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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. They are a country with their own parliament, currency, legal system, etc. It is a part of the U.K. but an independent country within it. England voted leave in such numbers that it took a country that voted remain with them. Simple.
  2. A referendum on independence should answer that.
  3. Scotland is a country. The country voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU. They were dragged out against the will of the country.
  4. Here’s another reason why https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/dec/21/brexit-deal-not-boosted-business-uk-firms?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  5. Historically the usa may share blame, however they are not alone to blame. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/11/12/climate/cop26-emissions-compensation.html#:~:text=Rich countries%2C including the United,over the past 170 years.
  6. The reason it’s hard to find evidence that MM is lieing in order to trash the British public and her family, as you claimed, is you can’t. You initially said there was too much talked about racism and I said racism should always be exposed. You then proceeded to highlight incidents of racism. That would be a change of stance. I don’t care about who you do or don’t like. As you were gaslighting in your previous post, that would appear to be a rather odd statement.
  7. Whereas a rational one would look to how we can prevent further man made climate change.
  8. From the OP ”But maybe things are getting so bad that the prevalent mood of “put up with it quietly” will turn. Maybe if enough people are in enough misery, things will have to change, by brute force if nothing else.” A call to arms, seems a bit extreme. Merry Christmas everyone.
  9. No, it’s not. Answered all these yesterday, twice- though the second time you posted this list it was removed by a moderator… I am defending no one, just asking you to provide evidence for your claims. I made my views on racism very clear yesterday, so convincingly you changed your stance on exposing racist behaviour. Where have I said I look up to MM or this individual who is not part of this topic as far as I can see. Deary me, and you accuse others of gaslighting. ‘Tis to laugh.
  10. Piers Morgan claims are opinion from a person with a very public grudge against MM. They are not evidence her intent is lieing in order to trash her family/the British public as you claimed. From the article “In an explosive chat on US TV, Piers defended the royals – and said a total of 17 of the claims made in the interview are either untrue, inflated or impossible to prove.” Again I asked you to prove she lied and her intent was to trash her family and the British public as you claimed. That article does not do this. Opinion panels on youtube channels are not evidence. I asked for evidence…still waiting.
  11. Hmm, so the people rejected this judge and the appeal court over turned the judgement they gave and then desantis gives them a better job. Strange days indeed.
  12. No you haven’t. You showed she lied about her wedding vows but nothing else. Even then you failed to show how that was related to your claims on trashing her family/British public. Good, you admit your claim about a pack of lies cannot be proved. I asked you to back up your claims on intent with evidence, not opinion from a youtube channel. Something you have conspicuously failed to do so far.
  13. I believe your choice of interpretation is incorrect. Good to see you admit you cannot prove she told a pack of lies in order to trash her family/the British public.
  14. 1: no not really. 1 lie a pack does not make. Nor does it back up your assertion on intent of trashing family/British public. 2: I never commented on this, so not sure why you continue to raise this issue. I mean thank you for supporting my view that racism should be exposed despite it countering your claim that Still good to know you have come over to my point of view. 3: I didn’t say there was. I merely stated racism should always be exposed in response to your view there was too much talk about racism. A view you now appear to disavow since excepting my premise. .
  15. There were no facts presented to back up your claim about a pack of lies, just opinion. There you go, well done, one lie exposed on wedding vows...however you claimed that How exactly did this lie trash her family and/or the British public? I did not comment upon any specific case of racism. I merely stated that racism should always be exposed. I do not have to back up any claims of specific racist incidents as I have not made any, that's on you...so deflection attempt failed I'm afraid. Get back to me any time if you find where I have made such claims though, I'll be happy to look at them and say where they came from. And regarding spreading misinformation...that would be an assertion from you that I have made claims of specific incidents of racism in this exchange...so be careful there if you are concerned about breaking forum rules.
  16. Piers Morgan as far as I am concerned is not a credible source. And it was his opinion there, I asked for evidence that MM is spreading a “pack of lies”, not the well known opinions of someone who is not part of the windsor families inner circle. Credible evidence requires credible sources and morgan has not shown access to any such evidence. All he is doing is spouting his views. I said racism should always be exposed. The MM video you show is of MM doing so, so not sure what point you are making here. I did not introduce the issue of racism or comment upon any specific claims being made. Likewise I have not mentioned any incidents or asked for proof of racism associated with the windsor boy, so again not sure about the point you are raising here as it does not counter my views on exposing racism(the very opposite in fact). Nor does it back up your assertion about a pack of lies.
  17. You referred to racism in your post. You said and I quote I challenged that perspective. Then you said, and again I quote I have asked you to back up this assertion. Edit: with credible sources of course.
  18. Yep, people do take offence at abusive language. It’s always good to expose racism. Pack of lies? Really, that sounds like an opinion, please back up with credible evidence.
  19. Ah, once more you revert to abusive language. Your default setting when challenged. Though thanks for the laugh at this part of your post ”Plus those who want to believe what she says because it fits in with their divisive agenda.” Ah the irony LOL
  20. No, it’s not. Not when you consider the alternatives. But keep telling yourself that if you wish.
  21. Ah, TBL has competition. Ocram’s razor does not equate with your ‘ah but what if’ theories.
  22. Fabulous headline. Not going to read the story as it could not possibly live up to its headline.
  23. That has got to be the most ludicrous comment on this thread so far, and there has been a lot of competition for that accolade (on this page alone). If the windsors knew what MM was going to say, then what was said must be true, otherwise how would they know. If it is not true, then how on earth could they know what would be said?
  24. Tick, tick tick clarkson https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/dec/20/mps-urge-sun-editor-to-act-against-jeremy-clarkson-over-meghan-comments?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
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