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Everything posted by dddave

  1. The CC I had on record with Skype expired. I entered a new card but was unable to top-up my Skype credit, no top-up option. Contacted CS and was told Skype is no longer accepting "new" customer payment. No way to continue to use Skype. Any alternatives for calls to land lines and mobiles not on a messaging platform?
  2. More than 10 years ago I remember a particular instance where a group of Thai guys drinking on the beach after midnight followed a drunk Westerner up Soi 10 and rolled him, beating him so severely that he died.
  3. Attacks on foreigners like this have been rare in my 20+ years coming to Pattaya but there seems to have been an uptick in them recently. Maybe one gang gets away with a successful grab, others follow. In my years here I've never once felt threatened but that doesn't mean it can't still happen, being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  4. Interesting. I just bought a car and was considering ordering prescription sunglasses for driving. Maybe I'll just stick with my hokey clip-on's.
  5. If you go to a hospital ophthalmology department it's important you clearly specify you want a "Vision Test" and a prescription. If you say "Eye exam", you are likely to end-up getting a physical medical examination of your eyes, not a vision test. BTW. For progressive lenses, OP's prescription needs to include the PD (pupillary distance) I've been buying glasses online from Zenni for about 7 years and have had excellent results for surprisingly low prices. Delivery to Thailand usually takes about 2 weeks.
  6. Maybe not for a night but be sure to visit "Coffee Wars", just off 331. It's a crazy place with several airliners converted to restaurants and what can only be called a Vietnam war scrapyard with an old school "Army-Navy" store attached.
  7. Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question. I ended up buying the 2014 Fiesta's chief rival, a 2014 Chevy Sonic with 100,000km on it. My sister in the US has a Chevy Spark, just a bit smaller than the Sonic and it's been a very reliable car. Also the price was right at B90,000.
  8. I once bought a 2nd hand motorcycle that had sat in a barn for 5 to 10 years. The tires looked like they were new, still had the molding tags. I went out for my first ride fortunately not going very fast. A sudden lurch, then grinding and near loss of control. The rear tire was so hard and brittle, it had completely broken off the rim. I was pretty lucky and a lesson learned about what age can do to tires.
  9. I have been hit with the scam outlined by Crossy twice, both times ordering Thinkpad laptops: one Lazada Thailand and just a few days ago, Lazada Philippines. First, I want to make clear that in both instances, Lazada was totally co-operative and refunded my money. The first instance, instead of a laptop I received a small plastic envelope with a "Jade" Necklace inside. Interestingly and this is important to note, the contents window on the envelope label stated the make and model of the laptop I had ordered. I immediately contacted Lazada and initiated a return. I then got an SMS from the seller, like the letter saying the necklace was a gift in compensation for the delivery being late and to expect the laptop in a few days. I called Lazada CS, asking if I should cancel the cancellation and the CS agent suggested I wait a few days. Of course no laptop ever arrived. The Philippines was pretty similar. The laptop was to be a Christmas gift. A small package enclosing a cheap ring was received, the package label declaring a laptop was inside. Again, I quickly initiated a cancellation with photos included of everything. Lazada did insist that the ring be returned to them which entailed dropping it at the express office. A full refund was issued the next day. I have successfully purchased several Lenovo Thinkpads on Lazada but it has always been from domestic sellers based in Thailand. Both instances of the scam were overseas Chinese sellers.
  10. I'm over 80 and that's a big NAH!. Fat, crude & ugly is still fat, crude & ugly.
  11. I just got an SMS on my personal mobile stating that a delivery attempt had been unsuccessful because they could not contact me. Thing is, I don't have any deliveries due. The message refers me to a website for "fir-line", the URL ending with ".cc" I had never seen .cc before. Google reveals it's the COCOS (KEELING) Islands, some Australian territory and that .cc URLs are being marketed because "they can be used in many different ways". Well, Yah. I have no idea what this little endeavor actually is but keep an eye out for .cc URLs.
  12. dddave


    I had a TCL 9000 btu unit installed in a bedroom 8 years ago. purchased at Thai Watsadu. Still running cold and quiet. gets professionally cleaned once a year.
  13. These kind of mass immigrant labor busts always make me suspicious. Not unknown for the sub-contractors who hire these guys to "drop a dime" on their own workforce, usually just before payday. Police haul them away, contractor pockets the wages and soon hires a whole new workforce from the endless supply crossing the border.
  14. Quite a few years ago, one of the local TV news stations had a video crew follow a pick-up truck just after dawn as it picked beggars up along Sukhumvit and Silom, then traveled down to Sa Keao and delivered them to an illegal crossing into Cambodia. Several of the "cripples" seemed to walk along just fine.
  15. Actually, there was a major bust at one point. The "Asian Street Meat" guy and his partner were arrested but Thai law's hadn't caught-up at that point so rather than prison time, they were deported and declared PNG. I had heard he was also arrested in the Philippines but no corroboration. I do remember a time when a number of Soi-7 Biergarten regulars were easily found on the old X-Hamster.
  16. I'm considering a 2013 Chevy Sonic Hatchback: 115KM. Very low selling price. My sister has a Chevy Spark, the next size down and it's been a great car. Anybody here with experience with Sonics? i realize Chevy is no longer selling cars in Thailand so parts could be an issue.
  17. I love how expats from another country come here, take full advantage of the low cost and easy lifestyle and decide it belongs to them, just like in the old colonial days. Russians have just as much right to come to Thailand as anybody has. Their kids are no ruder than any other kids and as a group they pretty much keep to themselves and enjoy their holiday in the sun. I've lived in Jomtien for 3 years surrounded by Russians and have never had a single issue with any one of them. My condo building has a lot of Russian residents and the kids are often in the pool but they are no more disruptive than any other kids at play. So many unhappy, disgruntled and cranky expats taking up space here. They complain about their home countries not belonging to them anymore and immigrants getting everything. They complain about and belittle Thai people at every opportunity and as here, resent anybody else who dares set foot in what they consider their own little domain. A short walk on Soi Buakhao at 4pm reveals what a classy bunch they are.
  18. Not imagining it at all. I used that Rhamkhamheng branch many times in the early 2000s and I can assure you, there was no handrail at that time.
  19. If Bangkok Bank has indeed installed handrails at it's Rhamkhamheng branch and other branches as well, I'm happy for it's users. Only took them more than 20 years and perhaps the arrival of the new transit line to fulfil a long standing need.
  20. I need to get 4 wheels under me instead of two. Just for around town, no road trips. Tight budget, I'd like to keep it under B125,000. Something small, preferably hatchback. A lot of 2010-2014 Ford Fiestas in that price range: 100,000KM-130,000km. The reading I've done mentions transmission and cooling system recalls. I'm also looking at a 2012 Chevy Sonic. My sister has it's smaller version, the Chevy Spark and it's proved to be a great vehicle. Just seeking opinions on these or any other cars, positive or negative that I'm likely to see in this price range: B100,000-125,000. Im seeing some Mazda 2 & 3s, MG-3s. Most Hondas and Toyotas in that price range 175km+
  21. I had Bangkok Bank in mind actually, especially one branch in Rhamkhamheng, Bangkok with a straight run of 30 steps up to it's entry, no handrail. I once saw an old woman descending sitting on her bum, down one step at a time. Yup, Angkor was a challenge for me also but turned into a nice story. I had neglected to bring a walking stick. One of the Cambodian maintenance workers clearing brush near one of the temples saw me struggling on an uneven walkway. He signaled me to wait, then went into the bushes. He soon emerged with a stout stick, nicely trimmed by his bush knife, even a hand grip quickly carved into it. He refused my offer of a tip for his efforts.
  22. Two hazards, one perinate to life in Thailand. First, those of us who take blood pressure meds need to be careful when standing-up after sitting for a long time. A sudden rush of blood to the legs can cause light-headedness or sometimes dizziness. I now make it a point to stand and wait at least 30 seconds before walking away. Sandals and other open toed shoes: Five years ago, while wearing open toed sandals, my foot caught a ripple in a rubber floormat and down I went, hard enough to dislocate my shoulder. Last year while also wearing sandals my foot again caught a ripple in a floormat. This time I was able to catch myself and not fall but it could have been bad. I realized that the open toes of sandals are much more prone to catching any kind of snag while closed, rounded shoe toes are more likely to ward of such hazards.
  23. It took them 15 years but thankfully, yes. most stations now have lifts for both directions. They did seem to make it a point to place them at the furthest ends of the station limits but better than before.
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