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Posts posted by arminbkk

  1. What I would do depends on what is said and whether I am sure of what was said.

    But I will usually ignore as I am not sure. And also if it is a place/shop that I (have to) frequent a lot,

    I choose my own convenience of some other random person's remark.

    I choose to ignore because either way, going into a discussion, any discussion, leads to one certain thing: losing time.

    And it doesn't solve anything.

    I mean, what will happen after a discussion? Be best buddies? That's not gonna happen.

    If a random Thai insults you and you catch them on it, and start a discussion, even with you

    turning out the 'winner' by 'forcing' them to apologize, they have lost face to you.

    And that makes they will not like you anyway.

    However, if I would be absolutely sure that someone suggests I should fornicate with my mother as a previous

    poster was suggested, well.........this person better not be saying that to me on a bad day.

    • Like 1
  2. I gave it to him


    Well at least you are clear on that.

    You helped, what must be a very good friend and GAVE him THB 20K.

    Although I cannot see what kind of problems a person can have that can cause a 2 year overstay, except perhaps being in a coma,

    you have solved his overstay problem. So how is he faring now?

    • Like 1
  3. Go to Sukhumvit 11 and turn left at cheap charlies. There is a clinic there that did my certificate in 10 minutes, I think it was 500 Baht.

    Just to let readers know: I went there today and I got it pretty much within 10 minutes at Baht 400.

    That's Baht 150 for the blood test and Baht 250 for the medical certificate.

    The doctor checked with his stethoscope but he was moving around so fast I doubt you

    can call it a thorough check.

    The clinic is actually called Sukhumvit 11 Clinic.

    Whether the certificate will be accepted also for work permit renewal, I will confirm later.

  4. One single farang wants to infiltrate a group of thai boys and girls so he can have sex with one of them. Is that the end game................lol. Hilarious! I can see why single guys have a hard time there.

    I'm a guy, so yes of course it is smile.png Although a few numbers to keep me busy would do fine. What else is the point of clubs?


    Of course, it's much better to do that with women and a few drinks but you need to bear in mind that women can smell desperation a mile off. They know when a guy is on the rake cos most of the time, he's trawling around the establishment trying to make eye contact or conversation with every bloody woman there. It looks low-rent and there's few things a decent Thai bird abhors more than a low-rent guy trying to get laid.

    In response to HardenedSoul: yes, the best success I've had was when I was not occupied at all with scoring. Was with a group of farang male friends and we were just drinking and dancing and only minding the music, not paying attention to girls. This was a huge draw, as the girls later explained to me. This was in fact at RCA, Slim, but years ago.

    Thai women, any woman, know when a guy is on the prowl, and it usually does not work in the guy's favor.

    Of course, it is pretty clear from the OP that his main reason is to score. And for many guys, also Thai guys, that is the point of clubs.

    It is brave of the OP to go alone. It is very hard with the setup of Thai clubs with the table setting and all to get in contact.

    As other have said, it is better to go in small group, even better with Thai guys in that group.

    I have been in such a group with Thai guys, and have witnessed the guys 'go to work'.

    When we meet I always jokingly call them 'the Masters'.

    They call me the handsome farang (their words not mine), but they succeed far more than I could. They know how it works, what to say,

    when to say it. I've seen some scanning the place, locking in, and walking to a table, glass in hand, without hesitation.

    They don't look exceptionally good, they just know what to say. They are also not dance champions, neither am I.

    Dancing between those tables and stools is already a feat in itself.

    I've also found that it is very hard to judge whether the Thai guys with the girls are boyfriends or not.

    The last thing you want is chat up some Thai guy's girl, especially when they are getting drunk or are already drunk.

  5. Why should they change or do anything about it?

    Seems to me most expats living in Thailand want to change the Thais and Thailand to be more like people and country they left behind, the same country and people they continually complain about...

    Most people come/came here for the warm(er) weather, the pretty/prettier women (even if only to look at), the cheaper nightlife/dining out, being in a place where you don't understand everything that is being said so there's less to bother you.

    Most don't know come for the things that only become evident, thus one becomes aware of, once one has stayed here for a certain period of time and that become disappointments: corruption, patronage system, lack of following rules and laws etc. It is relaxed to see motorcycle taxis on the sidewalk when walking about as a tourist: it becomes a nuisance when you have to stop for one almost every day while on your way to work. Just an example.

    What is often said about Thais can also, to some extent, be said of foreigners: you can take the Thai <replace with any nationality> out of Thailand <replace with corresponding country>, but you cannot take Thailand <repeat other country> out of the Thai <repeat other nationality>.

    • Like 2
  6. A Thai case that is perfectly explainable and justified. Self defense, humiliation, and losing face. The 18 year was compelled to put a stop to it as he was compelled by his Thainess.

    And I then have to admit that I fail to comprehend: how does getting caught, restrained and put in jail equal saving face/restoring face?

  7. They will not last. They will turn darker. Sorry.

    Actually, if I'm not mistaken, after 16 months it is pretty set.

    My son had blue-like eyes when he was born.

    I was told that the final color would appear after 4-6 months.

    I was hoping it would stay, but it didn't.

    Most look-krueng I've seen have darker eyes, despite the, usually, farang male

    having light colored eyes.

    So I would guess it is a bit exceptional.

    • Like 2
  8. A kik is more a girl on the side, particularly from the guy's intention.

    A kik is somewhere between a friend and a steady girlfriend.

    As a Thai would explain it, basically it is only the good part of having a girlfriend.

    You meet a few times a week, go out for dinner, drinks, movie perhaps, (good part) and then off to a bed (the best part), after which

    you bid your 'see you soon' until the next time.

    Thanks for those pearls of wisdom.

    Actually it's just common knowledge, no pearls of wisdom.

    So, what do you have, kik or mia noi?

  9. A kik is more a girl on the side, particularly from the guy's intention.

    A kik is somewhere between a friend and a steady girlfriend.

    As a Thai would explain it, basically it is only the good part of having a girlfriend.

    You meet a few times a week, go out for dinner, drinks, movie perhaps, (good part) and then off to a bed (the best part), after which

    you bid your 'see you soon' until the next time.

  10. As far as the OP had a question, it would seem he already answered it himself:

    "I was considering turning our friendship into a relationship but then I met my current girlfriend who is 25 years old, beautiful, has a degree in law and works in a good job in Phuket town. That is the sort of competition that Nam is up against."

    Thai men, as many foreign men, just like young women/girls.

    And for some the younger they can get, the even more younger they want, i.e. one below 20.

    I met a Thai friend last Friday, and when he arrived he gave me his phone to talk with his 30+ wife while he

    sat down with his 24 year old kik.

  11. At the OP: which do you have, mia noi or kik?

    And do you actually know what a kik is?

    FYI just in case: they're not the same.

    Most (Thai) guys would not spend that on a kik.

    Anyway, so now you will annually pay Baht 27,900 for health insurance until......???

    Their next point on the agenda will be......transportation to doctor/hospital.

  12. One of the reasons why I don't look at any woman, accompanied by a man, too long, particularly Thai men, unless

    they can't notice that I am looking smile.png .

    As for him choosing a girlfriend that works as a coyote girl and then complaining that guys

    look at her: for all we know their arguments were about him wanting her to quit that work.

    Nevertheless, stabbing a guy to death for looking is overreacting and that's stating it mildly.

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