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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. as stupid and selfish as that tw-at palin..and i thought us brits were bottom of the food chain when it comes to politicions....oh well you live and learn...there are more than 2 parties to vote for you know....or do ya..thumbsup.gif

    In America - any party other than Democrat or Republican finds in extremely difficult to even be allowed on the voting ballot. The rules are constructed to keep third parties off the ballot - it is a very big hurdle to jump ...

    As a non-American I would like to ask do Americans believe it was the founding fathers intention that the chance for someone to become a future US President would depend on whether they were member of a particular family dynasty?giggle.gif

    Jefferson, Franklin, Washington and Madison, founding fathers were also adamant that no religion should ever be part of, or influence the government of the United States.

    Look at what the republican religious right is doing to the government now with their christian country porpaganda!

    The old guys are all rolling over in their graves now!

  2. *Deleted post removed*


    Funny, I recall Obama being elected ( by popular vote, not the supreme court) two times!

    Recent polls show him to be very popular now.

    Something to do with a better economy and a popular successful health care program.

    Restoring an economy devastated by the previous greedy administration can make people like you!

    Clinton would do well to be as popular as Barry is now!

    By the way..isn't making fun of her thighs a little childish?

    You like the thighs on Jeb Bush, and Cruz, and Walker??/

    Be careful..the GOP is homophobic!cheesy.gif

  3. Since FDR, it has only happened one time that any party has won the office of President for more than two consecutive terms.

    The one time was George H.W. Bush, who failed to win a second term ( another rarity )

    It just doesn't happen.

    She is the Democratic candidate.

    The GOP has nobody to offer who isn't a very bad joke.

    Added to the fact that the country/ world has not yet forgiven the GOP for the catastrophes created by the Cheney administration.

    This could be the second time since FDR that a party wins the office for three consecutive terms!

    Since your viewpoint is only shared by less than 20 percent of the American electorate... the coming Presidential has a great chance of becoming a Republican win... It wouldn't matter who the Republicans ran for President - you would label them all a bad joke because you have a totally opposite political agenda. Of course to you they are all a bad joke ... but the American electorate is made up of much broader sets of viewpoints than your Liberal tunnel vision allows you to see. There is broad based Conservative populist movement going on in American and you have no idea it even exists -- because it is not talked about in the Daily Kos, Mother Jones, or other liberal/leftist media that you read or watch.


    I have never read a single one of those publications.

    See how well you know me?

    I just don't believe the reasonable people of America are ready for another religious, right wing, homophobic, hate filled, greedy administration .

    America's economy and foreign policy are still trying to recover from the last GOP administration.

    Now, try again, what else does your imagination tell you I read and watch?

  4. Since FDR, it has only happened one time that any party has won the office of President for more than two consecutive terms.

    The one time was George H.W. Bush, who failed to win a second term ( another rarity )

    It just doesn't happen.

    She is the Democratic candidate.

    The GOP has nobody to offer who isn't a very bad joke.

    Added to the fact that the country/ world has not yet forgiven the GOP for the catastrophes created by the Cheney administration.

    This could be the second time since FDR that a party wins the office for three consecutive terms!

  5. General Petraeus handled complex roblems for both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. I think his in lapse in judgement was due to a loss of blood to his brain. He is still a true American patriot with a little mud on himself. Classified information is an Albatross around your neck due to its limitations on how you use it. Personal written Memoirs would have been better suited for his book. He is the Eisenhauer of his time in a world that is condiderably more corrupt and comlex. He was and still is a brilliant Military,Political and Diplomatic problem solver. You cannot throw him out with the bath water..

    "General Petraeus handled complex roblems for both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars"

    ​He was an accomplice to war criminals, fighting two unjustified wars, killing thousands of innocent people.

    He is no hero.

    He is a "roblem"!

    • Like 2
  6. Most of us agree that it is some what amusing that Thailand has had a Submarine Division for 64 years and no submarines.

    I also am some what amused that so many foreigners here on TV who pay very little, if any taxes to the Thai government are concerned or even feel they have a right to criticize the government about how the Thai government spends their tax dollars ( or Baht ).

    But then again, this is TV where "Farng Knows Best "

    Even if it is none of his business!cheesy.gif

  7. Without a proper investigation the child is awarded to the woman in America who claims her.

    This does not surprise me.

    Once again the social media has done good.

    I can imagine all those Americans wondering why in the world anyone would rather live in Mexico than America!

    Americans do have an inflated opinion of themselves and their country.

    P.S., I am American.

    • Like 2
  8. Not again! Get your jollies and then kill the victim seems to be the national pass time here. How many rape and murders have their been here in the last six months... We can start with Kho Tao if you want to start a bit earlier. No one seems to be excluded... British tourist, child asleep in a truck in Hua Hin, child on the train... woman waiting behind the factory to meet her brother. There seems to be no end to it of it here. Enough!

    As a white man, I would safer living in Harlem then being a tourist here ( I live here and know how to protect myself with a little extra insurance) . I'm safe when I walk around not only are the Thai's afraid my 28kilo pitbull the Thai dogs run from her. I think next time I go to Pattaya or Patong I'll lend my services as an free escort with my pet from the hours of 12 mid-night until 4am , that should be fun on Bangla Rd.

    Any takers?

    Why would you go to Bangla Rd in Patong? Worst place in Phuket, full of human garbage and trouble.

    Judging from his post, I am willing to venture a guess that he is the kind of person who enjoys looking for trouble and getting involved in confrontations.

    That's a red flag to me.

    Not my kind of guy.

  9. Did he threaten to kill news reporters? I fear we are going off topic. Should we stick to the previous regime and the ambassadors role relating to it or if you want to go back in time how far should we go? I find it difficult to talk to you though because you can say all you want about previous administrations and I can't mention the current one. Hardly seems a fair debate.

    I have a point of view. The American ambassador should keep his mouth shut and take care of problems that arise between Thailand and American citizens.

    I don't think he should be involved in previous administrations or the current administration that is Thailand business.

    I remember when the Kittyhawk came to Thailand and volunteered to help. Thailand turned them down. I remember when they asked for some runway time or something for a NASA program and Thailand turned them down. That's two strikes. I'd forget about Thailand as an ally and take care of the Americans who are here and have problems.

    If Thailand wants to jump on board the China boat so be it. The reporter guy said the same thing. He thinks China and the USA are the same and can be trusted the same. OK that's one point of view. He is nuts of course but that is his point of view. Let em try it.

    You are, I assume, American. You should know that many Europeans are deeply sceptical of US foreign policy and dislike US arrogance and assumptions of American exceptionalism - so yes, "let's all try it".

    US arrogance???

    Have you listened to your self lately?

    Since WW II Europe's concept of foreign policy is to let foreigners ( USA ) foot the bills to protect the European nations.

    Europe learned some harsh lessons in the past.

    English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch governments attempted to conquer, colonize and exploit the world.

    In fact, all five attempted it in what is now the USA..

    They were all sent home with their tails between their legs.

    All of Europe was devastated by Germany in WW II and without the aid of USA, all would be speaking German today.

    Europe has learned the hard way that the best foreign for them policy is to stay home, mind your own business and count on others to protect you.

    The US is still a young country..they are still lerning this lesson.

    Who is going to protect your sorry <deleted> when Americans do learn to stay home and let you take care of yourselves?

    As stated in another post, America pay more than 70% of the cost to protect Europe.

    Are you ready to start paying your fair share yet?

    Arrogent indeed!

  10. "Jakkrit Chainok said Thais have been raised this way so no one should be blamed."

    Excuse me Jakkrit !

    The people who have raised Thais this way are to blame and should be ashamed!

    Yes, Thais are responsible for how Thais are raised.

    ​Thai students are taught about proper trash disposal and recycling in school.

    They do a pretty good job of it, at school.

    but , as soon as they leave they school property, they follow the example set by their parents and drop everything on the ground.

    They do know better.

    The only excuse is that they are lazy..and that is a very poor excuse.

  11. Good story, thanks for sharing.

    As stated by others, we usually only hear from TV members who think Thai women, Thai people and Thailand are horrible and evil.

    But there are many of us here who truly love our women, their families and Thailand.

    We are the lucky ones.

    I think it is natural that we hear far more from those who have been hurt and are unhappy with life here in Thailand.

    It is human nature to speak out and complain, or even strike back when you are hurt or feeling abused.

    For most of us it is not natural to tell others how happy or lucky we feel we are to be in the situations we love so much.

    Although your Songkran story is not one of fun and frolic, it is one of warmth and love..

    Physically, it may not be a good time for you,

    But you are truly a lucky man.

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