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Everything posted by dddave

  1. dddave


    I just read a current news item about 24 tons of pork, illegally imported from Brazil, being buried in a deep hole and covered over with soil. I led me to wondering about what actually happens to that large a mass of meat as it putrefies under ground. I'm aware, large animals die every day but the carcasses are usually stripped away pretty quickly by scavengers and insects. Usually nothing but bones in short order. It's this large a mass of flesh in one place that intrigues me. Without oxygen just slowly rot? Turn into some kind of putrid liquid? I would think it would be a threat to water supplies nearby. Any knowledgeable thoughts?
  2. My Dad was on one in a Florida condo. He later said it was one of the worst mistakes of his life. He died of ALS 6 years after and strongly believed that stress from being on the condo board contributed to his condition. You end up being hated by everybody. You can't walk to your car without some disgruntled owner chasing you down and haranguing on and on
  3. I'd suggest you ask this in a less biased forum, not overly populated with those that bash everything without knowing anything about it. The REDDIT Thailand forum would be a good start. https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/
  4. You bash another for Thai bashing but you seem to have no difficulty assigning blame without a single shred of evidence about what actually happened.
  5. I was originally prescribed Valsartan at the time of my by-pass surgery 7 years ago. When Valsartan became temporarily unavailable in Thailand 5 years ago, I switched to Losartan and never switched back to Valsartan. My BP has been pretty stable in the 115-125/70-80 range. My reading told me that the main difference between the two was that Losartan had a lower duration than Valsartan, actually less than 24 hours. It was often suggested to be taken twice daily but I never did that. Your thoughts, Sheryl on the differences between the two?
  6. I considered that since I was posting in a specific Health & Medicine forum, that those able to answer my inquiry would know exactly to what I was referring. I do admit the acronyms of the hypertension world are just about as arcane as those of the IT industry what with ARBs, CCBs, ACEs and Beta Blockers, to barely scratch the surface. Also, I'm lazy and didn't want to type Angio Retention Blocker twice.
  7. Most motorbike rental agencies rent to tourists with little motorbike driving experience and most have never even driven a standard shift car. Add that complexity to what is already a driver unsure of themselves and the chances of disaster go up exponentially. There is really no rental market for standard motorbikes.
  8. Which Angio Retention Blockers are most easily available in Thailand? Any inexpensive local generics? Google didn't provide a lot of local information.
  9. I was also going to suggest OP open a Charles Schwab account next time in US. He could continue to pay bills automatically with his CU account but transfer funds to the CS account for Thailand use. I've never had my CS card eaten by an ATM here but mine did expire last year. They expressed me a new card in 4 days. CS customer service is the best anywhere.
  10. I worked in the Thai film and TV commercial industry here for about 10 years and every casting calling for European is always inundated with Russians, Iranians 2nd. While the local standard is b2000/day for extras, they will form a group and underbid as low as B1000/day, Usually 5am to 7 or 8pm.
  11. My former GF with whom I am still friends has a nice piece of land in her home village village with a proper deed. She's in her 50s now and wants to build a small house on the property for her later years. She will have a maximum of about B500K to spent total, finished and furnished. I have been seeing posts on this and other forums about small houses in the B300k-400K range,(I assume unfinished shell) many using new, more efficient materials for walls and roofs. I tried to find online sites with drawings and photos of such houses, usually less than 80 sq/m of living space but have only found a few. Can anybody direct me to some sites with a variety of such small houses?
  12. Sorry, didn't think to. On the left near entrance of old building.
  13. Thanks to all for the assistance I was obviously wrong about the availability of cranberry juice and we purchased some along with medication recommended by an actual pharmacist. Her UTI seems to be resolved.
  14. A Russian was busted in Phuket a few days ago doing almost exactly as you describe, except he had a money exchange kiosk.
  15. I get your sentiment but this is a discussion forum and any OP should know that whatever they choose to disclose will be open for discussion with a lot of varying viewpoints being introduced. I get as annoyed as any about the nitpicking "Overpay Police" who patrol here, ready to pounce on any infraction of their niggardly principals but that's what open forums are about.
  16. A friend is having minor UTI. Cranberry juice is usually recommended but not easy to find in Thailand. Are there any local fruit juices that have similar benefits for UTI?
  17. It appears Jomtien is applying appointments only to certain transactions. There's a big sign I noticed today detailing appointment requirements for Visa extensions
  18. Best example of "kicking up a ****-storm" I have ever seen
  19. Sometimes websites or services you sign-up for cycle small transactions of that size to verify debit accounts. Have you signed up for any subscription services?
  20. Plenty of wealthy Middle-Eastern and Indian clientele around Phuket. They often prefer "white" Russians to Thais.
  21. I've been using the Ekkamai-Pattaya bus for 22 years and I have never seen such crowds as this year: weekends, weekdays, seems to make no difference. I'm used to going there almost anytime and maybe having to wait for one bus in front. My last few times this past month, both on Tuesdays, the blue bus ticket line has been doubled around and a 2 hour wait. Both times I bit the bullet and took a van...I do not recommend it. Pattaya has suddenly become immensely popular among the Instagram crowd and visiting Asians, most of whom seemed to be Korean.
  22. I just did my 90 day report at Jomtien last week. Done and out in 30 minutes. Jomtien is getting huge crowds simply because there seem to be a record number of tourists, especially Russian. Considering the mobs that descend on the place daily, I think they do a pretty good job. Too many here do not educate themselves about exactly what is needed and then when whatever deficiency stops the process, it's Immigrations fault. The new buildings constructed late last year have helped relieve the congestion at the front entry. Have your papers prepared and bring a book and you'll probably be done sooner than you expect.
  23. The North bound Baht Buses were operating and picking-up passengers at marked stops along Jomtien 2nd road today.
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