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Everything posted by arick

  1. It's amazing all these people on this stupid site all live in pattya the most ugliest city in the world and I have no idea why anybody would even want to live there excuse me for my friends but yes my one friend lives there but he lives on the North side so he lives in the more better place but I have no idea why the rest of you live there has really nasty horrible ugly people there's so all the other place any any place other than patia in Thailand is way better than where you live I don't know why you guys live there and I don't even know why you're on you're so desperate your commenting on this stupid website
  2. Idealic is not 90% humidity and 33 C you should be up North with me ideally is 27 in your house and 80% humidity if you're lucky
  3. This Messenger on this app he probably doesn't even know what the DSi is it's probably renting some condo in the middle of patia by a sex worker
  4. Well maybe you can have a meeting with the 800 victims or 3000 victims that have lost over 6 billion bat why don't you go over to the DSi and tell them you're two cents worth
  5. Yes we are in a drought especially North Central but yet lot of people on this website will want to argue with you and say it can't be possible and blah blah blah and then I don't even know if they've lived here for over 11 years.
  6. It's been in the news property fraud money money laundering computer criminal offenses using the computer act the list goes on about 20 charges against six different people and that's just one company there's several other companies that are being under investigation by the DSI I know other foreign investors that have lost over a million USD in many different projects it's quite rampant in Thailand.
  7. Sixth month ago is six months but unfortunately you don't know exactly what it looks like today do you.? it is the height of rainy season. In 11 years I have never seen it look inviting in October.
  8. The beach will look like a toilet before you flushed.
  9. You have to have a business class ticket to use it or be screwing and immigration officer
  10. I haven't been that bad. Just burning sugar cane. But everybody loses money on property anything that you buy in this country you will end up losing especially condos once you buy a condo you'll never be able to resell it again and make money off of it
  11. Do not come to Thailand the whole country is corrupt any money that you bring into Thailand anything that you buy or do anything you're going to lose it so the only thing I would recommend if you really want to come to Thailand is just rent a house or rent something small for not more than $10,000 a month and check it out for 5 years because after 5 years it all fades away Thailand is one of the most ugliest countries in the world.
  12. One of my mistakes in life I should have moved to Australia instead of coming here when I was 42 years old I said it coming to f****** Thailand I should have just moved to Australia but now I don't have that option I could have sold my house in central London not not lost 10 million bad and I could have been nicely settled in Australia but instead you come to Thailand they corrupt all your money away and you lose everything and you're screwed for the rest of your life
  13. It will take about 1 ft and a half of paperwork in height and many many trips back and forth and back and forth unless the mai tai Jim is ready with all the documents I don't think you'll get a work permit for them or I mean a Visa a Visa will probably be harder to get
  14. The zoconrium crowns are 3000 baht pee crown not $3000
  15. The only crown that's worth getting his is zirconium crown around 3000 baht per unit they are usually made in Chiang Mai and take a few days .
  16. Don't !! And don't move your in a much more beautiful place
  17. Why is it contraband? Because it doesn't have a colour number? Exotic flavors everything in Thailand is exotic because it's not from the West even their money is exotic.
  18. He hasn't seen that in the last quarter 271 Chinese banks have defaulted including the Bank if China .
  19. I don't know how old you are but it hasn't been called VD since the 70s. It's called STI's. With my expensive I had more STI's from the UK and North America. I think only once here in 11 years. Nothing that 6 little pills can't fixed. If your scared a disease like HIV that us why there are condems in every shop if you see a girl walking funny that could be a sign of syphilis so don't go with that one pick a different one.
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