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Posts posted by arminbkk

  1. I've already noticed lots of Philipino service staff in resorts in Phuket recently. They just have better English skills and work ethic.

    I've known business owners in Cambodia and Vietnam who say the same thing. There is an element of nationalism that needs to be mentioned also. A lot of Thais dislike having to cater to foreigners and specifically Westerners in their own country. This isn't specific to Thailand by any means, but there is a lot of anti-foreign rhetoric drummed up by media outlets and the government -- much more than your average foriegner is aware of.

    Many Thais, but certainly not all, find it hard it seems to give the same treatment to foreigners that they give to their own fellow countrymen.

    Thankfully not all.

  2. I remember Nakhon Sawan in 2006, entrance to parking in Big-C, time was 11.00 day/noon, a total wasted farang, grey beard, grey hair, grey (or dirty..) T-Shirt, jeans, and the obligatory cheaps..t plastic flip-flops, on a wreck of a Honda Dream anno 2540, was crossing my way of right.

    3 sec. before an accident, I hit all brakes and shouted a jolly and smiling "Good morning"!!


    <deleted> off!!

    Since then, very careful not to be too friendly, Farang really don´t like it, cause he want to keep the illusion of being the only and the special one in LOS!


    I once went to lunch with a few Thai colleagues and there was a Englishman, already drunk with beer bottle in hand, who immediately started shouting and spouting

    profanity at me as soon as he saw me. This went on for some 10 minutes until, from what he said, I told him I was not an American, after which he started to

    cool off and apologize.

    Ok, that was my worst encounter and thankfully an isolated one.

    As some posters have said, it doesn't make sense to acknowledge another foreigner (I guess we're all talking about western white foreigners) while walking

    on Sukhumvit. In a remote area with few foreigners on the other hand.......

    Maybe the OP means that many foreigners give the expression "ahh please not another one, I can't be bothered", instead of a friendly or even indifferent expression.

    Well, I get the first one mostly from Thais also, so I guess the foreigners have just adapted to the prevailing Thai attitude.

  3. Sounds to me like this lamb is going to have a great experience here in Thailand and will get to see more then just Pattaya. Many people ONLY visit Pattaya then go home with not a lot to say about Thailand but there Pattaya experience.

    I think it is great that he will visit a real Thai family and see how hospitable they can be and experience how his maybe future gf/wife's lives.

    Smart guy for just renting a mini van and driver for his venture.

    He is now on the venture of his life like many of us have been before when we first started coming to Thailand and many it has worked out and for many it has not, either way, great memories and I wish him all the luck in the world. He will at least get to see in 3 days more then what many who have been here for years have not seen.

    BTW you should not judge a book by it's cover. Tattoos and the way people dress don't mean anything. There is a girl who works in Big-C that is covered with tattoos but she has a regular job. Why do you assume that this girl is a bar girl? Why didn't you give him some positive stories in Thailand if you have been here for some time?

    The way people dress is extremely important to Thais.

    The whole society judges a book by its cover all the time!

    Naam jai is also an important Thai value , this implies that the gf should be flexible and helpful and nice to her potential husband , not unhappy and demanding.

    The suggestion that she gives a hoot about the comfort of the driver , a mere employee who should be used to sleeping in his bus , sends alarm bells ringing ... so I'd also bet that the 'driver' is not just a driver.

    I dont see anything condescending in the tone of the OP , just a comment on what he saw.

    Then why do most of them dress poorly?

    As for OP: the girl's bad mood was/is already a give away.

  4. Interesting.

    I had a friend who was living here before we arrived in the early 2001.

    He referred to this as the "no look".

    Enforced by the quick examination of the mobile Phone or the blank wall in the opposite direction.

    Indoors and outdoors.

    However, the opposite also frequently happens: Thais looking straight at you, even staring.

    When passing by, getting out of MRT/BTS etc.

    So to say that Thais, culture-wise or otherwise, don't look people, i.e. strangers, directly in the eyes,

    is not correct either.

    It keeps amazing me how Thais can do that with a semi angry looking expression and get away with it.

    Also among Thais.

    When that's the case, it doesn't matter how you respond, same look or smile, it Always seems like it is taken

    the wrong way.

    In fact, I think in most other big cities around the world, if you would do what they do, people would

    say something about it, but not here.

    By the way, I see this with farangs too sometimes.

  5. I think it looks ridiculous.

    Then again, if I've had mine on long, I tend to forget taking them off when going inside some shop.

    I will almost Always though remove them partly when talking to someone or someone starting to talk to me.

    I wear them, outside, for what they are for and also to block bright light, not even sunlight.

    Sometimes the light just hurts my eyes, even giving me a headache.

    Oh, and mine are cheap ones from 7-11.

    • Like 1
  6. This thread shows there is no clear cut definition of what a "hi-so" is or what qualifies as such.

    Judging from what I've seen and heard, Thais qualify hi-so as anyone "rich and showing it (clothes, cars and accessoires) with a certain attitude".

    Maybe what another poster posted about how there is an upper class versus a hi-so class, is most correct.

    Now I don't care much about how much one has, it's the attitude that I don't like.

    They are easily spotted and carry themselves with arrogance.

    This is of course not only reserved to Thais. There are also arrogant farangs.

    But the hi-so Thai is the one in brand clothes with sunglasses on in an elevator.

    Needless to say, if you want to see them, go visit Siam Paragon and Emporium.

    One of the reasons I avoid going there (well actually because I cannot afford it anyway biggrin.png )

    I have yet to encounter one that carries a down to earth and inviting demeanor.

    In fact, their whole expression says "I'm somebody, don't talk to me".

    That's why there is no interaction.

    (I have to admit, I go on first impressions which is actually an unfortunate characterstic moving about in Thailand, or any place for that matter - I'm working on it lol)

  7. "People who watch it will also not fall prey to such crime. It will show others that doing such things is not good.

    In the course of the last 10 years I have seen only more and more of these re-enactments on tv and in the newspaper here in Thailand.

    Would say it doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent.

    In any case, even if re-enactments provide the police with a better understanding of the crime, there is no need to have the media present too.

    Of course like another poster said, they will never change their position and admit that it is not necessary; they would loose face.

  8. I expected Thais to be friendly (real and genuine friendliness) whatever the circumstance, toward their own and foreigners, stranger or not a stranger.

    Now I still expect that, and am disappointed on a daily basis.

    It's actually the same as, if not worse than, back home.

    I don't much mind other stuff as mentioned by other posters (corruption, injustice etc..... well I mind but

    I didn't have high expectations), because it was my expectation (above), mostly, that compelled me to come here.

    Maybe I expect too much.

    (Note that I am not talking about going out for drinks with my Thai buddies....I'm talking about everyday encounters and (brief) interactions:

    ordering food, sharing an elevator, paying the bus boy, riding the MRT, buying a coffee, smiling to a security guard

    or the person standing around outside doing nothing or an old lady outside on her chair in front of her shop,

    or when actually replying the 'sawasdee ka' when entering a 7-11, and receiving a dismal look in reward, etc. etc.).

    • Like 1
  9. I first came here at 30. My Thai gf was pregnant, so I decided to pack up and move. I already wanted to do that, but this was earlier than planned. I stayed for 3 years and was able to find a few jobs. Started with teaching jobs upcountry, then moved to Bangkok and ended with a job with an international company. I then moved back, alone, and worked for 3 years. Then came back as my, by then, wife was pregnant with our second child. I stayed for 7 months, didn't work, then moved back to my home country. Tried for about 6 months to getva job, without luck. So decided to move back to Thailand, Bangkok. Been here now over 2.5 years, in my second job during this period.

    So I did 2 runs here, currently the second run.

    The first time around was great, this second time not so.

    I wish I had stayed on and not returned for the second time. Would have been better to keep working and make money.

    To answer the OP's question: I would not have wanted to come at an earlier age, but later than I did when I came the first time: not at 30 but a few years later.

    So at the off change I get to live again (which I don't expect) I would come at an older age. But maybe would have holidayed here more at a younger age. :-)

  10. The funny thing is, apperently the Thai Police, thus Thais,

    don't consider this a "loose face" situation, as it is covered

    in the news. Whereas most foreigners would consider this

    such a situation. Amazing Thailand/Thai way.

    So there is a large scale illegal gambling operation going on,

    at a permanent location, and all the police can say is

    "we were too late". LOL

  11. .....

    Different culture, different way of dealing with things.... MOVE ON.

    Like in Syria, Afghanistan, Irak etc, yet still some countries feel the need to get involved there.

    Anyway, this case just shows again that money is the most important thing in Thailand, the only thing that really determines ones status.

    As the article says, he's the 'heir'. He didn't do anything himself, didn't achieve anything.

    Him in jail would in no way harm or hinder or be of any disadvantage to Thailand, yet, they are slowing this case, why?

    Because his family is rich. And it is not even a family with a long line of entrepreneurs that goes back back over 100 years,

    just a few decades.

    Ah well, I will still (have to) yield right of way next time he comes out of the soi in his new super sport scar.

  12. Thanks boosta, that was a great reply. We, however, are not living together. She would never go for that.

    At present, we are still a couple. She is trying to get me to change schools. She says there are Thai schools of good quality, and that it isn't necessary to work at an international school in order to have a stable work environment. I am considering this option. As you say, she is still the woman I've cared about to this point. Nevertheless, with ASEAN around the corner, and Thailand growing leaps and bounds, an M.Ed would create much needed stability for me, before deciding to start a family here.

    What happened to:"I'm a teacher here, and have realized the Thai education system isn't a good fit for me."?

    I think you'll find that most schools in Thailand, whatever type, follow the same education system.

    As for your original question: I guess it can be many things, but it is probably just that she likes you and doesn't want you to leave her.

    • Like 2
  13. What establihment in Ubonratchathani (amphur meuang I pressume) is this actually?

    I asked some Thais and yes, it is not beer girls' job to clean tables. As with most drinking places in Thailand, it is their job to get you to drink a lot, i.e. to generate turnover, money that is.

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