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Everything posted by arick

  1. He might be sorry a bit for letting his daughter wear high heels to the buffalo farm in Isan
  2. And delete a couple of hundred adverts as you're trying to read one thread
  3. I think he just committed suicide from watching all these ridiculous pornographic adverts on this site
  4. Something's dodgy singaporeans are used to living in high rises surely they know what to do on the fourth floor
  5. It's the worst website and forum in the world there must be 100 adverts every time you pull up the app so many adverts you can't even see the content and connect can't even read anything
  6. arick

    Where is the rain!

    You always get rain along the order but it stop before Khon kaen
  7. Could of just walked through the mall a couple of years ago and seen hell.
  8. Antihistamine 25mg or fly to Vietnam you can get anything. If you can't handle jetlag from the UK 7 hours difference I would hate to see you do west coast america to here.
  9. arick

    Where is the rain!

    They should of let Pita be PM then could of blamed him for the drought.
  10. arick

    Where is the rain!

    Nothing north of Bangkok though
  11. Time to leave this country definitely it's time to start running get your wife your permanent residency visa for your country and get the hell out of here what a waste of breath to live in Thailand
  12. Mosquitoes don't come with the territory they come with the climate nothing to do with the territory I haven't had mosquitoes in my house for 10 years and this year I've been bitten three times it's the first time I've been bitten by mosquitoes in 8 years living in Thailand they don't come with the territory it's coming with climate change right yes
  13. I don't know where you live but no rain here. Unless you think a spit from a cloud is rain.. we need rain that make my pool over flow in an hour. We are going to have the biggest drought bigger then 1997.
  14. All these small money are published. But the big money and swindled isn't. Watch a big case on the 25th next week. 6 Thais will face there wrath for stealing over 100 million USD Chiang Mai pieces of <deleted>
  15. The bottom line don't migrate to Thailand or retire in Thailand there's a lot of other countries to go to instead of this country this country is just screwed up don't come to Thailand do you not invest in Thailand don't bring your money to Thailand don't buy condos in Thailand don't buy houses in Thailand don't get a partner in Thailand just stay away from this country that's my recommendation
  16. arick

    Where is the rain!

    We haven't had rain for a month just a few drops do you believe it's going to rain this weekend Saturday and Sunday that's what the forecast on my app says but do you believe it or is it just going to sprinkle cuz the rivers are dry the grass is dry I can go out and burn grass it's so dry if you don't get rain we're going to be very screwed next year.
  17. I agree friends of mine that have got dengue fever had a horrible experience thank God it's not knowing up in the north of Thailand touchwood because there's with all this dry spell there's loads of mosquitoes up here for some reason because we haven't had rain for 3-4 weeks
  18. I'm locking down my ass but I'm putting the aspirin in the safe
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