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Posts posted by arminbkk

  1. I have chatted with Thai women and some have asked

    me if it is true that a foreigner, while on the way to meet them, need money for a visa or transit, as the foreigner got stuck at some airport.

    The guy then asked the lady for money to help him out, promising to pay it back upon meeting.

    Of course, the foreigner would then come up with some excuse (taking care of sick father/mother etc) and not show up.

    I told those ladies that as soon as anyone starts talking/asking about money: block/delete!

    Why on earth would anyone ever send money to someone you don't know?

    Or the lady would send me their e-mail correspondence and ask me for my opinion as to how sincere the foreigner is.

    I would then explain to the lady that no honest foreigner would write about 'profound love', 'love of my love', 'dying to marry you',

    'my mother approves of you', 'let's buy land and house together', etc etc, after only 2 e-mails (not even chat) and only exchange a few pictures.

    Some would show me the picture of the guy in question: usually a white western male.

    The lady would then say she felt a bit stupid being fooled like this, and I would say that yes it is a bit stupid.

    I think it must be some degree of desperation that allows these women to be fooled like this.

  2. And the friend that had been raped before did not warn this girl, her friend, or alert other staff and males around to keep an eye out,

    or to have a more experienced waitress serve these two guys or not let this girl wait on the two alone...??!!!

    No mention that action will be taken as to the fact that she is a minor working in a bar.

    Guess they'll let it slide since she's been through such an ordeal.

  3. Wonder if all those making accusations towards the wife in the other post will turn up here.

    The way the previous report was written gave a different idea of the circumstances than this article does.

    Now it says the guy had been missing since 14th and the wife later reported him missing.

    The other article reported 7-8 days missing.

    Anyway, good that he is safe now. Well, at least he is found.

    Whether the wife waited too long to report him missing to the police, well, opinions differ on that.

  4. September and October wrath blues.... coming up north down south,... and now weather report yet, as usual.

    First Ayutthaya, then Pathumthani and later North Bangkok....

    Actually, there are weather reports warning of heavy rains in Bangkok for tomorrow and Friday, with possibility of local flooding.

  5. Let's assume it is mostly due to ignorance on the part of the Thais (which it proably is): if explaining to them the western view of the symbol,

    how many Thais afterwards you think will actually have a change of heart regarding using the symbol?

    Some of them might argue, well this is Thailand not the West and we like this symbol so will keep using it.

    Would you still insist or leave it at that, since it is after all their country?

    And the next step in that argument is we should not as foreigners criticise anything Thai people do in their own country.

    I was not arguing that we as foreigners should not criticize anything Thai people do in their own country.

    My point is, that the Thais themselves would argue this.

    And when they do, on whatever subject, would you still insist on our point of view/opinion, or would you leave it at that?

    I would reverse the situation, i.e. you're in your own country and a foreigner comes and criticizes something, and

    then ask how you would respond, but I cannot think of a good comparable example.

    To be clear, to answer my own question, I would not insist.

  6. There is freedom of speech in Thailand. It's just limited to positive speech.

    I think this student in an interview said something like "I would not respect my own mother" or something to that effect.

    Now what her mother (assuming her biological mother) has got to do with the higher institution, I fail to see.

    But since what she what she has exactly said that was allegedly offensive will never be disclosed, we will never know

    and be able to judge for ourselves.

    As other posters have said, on some subjects it is better to just not speak, and smile only.

  7. I just cannot help but get the impression that this studio guy is some maffia-type boss who thinks he is very important,

    short from proclaiming himself as the king of Thai cinema and not impressed by some petty Hollywood filmmakers.

    Anyway, all I've read so far is that Tony Jaa was in talks to get a role in FF7: did he actually get offered a part?

    And how big is this part?

    Good thing this studio boss decided not to pursue that dumb idea of suing the Hollywood producers/studio,

    who could have possibly then just have moved on and find another actor.

  8. One of the things I love about Thailand is that Thais wear their emotions on their sleeves. If a waitress hates her job or has had a shitty day, you'll know it when you sit down and order food. I'm weird, but I like that kind of honesty.

    But this article shows the dark side to that. While Thais are usually intensely happy people and show it to the world...on the rare times they go to the dark side, they go fiercely. I see some fellow farang getting in the faces of Thai men for fairly trivial matters -- My advice is to NEVER do stuff that will insult or piss off a Thai guy -- particularly if he's an uneducated laborer type or knows where you live. Once they get that kill signal in their brain, they often don't know how to shut it off.

    Is this your everyday experience or are you relating to a Thai barn bar after midnight when everybody has a good deal of drinks in them?

    If it's the former, let me where that is and I will go there and just stand there and smile along.

    As for the Thais temper: the things a Thai would get worked up about seem to be completely different from what a westerner would get upset about.

    The word that comes to mind is 'unreasonable'.

    Basically the best thing to do is just to go out of every Thai's way, apologize for anything, even for example if they accidentally bump into you.

    Because you just don't know what will trigger a Thai.

    I think there is a lot of resentment with Thais. They seem to think farangs are always rich/in a better position.

    But if I were that, why would I be standing in a 7 baht bus like them?

    I've often noticed they will look at me in a certain way while I'm doing something on my smartphone.

    Oddly enough, they don't regard fellow Thais that are busy on a much more expensive iPhone.

    Anyway, I've thus far never been on the receiving end of a Thai venting off pent-up emotions (but that's more due to my restraint than the Thai's).

    Anyone here that has?

  9. Let's assume it is mostly due to ignorance on the part of the Thais (which it proably is): if explaining to them the western view of the symbol,

    how many Thais afterwards you think will actually have a change of heart regarding using the symbol?

    Some of them might argue, well this is Thailand not the West and we like this symbol so will keep using it.

    Would you still insist or leave it at that, since it is after all their country?

  10. I must admit I don't know all the ins and outs about ASEAN. I know the first step is an open job market and open borders for travel etc.

    But will ASEAN also have a single currency in the future? If so, what's the Thai stance on that?

    It doesn't happen often that a Thai will talk about ASEAN, but usually when one does it always is about how

    bad Thailand will probably do, how unprepared they are, the competition, uncertainty about what exactly will change.

    Haven't heard a confident positive comment from a Thai on ASEAN so far.

  11. My gf is aged in her early 20’s and is a solid 8 out of 10 in the looks and body department.

    It might be because you don't score equally.

    Then again you are in a better position to judge that.

    "....and use the iphones as security blankets so they don't have to engage in any eye contact with other bland mortals of the world"

    I think this is a very valid point.

    And I apply it too sometimes........reading some news on my phone is more interesting than looking at dismal faces or people with angry/disapproving/annoyed looks just because

    they happen to cross my line of sight.

    Also, I understand people, particularly Thai people, don't like to be 'stared' at. So, what am I supposed to look at then in a crowded MRT?

    Often it seems Thai people consider half a second already 'staring'.

    Are you kidding? Thai people don't like to be stared at?

    They are ALWAYS staring at me. I HATE it with a passion. It is so rude to stare. I feel half the time like a monkey at the zoo.

    I know they are curious about Western behavior, but it is rude and super annoying!!

    Do unto others.....does that really apply in this country??

    You are confusing two different things: staring and being stared at. Thais do the former and don't like the latter.

    That's my impression anyway.

    My point was that often when I'm just looking around and for a split second I happen to cross the gaze of another and make eye contact,

    the other person reacts if I were staring and then looks away with the opposite of a smile (mad.gif.pagespeed.ce.z6RtN005qs.gif ), sometimes even turning away.

    (Unless of course Thais are so different that this actually means they like it and this is how they express that, although I doubt it.)

    So to comply and do the Thais and anybody else a favor, I just occupy myself with my phone, or stare at the ceiling.

    People should actually thank me for that 555.

    I also understand that Thais will probably get embarrassed and feel uncomfortable, for whatever reason, when a total stranger, especially a foreigner,

    starts to have a chat with them, particularly in 'quiet' crowded places like BTS/MRT trains. To avoid them that, I don't strike up a conversation

    when in such a situation.

    (So what you should take from my posts is that I am a considerate person rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn )

    Back to OP: of course, I guess the OP's gf has different reasons for playing with her phone and ignoring the OP.

  12. I usually buy the same items at 7-11 so

    I know to about how much it should amount.

    Anyway, I always watch while they scan each item and look at the checkout screen.

    When the total comes up I while always try to give close to exact change and at the same time

    calculate how much I should get back.

    And then I watch (and count) as they themselves count the change they will give back to me.

    I have to add that I usually go to the same branches.

    Of course, the more items there are, the bigger the chance of a mistake, honest or otherwise.

  13. LOL to the replies on this thread.

    OP, just explain more about the girl, and be honest about it.

    Most of the posters here are just messing with you, have fun.

    It's not that bad.

    Some girls are just modern, so for them it's not a big thing to bring a guy/boyfriend to meet the family.

    It doesn't mean marriage has to be the next step.

    But it is a serious step to some extent, so do consider what the girl might expect after the visit.

    As for meeting the family:

    Just take to heart the advice regarding where to put your feet, wai the parents, don't touch the children, smile, try the food,

    say it is 'pet' and smile.

    Just be nice and friendly. Dress average but decent. Don't dress rich looking.

    Keep the visit to a pop-in: spend a few hours then leave.

    You could bring some small gifts, but don't shower them with gifts.

    What is always a good idea is to go to the market before and bring food as gift!

    As you stated, for you it is also an opportunity to see another part of Thailand.

    You should go with that in mind: to go and have a look with no intention of staying.

    Try to show interest in the people and their lives, but don't ask too much.

    You will probably experience what most farang experience in this situation; you get 'ignored' after 10 minutes,

    cos people change the topic, the focus shifts, mainly due to language barrier.

    For a lot of poster, as soon as you mention Ubon, aka Issarn, it just has to involve bar girls.

    While it is true that most bar girls come from there, it doesn't mean that all are the same.

    However, whether your gf is a bargirl or not, you can answer yourself.

    There are a lot of normal people in Ubon also.

    • Like 2
  14. My gf is aged in her early 20’s and is a solid 8 out of 10 in the looks and body department.

    It might be because you don't score equally.

    Then again you are in a better position to judge that.

    "....and use the iphones as security blankets so they don't have to engage in any eye contact with other bland mortals of the world"

    I think this is a very valid point.

    And I apply it too sometimes........reading some news on my phone is more interesting than looking at dismal faces or people with angry/disapproving/annoyed looks just because

    they happen to cross my line of sight.

    Also, I understand people, particularly Thai people, don't like to be 'stared' at. So, what am I supposed to look at then in a crowded MRT?

    Often it seems Thai people consider half a second already 'staring'.

    • Like 1
  15. Krityot took police to his house in Kathu, where a search revealed nothing.

    However the student admitted he had another house at Iravadee Villa in Wichit, so police went there to search also. Here police found 2,200 meth pills, also know as ya ba.

    Now why did he give them that information?

    Must be to do with the word "admitted".

    But not admit where he got the stuff from..??!!

    • Like 1
  16. When can I see the video? The Thais never do one to one we are just farang and they don't give a shit about hurting someone . It's who u know not what u know and u can buy yourself out of almost anything . I've got into a couple of disagreements there and the Thai came unstuck . I teach aikido and use it . They wouldn't flinch about harming u with or without weapons.. to many westerners getting hurt and mugged there now .

    Where do you teach Aikido?

  17. The story I heard this morning was that there was a farang caught with Yabaa, high on it.

    Also last night and also at that Honey Hotel.

    Heard that from a friend who heard it from a friend that worked at the reception of that hotel last night.

    Why is that not reported?

    Or is it this story and it all got mixed up in translation? Hmm...my Thai is not that bad 555.

    I checked and found that after they got him back in his room to investigate the "why" of it all, they found he had been using yabaa,

    also to cope with his broken heart.

    So it was one and the same story.

    What happened further I don't know.

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