flux can be so big it causes blockages after you take deworming pills. ''Albemed''. There are different deworming anti- parasitic medicines depending what province you live in parasites can differ between areas and provinces.
  15. All the Isan doctors know what to take there are also signs and brochures warning everybody
  16. Hire an agent to give him the money take lots of pictures of the money exchanging hands then give the money back to the agent easy just like they do at the big temples when pretending to give money to the monks
  17. Old news. The doctors in kk cut out their livers to make money research shows that having livers removed doesn't increased life expectancies. But what is interesting is that endocrinetumors in Kk are only around 4-6 per year.
  18. How old is your wife.. what is natural about some ugly old guy married to a teenager.
  19. That doesn't mean anything in Thailand that's why there not running the show.
  20. Yes it is harder to get laid in Chiang Mai and they look more Chinese
  21. Just get dentures ora huge bridge you will be dead before the implants set
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