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Posts posted by arminbkk

  1. ^^ Thanks for the replies.

    I should add that these ladies are not Thai English teachers. One of them is a Thai language teacher, she has applied last year, or the year before,

    and her application was rejected, I believe it was because she had no contact in US but not sure.

    Would perhaps some letter from their school be helpful in securing a US tourist visa? Or the Ministry of Eduction?

    Anyone have knowledge of/experience with such a case?

  2. Foreigners get negative because after they have been here longer they see more, know more, understand more and what they know and understand more usually

    does not agree with their personal views and opinions.

    Not everybody comes here because it is 'where their heart belongs'. People come for certain reasons. Then, when actually living here,

    they are exposed to other sides of the country and its people, its ways etc, and have to deal with things that were not

    on the 'pros to move to Thailand' list.

    Unless one can be the tourist 24/7, Thailand has downsides too.

    • Like 2
  3. People are just not friendly, Thai and farang alike.

    I don't think the farangs are stuck up, but do think they are not interested/cannot be bothered with interacting with another foreigner on the street.

    They make that very clear with the facial expression at first sight of you. Then again so do most Thais.

    Who can really say they encounter loads of friendly smiling Thai people while walking along an ordinary busy street packed with vendors on the sidewalk

    or a market, or a shopping mall, or an MRT/BTS platform, or in your apartment building even etc. on any given normal day?

    Not talking about passing bars or people you already 'know' a long time.

    I cannot say that. People, Thais or farang, usually have a blank even dismal mad.gif facial expression, with which they either stare you down or

    they turn to avoid contact, look at a blank wall, check the phone, fingernails or the dark sky above.

    The general expression, made in the first split second, is:"I can't be bothered with you/I don't like you".

    That attitude usually continues when you ask them about what they are selling.

    It seems a friendly engaging approachable appearance smile.png is not required to be in sales in Thailand. laugh.png

    My shortcoming is, like most people, that I go with first impressions, so give me a dismal look and I'm already put off and on my way.

    On the positive side: there can be pleasant interaction when you have passed the first hurdles of making contact and interacting.

    I'm not Thai bashing by the way: just disappointed its the same here as in most other countries I've been (UK/Europe).

  4. Thais have little social skills....toward strangers.

    I can't count the number of times I've held the door or elevator door with a friendly smile and got a 'f&ck off' look in return.

    Now I hardly do it. I asked a Thai friend about it once, he said "I'm not a door man"...that's what I think now, I adapt, Thais should thank me.

    It is not something between Thais and foreigners only, I frequently see it done by Thais to other Thais.

    Many posters argue that it is a different culture etc., so from their culture Thais don't like other people to hold the door for them and then express appreciation???

    As for BTS/MRT: you often see Thais standing right in front of the door to get in without moving to first let passengers out, or, even more often,

    remain standing at the door inside instead of stepping aside to let other out.

    Thais do walk about as if they are the only ones: walking at very slow pace, eyes on phone only, or suddenly stopping and standing still.

    Many times it happened that a Thai will drive his motorcycle on the sidewalk, when there is already only room for 1 person to walk.

    The Thai will see me coming, walking, but still drive up the sidewalk instead of waiting a moment.

    But I guess according to the Thai apologists here, this is not wrong here, it is normal, even I can do it.

    However, I can see things like that happen amongst Thais and many of them don't exactly like it either, it is just that they don't

    say anything about it.

    I don't find Thais very social and not particularly friendly, only polite when needed.

    They say the West is individualistic, but I find Thais move about more individualistic, with little to no regard/consideration of people around, strangers that is.

    But, I also see foreigners here doing the same.

    When Thais are your friend however, they can be very friendly and courteous.

    • Like 1
  5. Posters argue that the OP is biased, only focuses on Thaksin, does not address all the aspects, that there is more

    to the Thai political spectrum, aspects of Thai society and history etc etc.

    That there is much more to it that we mere foreigners could never understand.....but that every single Thai protester, pro and anti, out there, does.

    Yeah right.

    While I understand that for the leaders and backers of the anti-government movement there is probably a bigger and different picture,

    the OP is correct in explaining the frustration and motivation of the ordinary anti-government protesters.

    From speaking with Thais, the motivation of most of the protesters is not that profound.

    Most are just fed up with Thaksin and his influence and for what he has done, as written in the OP, which most will have to admit are facts.

    While the motivation for the organizers and the people behind the whole movement might be beyond the "I hate Thaksin/Kick YL out etc",

    the motivation for the everyday folk protesting is just 'only' that.

    Most are not there for Suthep, many don't like him, and only support him now because he says he will not be involved after V-Day.

    The anti protesters see Thaksin getting away with a lot and also see that that will continue if his sister's government stays in power.

    They know this government will probably be re-elected, so that basically leaves only one option to drive this government out.

    Now perhaps the anti-government protesters should give more thought to what exactly will come after, who are the powers behind

    the movement backing it, how 'clean' are Suthep and the other protest leaders, etc. etc., but....most protesters are just

    ordinary people that don't like Thaksin and his current government. They don't look beyond that.

    That might be, and probably is, wrong, but it is what drives them, as written in the OP.

    • Like 2
  6. Beware Thailand... while you are tightening your laws on immigration, Myanmar will be hot on your heals ready to mop up many farangs that you piss off.

    Must be tempting for those who are pissed off with visa runs or trying to find 400,000 baht every year.

    The article only says there will be a permanent residence system for foreigners. It does not say what the conditions for obtaining residency will be.

    Might be the same as with Thailand.

  7. As other posters have said, you usually can pay per time at most gyms, it is just that it is often relatively expensive, ranging from 150 baht to 500 baht per time.

    You could always consider pretending to join and get a promotion for first month, pay 1500 baht: for 6 sessions that would work out to 250 baht per session.

    I know there is a gym right next to Payathai BTS station, forgot the name. It's on the same side as the Airport Link station that connects to this BTS station.

    So for you it would be close to Victory Monument area.

    I joined there and paid 1500 baht for first month as promotion.

    Completed the first month and then did not go back as it was too crowded for me. But I went in the evenings.

    • Like 1
  8. I was there last Monday evening and yes you could have done that.

    The group of protesters was not passed Terminal 21.

    I understand the mob at that intersection is even smaller now today.

    I will go there again this evening.

    Of course, tomorrow is the weekend so who knows the mob might grow again.

  9. In regards of my relationship with her, it is a very complicated one, not very common, at least not as common as I usually heard of farangs/thai relationships. I will need a new tread for that as it is too complex to describe it in a few sentences.


    You should explain that briefly here so TV members will have a better understanding of what exactly you are dealing with.

    It would explain why she is still sleeping in your bed even though you write she is your ex now.

    OP, the only 'play card' she is holding is her contact at that Thai company you are doing your internship at.

    To what extent is she friends with the manager and other people there? How is your relationship with the manager?

    What is her connection with the people there?

    Your ex gf is angry and that is why she is making all these threats.

    Anyway, you have already posted now that you informed your university that you quit your internship due to relationship problems.

    However, you did not inform the Thai company that you quit, instead you have asked to speak to the manager.

    Why did you not first try to work things out with the manager and if that fails then inform your university? Would be a more logical order of actions.

  10. Went to Insanity and Climax last night. Insanity was early and left after about an hour to ditch this one group of girls. I actually enjoyed Climax. Lively atmosphere and friendly women. Matter fact one is laying next to me in my bed. Lets hope she doent bring up any money lol. Cuz I got some bad news for her.....

    As for today/tonight, are the malls gonna be open? I am staying across from Terminal 21. Hopefully the clubs are open as well.

    So tell us, how did she take that unfortunate news this morning?

  11. From what I understand, if you are on a non imm O visa based on marriage to a Thai (visa, not an extension of stay), the visa remains valid

    till expiry date in case of divorce from that Thai before expiry date.

    If however on a 1-year extension of stay (based on a previous non imm O visa), the extension becomes

    invalid upon divorce.

    Someone might come along and correct me if I am wrong on this.

  12. I would smile it off and go with it. Then it usually stays friendly.

    I experienced a similar thing a few days ago.

    Was at some traditional Thai engagement thing where basically two different families in a village

    (so they all know each other pretty well anyway) would sit across from each other and

    one was, I guess, asking permission from the other family to marry a woman.

    A 2-baht gold necklace was given by the man in question to the woman.

    I must say I didn't understand most of what was said (Isaan-Thai) but did catch the word 'sin sot'.

    I did get the impression that most of what was said was just joking back and forth.

  13. I usually see............dozens of unsmiling, frowning, morose looking (older) farang Thais .....during the day as well

    And then I need plenty of alcohol (if on a night out) to prevent from turning a bit into a unsmiling, frowning, morose looking older farang.

    Sometimes to no avail.

    And I usually start out as a smiling friendly approachable etc farang. But all the unsmiling, frowning, morose looking people mess up my mood.

    I'm working on it.

    OP could always ask the older unsmiling, frowning, morose looking farang why that farang is an older unsmiling, frowning, morose looking farang,

    but what older unsmiling, frowning, morose looking farang would appreciate being asked that......it would only turn that farang into an older

    more unsmiling, frowning, morose looking farang.

    My guess though: maybe they think they can't beat the competition, or the ladies are not responsive, or

    it's late and they are tired but no deal sealed yet or the drinks bill is getting higher than intended but no deal sealed yet.

  14. I think the Thais you are talking to are just believing some nonsense someone older than them said. How is Suthep going to stop people from driving their own cars? He may cause gridlock and then people won't want to drive, but how is he going to 'not allow' them to drive?

    Meaning his brainwashed hardcore followers will stand in front of any car preventing it from driving.

    Or something like that.

    Of course there will be people that will drive their car, taxis will drive, motorcycle taxis will, they need to earn a living.

    Hardcore protesters will try to prevent that.

    Fights will result.

  15. There are posters making jokes about this and although understandable, it is actually a serious matter.

    I understand from Thais that Suthep is planning on really taking control of Bangkok and not allowing people to drive

    their own cars. Only public transport will be available. This means also no taxis!!

    You can imagine that a lot of people will not like this, let alone comply.

    I imagine many taxi drivers for sure will not comply.

    They, and others, will drive their car anyway.

    You can see the clashes over that coming.

    Thais expect fights, riots, and deaths to ensue!

    It also seems that many Thais that first rooted for Suthep, have grown very tired of him already.

    I know I have.

  16. I am not one of those that think most if not all Thai women are only/mostly after money, I am far from that.

    That being said, I do think that of those women that are like that, many are also very patient and aware

    of the 'pretend you don't have money and see if she still loves you' strategy.

    You told her you have a pension coming in, you didn't mention if you told her how long that pension will be coming in.

    She could be assuming it is the rest of your life.

    If you really want to have solid test results, you might have to keep this pretense up for a few years.

    I don't think it is really that out of place for a woman to ask about a man's income.

    Don't we all wonder sometimes how much a person makes, where the money comes from, how he/she can afford something?

    I know I do. Although I usually wouldn't ask. It is considered rude where I come from, and from what I understand it is

    also not really normal in Thailand.

    As for me with my wife: I did tell her, although narrowing it down. But it wasn't much anyway, so I could even show online bank statements at some point (not that she asked for it).

    • Like 1
  17. TVF reflects the same unreasonable thinking as the pro and anti government protesters show.

    The anti government protesters want the current government out because they are corrupt and broke the law

    and somehow that gives them the right now to break the law.

    Now the government upholds the law and now the anti government protesters don't like it.

    As if, because they didn't follow the law before, no need to do it now?

    So if someone commits an act against me that is against the law, I have then the right to retaliate even by means that breach the law?

    I think the government has been very patient thus far.

    They have dissolved parliament, called for elections, offered to cooperate with reforms.

    But as soon as the government starts pushing back, for reasons and by means similar to most western countries, it is condemned.

    I'm neither anti or pro government, and I understand why the anti camp is fed up with the current government, but

    their aim of reforms on their terms only and installing a people's council selected by a relatively selective group, is just the wrong way.

    Nobody even knows what that council's objectives for the country are, after the reform, or even the details of that reform.

    For all you know, as an example, they will tighten immigration rules, have a special tax rate for foreigners residing in Thailand.

    Not saying this will happen but....you just don't know.

    My point is, the anti government camp sympathizers have no idea what they are rooting for,

    and certainly no say in what laws, regulations, policies etc come into effect once there is a people's council.

    As with most Thais that I've spoken to about it, in my opinion, all politicians should be removed and banned and replaced by new fresh stock.

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  18. The danger for any woman in Thailand, Thai or otherwise, is that there are so many young Thai girls/women in Thailand.

    Men in general, but particularly Asian men, like young/younger women.

    Thai women know this. This is why they feel, and are considered, old past 30 years of age.

    Let's face it, it is very hard to resist a pretty young Thai girl.

    For the OP: your husband probably did/does love you, but, surely at that moment, he did not love you enough.

    What do the suicides by foreigner men in Thailand have to do with your husband cheating on you with a Thai woman?

    Or is your impression that Thai women drive foreign men to suicide and therefore you ask yourself why did your husband cheat

    with a Thai woman? And maybe now you wonder why your husband does not commit suicide over you? Is that your real thought behind it?

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