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Posts posted by arminbkk

  1. I could nitpick and say what killed her was the impact of her head on the ground, but obviously, had the dogs not attacked her and bitten her,

    this 69 year old woman, probably not stable on her legs at that age, would not have fallen and hit her head and died.

    There is no mention in the OP that the dogs have been, or will be, put down.

    I'd say the dogs probably followed their insticts, natural or trained, so the dogs would be less to blame.

    However, being the nature of these rottweilers, as others have said (once the dogs have drawn blood...), these dogs

    might very well repeat this. Unless the owner keeps the dogs confined in his own gated and walled premises, the dogs

    should be put down to prevent this from happening again.

    Since the owner will probably let his dogs out after a few months to walk free (Thai attitude), putting the dogs down

    would be the safest thing to do.

    • Like 1
  2. After last year piss poor turn out this is to be expected .360 million baht it cost them for a 2 year contract to stage this ,they were never going to recoup this amount political rallies or not .

    I remember seeing bits of it on tv last year: the stadium was almost empty and the drivers were standing there thinking "why did I bother coming here".

    Not having read anything about it this time, I wonder if any of the world's top 10 drivers were indeed coming this year, yes?

  3. The people that went to demonstrate last week and blew whistles were not paid to do that.

    Those were mostly your average Thai person dissatisfied with the current government, particularly the amnesty bills.

    A lot of them are still dissatisfied because the last amnesty bill was suspended, not cancelled.

    I even had people from my office go to the protest sites last week, during lunch and in the evening.

    I know they were not paid.

    As for PTP and/or the police seeming passive: the deaths of last weekend were mostly pro-government supporters, who

    seemed to have been killed by anti-government protesters (be it student groups, PAD, yellow shirts, whatever).

    The anti-government protests, lead by, and incited by, Khun Suthep, have turned into violent disruptive protests.

    Sitting around and chanting is peaceful. Storming buildings and throwing rocks etc is not peaceful.

    However, as soon as police start shooting the anti-government protesters, and kill an anti-government protest,

    be it with rubber bullets or live ammonition, all the blame will be put on PTP, even though by now the police

    are within the law to defend the buildings that are under violent siege.

    As with most people and groups with an opinion or cause, reason and objectivity is usually quickly out of the window.

    Although the cause of the anti-government protesters (probably) has merit, the way they now go about achieving that cause has no merit.

    The hardline anti-government protesters still outthere now, apparently believe that their cause is so good and just,

    that using violence and breaking the law is justified.

    I believe that is what the Red shirts thought 3 years ago.

    And it is what muslim-extremists think, such as for example the muslim-insurgents in the South.

    I think Suthep over-estimated himself. It is likely he will loose.

    Should he succeed though, he will probably be absolved later of his current crimes (probably by himself as he leads and appoints

    the members of his People's Council: this will all be declared in some Victory of the People Declaration to avoid confusing with

    Amnesty Bill). Now what does that sound familair to?

    • Like 1
  4. Funny (but familair) how she says she does not like foreigners, but quickly makes an exception for the foreign guy (David Chisholm) she is talking to:

    "******: “Serious, very serious. In fact, I hate forienge for a long time. You come to my country for use my resource. You is not mean Dave but forienge.""

    I'm sure there are Thai people that do not like foreigners (in this case non-asians): one just has to go outside and observe Thai attitude and demeanor, specifically the

    change in those when seeing a foreigner or having to deal with one.

    But there are also Thais that are indifferent toward foreigners, Thais that like foreigners and even Thais that love foreigners.

    But I think the first two (dislike and indifferent) make up a very large part, based on own observations during 10+ years (of which 6 living and working in Thailand).

    Also a thought: maybe the Thais are just like foreigners: blame the foreigners in your country for the problems in your country.

    A lot of foreigners do that in their own country without really thinking it through what they say. Although it is usually not about drinking their water and eating their potatos.

  5. That's a good and positive story.

    However, considering the reasons for dog meat trade, particularly in SE Asia (i.e. there are a lot of people that like to eat dogs so there is money to be made),

    it would be the same as saying one will run 999 kilometers to convince people to rethink consuming beer.

    My point is: to tell someone (in SE Asia !!) who likes to eat dogs, to stop eating dogs, is like telling someone who likes to drink beer to stop drinking beer.

    They both love what they do/consume.

    "My point is ..." is way off the mark, and you could do well to research the business. The syndicates engaged the trade are running an illegal business, and are discretely supported by people in high places, including government members, simply because of the money to be made. The stolen dogs are mostly semi domesticated, well known dogs from neighborhoods all over the country. Some are actually household pets, snatched during well planned raids. The cruelty they are subjected to, would be more than you could stomach, I am sure. So please, this is not about you.

    Let's agree that my point was half off, since the OP is about raising a fund to help rescued dogs, and also help toward putting a stop to the dog meat trade.

    Also, nothing I wrote is about me: I don't eat dog meat and I hardly drink beer.

    And to another poster's response: my point was not about legal or illegal.

    If nobody wants to eat dog meat, there would be no dog meat trade.

    Now, there is dog meat trade because there are people that want to eat dog meat.

    To really eradicate dog meat trade, the objective could be to make people don't want to eat dog meat.

    Perhaps this is also an objective in the OP.

    Now, my comment was that, to change a dog meat lover's desire to eat dog meat (to not eating it), would be the same

    as to change a beer drinker's desire to drink beer (to stop drinking it).

    Very difficult.

    Running 999 kilometers will not persuade a dog meat lover to stop eating dog meat..........unfortunately!

    I would be the last person to accept, condone, justify, animal cruelty!

    • Like 1
  6. That's a good and positive story.

    However, considering the reasons for dog meat trade, particularly in SE Asia (i.e. there are a lot of people that like to eat dogs so there is money to be made),

    it would be the same as saying one will run 999 kilometers to convince people to rethink consuming beer.

    My point is: to tell someone (in SE Asia !!) who likes to eat dogs, to stop eating dogs, is like telling someone who likes to drink beer to stop drinking beer.

    They both love what they do/consume.

    • Like 2
  7. Thai protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban says he has met PM Yingluck Shinawatra and given her two days to "return power to the people".

    When is the power ever really in the hands of the people?

    You vote and then you can sit and wait for four years.

    Suppose Yingluck does not 'surrender' in the next two days, and three days, how many protesters will actually continue through December 5?

    Suthep, basically, accuses the Thaksin clan of playing above the law, disregarding the law, it's one of the reasons he wants them out.

    However, it doesn't look like peaceful protests will achieve Suthep's goals. Now he is giving ultimatums, which means he will resort to

    tougher actions, non-peaceful actions (he will probably not go sit in a park or stadium and blow whistles 24 hours straight) if the latest ultimatum is not met.

    This means he will resort to unlawful actions, thus disregarding the law. He will disregard the law to kick out certain people for disregarding the law.

  8. Isn't this the 4th or 5th ultimatimum Suthep has given himself and/or others?

    He's a bit over optimistic each time.

    I would like to know if his sentiment and motives is really shared by a majority of the Thai people.

    But since he does not want any democratic election, we will therefore not know how the

    majority votes, i.e. how the majority thinks.

    Vote-buying during elections is one of Suthep's main points for his revolt.

    But, if democratic elections in general mean that voters vote as they want, then one can argue

    that even having a democratic election where votes are bought, it is still a democratic election,

    because the voters vote as they want. They made their own decision.

    Admittedly, their (bought) votes are based on money received, but that money is

    basically an incentive, and don't most political parties run on incentives, if not cash hand-outs

    then their policies and promises that appeal to a certain group (and it usually appeals because

    the voter think his life will improve, financially and otherwise, i.e. his own benefit).

    By the way, most stories from Thais I've heard about vote buying also include that many will

    happily receive the hand-out and then proceed on their way still voting as they themselves prefer.

    Of course, in Thailand, one could ask, if there were no vote buying, how many voters could make

    their own decision how to vote after considering all election programs. My guess is they would still

    be persuaded by populist policies. How many farmers would understand the macro-economics of

    the rice scheme and vote against it despite knowing they would get a higher price for their rice?

    I think they only look at the latter. There would be no vote-buying, but there would be fancy promises.

    Having said this, I know the other gripe most Thais have is the corruption, graft, self-enrichment etc

    after the elections are over. But corruption is something not limited to government, it is in fact part of Thai culture.

    Many will recall recent polls where Thais have admitted that corruption is ok if it benefits them personally.

    With that attitude, just replacing the people in the government, whether in another government or a council,

    does not guarantee a clean government. How many people can resist easily skimming off

    say Baht 10 million from some government infra-structure project, knowing it would go unnoticed?

    The attitude needs to change. How is Suthep going to do that?

    • Like 1
  9. If OP wants opinions from this forum, perhaps he could post the mentioned picture here, obscuring her face if needed, so we can

    judge whether she looks pregnant or not.

    From OP's story, would deduct that he has not met her in person for at least 8 months then?

    What does she do in Patong beach?

    How old are your kids? When was the last time you spoke to them? When was the last time your kids saw your other half?

    Maybe you should call your kids and ask them is she is pregnant?

    As another poster suggested, a Skype webcam session would be helpful. Tell her that she can prove she is not pregnant then.

    If she refuses....

    • Like 1
  10. All this occupation of government institutions is only delaying my tax refund!

    To the posters that 'complain' that Suthep is not following democratic rule: he knows that, his whole point is to do away with democracy

    for the time being (someone who follows him told me 4 years or so). He does not want democracy now, he considers it failed,

    because PTP, ruled by Thaksin, have, in his and his followers view, messed up, are corrupt and only enriching themselves.

    And they got in the power seat under the guise of democratic elections. So (in their view) blame democracy.

    They view that PTP's aim is only to bring Thaksin back, get his money back, and get him back in power.

    They are very unhappy with this and basically don't want to wait till next election to get rid of this, also knowing that

    in case of a new election, PTP might be re-elected, because, and this is another main gripe, PTP/Thaksin buy every election by

    giving money to poor voters and promising them riches.

    So, if you hate the current government and also know that in case of elections that same government would probably be back in, what

    do you have to do to permanently get rid of that government (PTP)? Overthrow that government and abandon principle of democracy.

    Now, to satisfy the people and make it sound like you are doing it for the people, you call the new ruling power the "People's Council",

    with the emphasis on PEOPLE. And you include the higher institution of course, because passing that would surely cost you support.

    Now while there are many people out there protesting with him and occupying, one cannot say whether their views and cause

    represent that of the majority of the Thai people. So if Suthep succeeds and there is a people's council, it might not agree with a lot or

    the majority of the Thai people how this council will conduct itself and how it will perform.

    So we might end up with a People's Council because a few million Thais want it, whilst a few dozen million Thais don't want it.

    Do they (i.e. those not satisfied with that council) then in turn have the right to go out there and protest and occupy to overthrow that People's Council?

    Just for the record: I'm not supporting PTP, Democrats, Red or Yellow or whatever color Suthep is supposed to be. I think they are all not suited

    to run an honest, clean, humble government, for the mere fact that they are Thai (i.e. too much old-school Thai way).

    • Like 2
  11. I don't see a 6 point plan, I see a wish list with 6 wishes.

    What I think gets in the way of a truly democratic, fair, just, prosperous, healthy country, free of corruption and discrimination, with equal rights

    and genuine focus on improving life for all in Thailand.......is Thai nature itself (aka the Thai way).

    How to change that one, I don't know.

    Edited to add: soomak's last point would be a good start though: "make people aware that there are viable alternatives to the "nobody gives a dam_n about anybody/anything unless they are relatives" policy".

  12. The items from family were new.

    But because they are personal, they should be exempt according to my Thai friend.

    That is nonsense: Personal or not personal you pay import tax if it is over 1000 Baht value.

    If it is express cleared you pay the import tax for the item with the highest duty.

    (someone told me for shoes it is 60 %, but I can't verify as the my internet doesn't work well at the moment)

    So lets say someone sends mixed items together with a pair of shoes. Together value 10.000 Baht. Shipping cost 500 Baht

    10.500*0.6=6300 Baht

    16.800*0.07=1176 Baht

    fees 200-1000 baht

    You see you are very fast on very high numbers for an almost worthless shipment. And in Europe it is much worse than in Thailand

    A shipment of about 250 euros is "an almost worthless shipment"?

    So in your example, the import tax + VAT + fees come to about 8,400 baht, or close to 85% of shipment value.

    Talk about excessive.

    Edited to add: my family once sent me a large carton box from Europe with kids toys via EMS. I just picked that box up

    at the post office (this was in Ubon) without paying anything. This was in 2005 if I recall correctly.

  13. Ahh the OP did indulge with a picture of the lady in question. I respect that.

    I also see that the OP lives up to his handle name here.....baaaa.

    That said, to each their own.

    In fact, I could imagine OP walking down Sukhumvit with this....err...her, and it would not be out of the ordinary much at all.

    But, seriously, OP does deserve the poster of the year award because he does stick with his own OP without abandoning it!

  14. Happened to my wife as a child,she said if it gets to long they will do it to embarrass him.

    He must have been warned several times,maybe next time you guys will listen,put it this way you will listen next time.

    Not only that they can do it,can hit the children to.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Corporal punishment is officially not allowed (anymore) in Thai schools.


  15. Well the OP wrote:"This is what my sons school director did to him..".

    So the school director did it.

    I've worked at schools (not anymore) and I've never seen a school director actually taking it up himself to give a student a hair cut.

    Therefore, perhaps he did a poor job of it on purpose?

    I know Thais can be complacent at times, but I think most Thai parents would complain about something like this to the teachers.

    What is your wife going to do about it?

    Poor kid now has to shave his head to make it look somewhat decent again.

  16. He didn't raze several bars, shops etc ... it was several dozen. A lot of very good people running very legitimate businesses - bars, craft shops, souvenir shops, clothes shops, salons - were ruined because of him.

    At this very moment, there are portions of Chinatown where people who have run businesses for decades are being turned out by the owner of the property and their leases suddenly terminated. Let's see you dare to criticize that owner.

    And who might that owner be?

    Don't ask questions that cannot be answered. Do some research and it will become clear.

    You answered my question already.

  17. The whole point of Thailand for many is to get with younger females, yet OP is obsessed with this older, experienced, prostitute.

    The OP has stated he is aware of this and wants to go against the norm, well, I think we should admire him for it and let him go ahead,

    without following his example of course. If it goes sour for him, he will be ok, he is still young, he can recover.

    The OP really should post a picture of her here or link to her FB so we can all see what his obsession is about.

    Perhaps she is still a real looker at 39.

    OP should know though that although Thai women generally keep somewhat youthful looks rather long, the looks usually fade at some age

    and usually fade at rapid pace then.

    Haha nice one. A picture though? If she knows many men personally like totster said, then that would mean the chances of someone viewing the picture on here would know her, right?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    So? That someone would have a choice to reveal that fact or not.

    It would sure take this thread to a new dimension


    • Like 1
  18. The whole point of Thailand for many is to get with younger females, yet OP is obsessed with this older, experienced, prostitute.

    The OP has stated he is aware of this and wants to go against the norm, well, I think we should admire him for it and let him go ahead,

    without following his example of course. If it goes sour for him, he will be ok, he is still young, he can recover.

    The OP really should post a picture of her here or link to her FB so we can all see what his obsession is about.

    Perhaps she is still a real looker at 39.

    OP should know though that although Thai women generally keep somewhat youthful looks rather long, the looks usually fade at some age

    and usually fade at rapid pace then.

    Haha nice one. A picture though? If she knows many men personally like totster said, then that would mean the chances of someone viewing the picture on here would know her, right?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    So? That someone would have a choice to reveal that fact or not.

    It would sure take this thread to a new dimension


  19. The whole point of Thailand for many is to get with younger females,

    Ummmm .. no

    You must lead a pretty blinkered and one tracked life if you think that is the whole point of Thailand.. In fact it's a ridiculously stupid statement

    totster blink.png

    Ok totster, I won't hold it against you: this is a forum mainly populated with foreigners living or wanting to live in Thailand, so it is understandable that when I write "for many" that

    you assume I only refer to foreigners in connection with Thailand.

    Let me elaborate by adding that by "many" I include the Thai male populace as well.

    And yes, many Thai males want young girls/women.

    Also, totster, I don't see how the word "many" would imply that therefore only 5% of foreigners coming to/being in Thailand are not interested in younger females.

    "many" does not mean 95%.

    Let's say, "many" starts with 10% of foreigners in Thailand, then with a cautious estimate of 1 million foreigners, 10% = 100,000 foreigners are the "many" foreigners that are

    interested in younger females.

    Also, when I write "the whole point of Thailand for many is....", it does not mean it is or is not MY point of Thailand. That being said, take that part of Thailand away, well,

    there is not a whole lot nice left to look at (and no that does not mean the same as "there is nothing else to look at"....and also...no, this does not necessarily mean that I chase young girls).

  20. The whole point of Thailand for many is to get with younger females, yet OP is obsessed with this older, experienced, prostitute.

    The OP has stated he is aware of this and wants to go against the norm, well, I think we should admire him for it and let him go ahead,

    without following his example of course. If it goes sour for him, he will be ok, he is still young, he can recover.

    The OP really should post a picture of her here or link to her FB so we can all see what his obsession is about.

    Perhaps she is still a real looker at 39.

    OP should know though that although Thai women generally keep somewhat youthful looks rather long, the looks usually fade at some age

    and usually fade at rapid pace then.

  21. The full story is out there Lemoncake.


    In January 2003, Chuwit was accused of having hired some 600 men to raze several bars, shops, a laundry and a travel agency on "Sukhumvit Square", a plot of land he owns at Sukhumvit Soi 10. This was an apparent attempt to remove the low rent tenants so the land could be developed. The tenants had been led to believe they had valid leases from another company and were not notified of the raid, which took place very early on a Sunday morning. Chuwit was arrested and spent a month in jail. He denied responsibility and was finally released on bail.

    He didn't raze several bars, shops etc ... it was several dozen. A lot of very good people running very legitimate businesses - bars, craft shops, souvenir shops, clothes shops, salons - were ruined because of him.

    At this very moment, there are portions of Chinatown where people who have run businesses for decades are being turned out by the owner of the property and their leases suddenly terminated. Let's see you dare to criticize that owner.

    And who might that owner be?

  22. Ignoring the fact that OP might be troll;

    Because a lot of people knock on BGs, the OP probably does not expect a BG to be clever enough to manipulate people, when in fact

    BGs are very smart when it comes to that. They are like investors, except they put time and effort into different ventures.

    Some fail, some pay out. Those that pay out, generate a nice monthly income, interest or dividend if you will.

    I find it admirable, except that these 'investors' are not transparent to all parties involved, which makes it a scam.

    Her rant for losing a 3 year investment was over as she regained her composure and focus on maintaining her latest investment: our OP.

    As the OP says it is a BG, we can safely assume how he has met her and to what extent they have become intimate, and at about what cost.

    OP knows that this girl is deceiving a person, knowingly and willingly, yet of course with him it would be different.

    In fact, OP has been with the girl, WHILE the Australian philanthropist has been sending her money (about THB 360,000 a year for

    a few weeks to have her exclusively to himself).

    Now maybe OP is correct when he says that "it's like these men WANT to be sponsors", but OP should also know

    that these men probably DON'T WANT the girls they sponsor to carry on their trade while being sponsored.

    Yet his BG does, and although she might be a very nice good-hearted girl, care for her family etc etc, it is a proven fact

    that she does lie, cheat and deceive. Does the OP want a serious relationship with that kind of person?

    If the good looks and perfect shape make up for her current transgressions, the OP should only go forward when he can make absolutely

    sure he is not the next absent philanthropist: by marrying her and living with her in the sticks.

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