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Posts posted by arminbkk

  1. This is what's on the phone box:

    HSDPA: HSDPA 7.2 Mbps/Dual band (900/2100 Mhz)

    Quad-band: Quad-band (850/900/1800//1900 Mhz)

    Does that change anything?

    HSDPA is one of the industry's tech terms that's a version of 3G.

    So yes, as stated above, you have a phone that at present would only receive 3G on AIS's service in Thailand via their 900 Mhz band.

    But once all the carriers begin operations on the new 2100 Mhz band for 3G service, you'll be able to pick whomever you like -- assuming they have a 3G transmitter located near where you stay and thus can provide the actual service.

    One of the problems now -- and probably for the future too -- is that the 3G services won't cover the ENTIRE country. I believe, under their government concessions, they're only obligated to provide 3G service to at least 80% of the nation's population.

    Under the concessions, the carriers are legally obligated to be able to serve 50% of the nation's population within 2 years, and 80% within four years of their awards on the new 2100 Mhz band. The carriers have variously promised to provide service at a faster pace than their legal obligation... though whether they'll accomplish the 80% ahead of schedule remains to be seen. The mobile carriers haven't got the greatest track record in accuracy for their past promises here.


    Next question would be, if possible to answer at this stage, which of the providers provides the best value for money in terms of speed, coverage and the packages that they offer?

    Keep hearing True is the best.

  2. Here's the deal for people posting above who are already seeing 3G symbols on their mobile devices:

    DTAC also I believe has been offering some 3G in BKK, not sure about elsewhere, on the 850 Mhz band.

    So why do I not see 3G on my phone:

    Samsung Galaxy Ace Plus GT-S7500

    DTAC 3g/Wifi internet sim card


    Perhaps it's the internet package?

    Yeah, I use EDGE package 99B/20HRS/1M

    So how does the volume-based 3G package work? Let's say you use 75MB, does that mean that you

    download data (load videos, internet pages etc) up to 75MB of data on 3G network/speed and once reached,

    no 3G speed but back to EDGE?

  3. You didn't get a letter in the mail from the Revenue Department?

    Best you go to your nearest regional RD office and explain the situation there.

    Here's a link that a TV member sent me where you can find your nearest RD office:


    I've been asking tax related questions as well.

    Look at some of my short threads:



    No letter no. I will head to the office though.

    It turns out my old school was working the books claiming I was only paid 15k per month. Would that mean I am under the taxable bracket as i worked 11 months. Tricky Chinese f**kers.

    You will in any case need an annual income statement from that school stating your gross annual salary in 2012 and how much income tax was withheld

    and how much contribution to social security fund was withheld from that salary. These three figures are stated on that annual income statement.

    It is the required supporting document for filing income tax.

    If I am not mistaken, under THB 150K one is exempt from paying tax.

    Above that, you have standard deduction (i.e. personal expense at 40% of annual gross income but maximum of THB 60K) and allowances that you can then also deduct,

    such as personal allowance at THB 30K, followed by spouse and child allowance (if you have a spouse and children here),

    and then also the contribution to the social security fund.

    All these you deduct from annual gross salary, to arrive at the taxable income, for which the first tier is 10% (for if your taxable income is between

    THB 150K and THB 500K).

    It would seem in your case (11 x THB 15K = THB 165K) you are not liable for income tax (but don't take this as advice), however, you still have to file for tax return.

    • Like 1
  4. You didn't get a letter in the mail from the Revenue Department?

    Best you go to your nearest regional RD office and explain the situation there.

    Here's a link that a TV member sent me where you can find your nearest RD office:


    I've been asking tax related questions as well.

    Look at some of my short threads:



    • Like 1
  5. Spending more than the average monthly wage on electricity bills in a month........there are some fortunate people out there.

    My bill is on average 760 baht, but then I don't use the air con much.

    I think the OP should have an electrician come by and do a test to measure the electric consumption.

  6. The e-filing can be seen through the Thai language menus, not shown in the English menus



    Many thanks Tywais!!

    Tried to register but got error message regarding my name (RD database does not recognize it).

    I entered my name in English, but tax form has Thai name, guess that's the problem.

    Will sort it out, will probably someone type it in Thai for me.

    Again, thanks!

  7. Hi, some PIT related questions:

    1) I understand that there is a tax calculator that one can download,
    presumably from RD site, but I cannot find it. Would anyone know of
    this, where it is?

    I tried one online after brief search, however, it doesn't allow for
    my situation, i.e. I changed employer last year October, with a gap of a
    few weeks. So I have income from 2 jobs to declare. Also, the monthly salary
    from both are not the same (this calculator required to key in one
    monthly salary).

    2) Also, I know that one can file tax online as well, however, don't seem to find this on RD site neither. Anyone know?

    3) I got two identical 91-forms in the mail, except that one already
    has my tax id no. and address printed on it, the other one not. Is the latter just a spare, not necessary to use?

    4) Suppose one files the paper version, how to go about it? Does one
    take the completed form, and tax to be paid, to any RD office and submit
    it?vOr does one mail it in and wait for reply from RD with request to pay?
    I also heard that one can even pay the tax at any 7/11, is this correct?

    Thanks in advance for any replies!!

  8. Thanks for all the replies guys!!

    I'll have a look at all of them.

    From some of the comments, I must add that I do not intend to make money with the site.

    I intend to make a website for the company that I work for.

    Primary use is to present the company: give some background, state services, contact details and such. I'm thinking of some 8 to 10 pages at most.

    But of course want it to look nice, have some scrolling texts, add gifs, normal pics, maybe e-mail function (visitors can send enquiry from website).

    I'm not completely naive about websites, have worked on a few like 15 years ago.

    I just don't want to go to deep into HTML code.

    Ideally, I would like to copy my draft in Word into some application that then sort of converts it into webpages.

    I'm doing this aside from my normal busy work, so that's why I'd preferably like to avoid a steep learning curve.

    Currently I'm looking into MS Expression Web 4. But with this I somehow think a designed website will work on IE only, no?

    I tried MS Publisher but then found out some features will only reveal on IE, so I dropped Publisher.

    I have a book on Dreamweaver CS4, but have the idea that this program is rather expensive, hence my request for alternatives.

  9. Looking for one that can make decent webpages with banners and such for a company. Then upload via ftp. Not a program that requires membership or includes hosting etc. Also, one that can make webpages that can be viewed with any browser, not just MS IE.

    Tried MS Publisher and some online website builders, but when you want to publish they require you use them for hosting.

    Alternatively, anyone know where to get Dreamwever CS at cheap price?


  10. Hi arminbkk,

    Nope - I was not asked to show any evidence of any funds. ;-)

    (Glad you liked the pics)

    Thanks, and congrats!

    Some reports in the past few weeks say it was required, some say it wasn't.

    Seems like it is random.

    Bit of a gamble, not in the least because of the price of the Laos visa that you first have to get.

    Were you attended by the 'usual' lady there or another person?

    And did you notice anyone else applying for the same but also not having to show any funds?

  11. I've just returned from Savannakhet, Laos, where I was granted a one-year, multiple entry Non-O visa (Non-O Thai Spouse). No problems at all.

    I took a rather convoluted route, flying to Nakhon Phanom, spending a night in Mukdahan, and then crossing the bridge the following morning. I spent a night in Savannakhet and then returned back to Mukdahan, Nakhon Phanom - spent a night in Nakhon Phanom and the flew back to Bangkok today.

    It was a fun trip...

    Pics are here...


    Nice pictures (yes I did view them).

    So....did you have to show funds and if so, how much and seasoned for how long etc.?


  12. So, why has it become fashionable to start sentences with "so"?

    I hate that. It's just one of those insidious trends that, like most butchery of the English language, begins in America but spreads like wildfire among the more impressionable.

    I'm with you guys on that. Maybe he was just paying tribute to Andrew Dice Clay, who began his stand-up in "The Diceman Cometh" with: "So, I got my tongue up this chick's a__, and she's looking at me like 'Hey, do I know you?'"


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