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Posts posted by arminbkk

  1. I think what the OP is after is that, although the concept of 'saving face' or 'lak sa na' occurs in western countries also, here in Thailand it is applied for situations or

    acts where in the West it wouldn't. The concept is the main reason while people here don't complain or point out something when it happens.

    Nobody likes queue jumpers wherever you're from. Back home someone will say something about it, here usually they won't.

    Nobody likes motorcycles on sidewalks, people cutting right in front of you, or making a dead stop in front of you knowingly (my all time 'favorite'),

    tossing garbage away, having a telephone conversation at an entrance/exit as if you're the only one around, not giving way on a sidewalk

    or even hold in your bag when passing; basically moving about as if there is nobody else there or near.

    As others have said, these things happen and keep happening because nobody say something about it.

    To save someone's face, one also has to lie a lot: 'yes those are nice shoes', 'that food smells/tastes good', 'your English is good',

    'yes those glasses make you look smart' etc.

    I often found that, by doing what Thais do to save face, in our eyes, that what they do actually makes them loose face.

    But yeah, TiT and we should look through Thai eyes.

    • Like 1
  2. I have noticed that many Thais do not want to be tied down to a 8-10 hour job. They want to have a break once in awhile. Also when they are being paid 200-300 baht for a day's work, they feel they can quit and go some place else and get the same pay (with a break between jobs). Many factories in Rayong are having the same problem holding on to their workers and their benefits are good compared to other places. I feel businesses that really want to hold on to good staff need to give them higher wages in order to stay, commission if they are in sales, and proper training. Overall, it is a different attitude towards jobs here than in the West. For example, if you are content frying noodles making enough to survive on -but you are HAPPY- why change jobs? In the West, it seems we always want to make more money but we turn around and get ourselves in debt and have less time to enjoy and not happy.

    It's not just a desire to make more money in the west, it's also about the work ethic. We are raised to try to improve our lives, to be ambitious and change things for our benefit and that of our families. It is taboo to sit back and just let things happen. It is also about being happy (or rather at least not be sad) but in a different way to Thais (but not Thai Chinese). Financial security for ourselves and our family is also a major desire in the west, but Thais often don't think about that as they have a 'now' philosophy. A bit like children who just want to play while the sun shines. And it always seems to shine in Thailand - how many depressed-looking Thais unhappy with their lot in life do you see around?

    Plenty everyday

  3. My impression, from 'hanging' with Thais, is that often they themselves step out into that mirage temporarily.

    And a lot of the Thais that provide that mirage you used to live in, leave those normal suburbs when they go to work to do just that.

    But of course, in a land of 60+ million, they are not all in the same service industry.

    Of all the thai guys i have met in 10 years or so, maybe one out of 10 was not into such mirage.

    But yes, take that away and it is very similar to normal everyday farang live (just to abbreviate).

    Which is boring, hence what a lot of foreigners come for/do here, which I don't consider bad.

    By the way, I don't indulge in that, which is why I find life in Thailand almost as dull and boring as where I come from (but I stay here for work and future career opps).

  4. Although I've been to Singapore once before, it was not for business.

    Now I might join my MD (Thai national) for a marketing visit to Singapore, which means

    a single day visit just to do a general introduction, get acquainted, with a business relation there.

    Do I need a specific visa for Singapore, or is the visa on arrival (visa exempt) good for this?

    FYI: I'm holding a Dutch passport and have a multiple non imm O Thai visa.

    We plan to go there in a few weeks time.

    Thanks in advance for any helpful replies.

  5. I agree withthe OP, I don't see smiles also in normal day to day life, passing by, on the bus, subway etc, even if I do smile first. Thai friends tell me:"why smile for no reason/you don't know the person". But isn't that what friendliness is about?!

    And when they don't smile, most of them actually look angry.

    I also see this among Thais, not only toward me.

    Major disappointment.

  6. Not clear what you have. Do you have an extension of stay from immigration or a multi entry visa that is still valid? You mention re-entry/customs but you do not use re-entry permits with a multi entry visa.

    But if you have a multi entry O visa and return while it is still valid you will get a new 90 day stay even if visa ends the next day - the visa validity is only required for entry - the permitted to stay time remains valid.

    Hi, Yes I have a multi re-entry O visa

    I plan to be back in Aust on 22/4 so will that mean on re-entry they will give me another 90 days, which will take me past the current 12 month O visa expiry date of 15/6?

    I will then go back on the 1/7 where I can arrange another 12 month multi O visa



  7. I've posted in this thread before so here's my update/feedback.

    I applied (in person) for a new Non Imm O (marriage) multiple visa this week at SV.

    I used the downloaded form (see post #47).

    With the application I submitted:

    1) Copy of Thai marriage certificate, signed by my wife

    2) Copy of my wife's ID card, signed by her

    3) Copy of house book, Tambien Bahn, blue book, all pages signed by my wife

    4) Original Kor Ror 2 document

    5) Cover letter from my wife

    6) Two passport photographs

    I showed the original Thai marriage certificate.

    I was not requested to show other documents or show any funds or proof of income.

    I did not offer such either.

    I picked up my passport the following day with a new multiple entry non imm O visa (THB 5,000)


    • Like 1
  8. The neighbor living nearby said he's almost immediately released every time he's caught.

    Would it be smart to post his video on the thai pantip forum or send to a TV channel?

    He's must stronger than me. He can knock me down in a second if he wants to. I will not go to collect the remaining 2000B. It's too dangerous.

    And he didn't knock you down/threaten you the time you confronted him?

    Why don't you send the person that lost the money?

  9. The OP better start befriending all the people he mentioned, then they might not rat on him.

    On his friend I mean or for whoever he is asking.

    Also depends if the gf is on friendly terms with said people.

    Best solution would be to follow Thai example: do itsomewhere else.

    Thais told me they are more discreet. They will use short time hotels.

    But Thais will still gossip: I was in a hotel restaurant once and an older Thai guy came in through a side door with a young lady dressed as a nurse. The staff told me the guy is a doctor who frequently comes with his nurses to do you know what in a short time room.

    They also told me he is married.

    My understanding from Thais is that unless they are good friends or relatives of the one being cheated on, they will not quickly tell.

    • Like 1
  10. how we get the from visa appication from in english because is in site no have for english people or them can use appication that,to?

    You will be given the visa application form at the consulate in Savannakhet.

    Anybody know if this download visa application form, provided for download by Savan Vegas, can be used, i.e. will be accepted,

    by Thai consulate SV?



  11. Went to Savannakhet last month for a tourist visa...........

    By this time the bus that terminates at Savannakhet market had left and we took a tuk tuk to our Guesthouse, 100 baht each.

    Stayed at Leena Guesthouse. 350 baht a night. Pleasant staff, clean room, hot shower, air conditioning, Thai TV only and free WIFI which was quick. Also, there was an open air restaurant where you can have breakfast or dinner. The food was satisfactory and the frenchbread was ok but the cheese was processed. You can also rent bicycles. It was a 10 minute walk to a main road where there were mini marts and restaurants etc.

    We visited Lins Cafe which was walkable from the Guesthouse. Great food with basic surroundings.


    Is that the same bus you took on the Thai side to cross the bridge?

    I didn't know it continues all the way into SV, and you can get back on it...? (Edit: after you've gotten the Laos visa)

    How far is Leena Guesthouse from the Thai consulate?


  12. Only extensions of stay are transferred - you can continue to use a valid visa by showing it in replaced passport and new stamps will be made in the new passport.


    Of course, when replacing passports, the old passport (in which the visa is) is usually perforated, this is no problem then?

    And I take it a visa application will not be refused because one only has a few pages left in his passport?

  13. OP:

    When is your job interview anyway?

    How do you know that HR woman?

    What kind of job is it?

    Do you want to leave after the interview with having a choice and the final say,

    or do you want to go into the interview with a possible disadvantage, i.e. unsuitably dressed?

    Do you actually see yourself working in Thailand for a year or more, seriously?

  14. Would it be a problem when you apply for a new non imm O visa when you only have, say, 5 empty pages left in your passport?

    Also, if one has an active visa and one has to get a new passport (because it is full), can one then just continue

    with 2 passports (old and new), i.e. enter/exit showing both passport (for as long till the visa expires)?

    Or does one have to transfer the visa into the new passport (assumingly at CW immigration)?


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