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Everything posted by arick

  1. Yes he is better off take your money and leave the country find a nice partner
  2. Most bacteria is not found in meat it's found in recooked vegetables on the street food in Thailand for example the bacteria is not fully in cooked in the middle of the stalk of the vegetable
  3. Frog is eaten raw. But frogs don't have the parasites because they don't eat snail or fish.
  4. Lots of Ph medical students have wrote medical journals on this at KKU interesting reads .
  5. Apparently the flux can be so big it causes blockages after you take deworming pills. ''Albemed''. There are different deworming anti- parasitic medicines depending what province you live in parasites can differ between areas and provinces.
  6. All the Isan doctors know what to take there are also signs and brochures warning everybody
  7. Hire an agent to give him the money take lots of pictures of the money exchanging hands then give the money back to the agent easy just like they do at the big temples when pretending to give money to the monks
  8. Old news. The doctors in kk cut out their livers to make money research shows that having livers removed doesn't increased life expectancies. But what is interesting is that endocrinetumors in Kk are only around 4-6 per year.
  9. How old is your wife.. what is natural about some ugly old guy married to a teenager.
  10. That doesn't mean anything in Thailand that's why there not running the show.
  11. Yes it is harder to get laid in Chiang Mai and they look more Chinese
  12. Just get dentures ora huge bridge you will be dead before the implants set
  13. Have you checked what party is running the country l it sure it's not the move forward party.
  14. Maybe they're telling you also that you need to be married to a Thai person
  15. A yellow book is pointless pointlessly useless anyway so why are you even bothering getting a yellow book just use your driving license or your passport
  16. You Ban office has no idea what they are doing. Under the law you do not need a translation and a certified copy of your passport for God's sake they have a stamp from their own immigration of the country of Thailand in your passport already so why would you need a certified copy of your own passport when you already have a stamp from the officials of Thailand in your passport!
  17. You don't need your passport certified to get a yellow book
  18. It's easy any drugs that you're not sure that they have in Thailand just walk into the closest pharmacy and they have the national database and they can look it up on the computer that's what I did at Bangkok Hospital in Khon kaen they said the computer says no.
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