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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. You misrepresented my post with a partial quote that made it appear I said “brexit has failed “. I did not say that here. if you want a different poll, create one. You would know all about crass, your deflections reek of them. I’ll post where and when I choose (within forum rules of course… which by the by do not allow for partial quotes that misrepresent what a poster says).
  2. Do not try to misrepresent my post by partial quoting. If you want a different poll then set one up. No one is asking you to “contribute” to this thread.
  3. Wrong. Just about every comment made by the poster you defend on Ireland is incorrect, misleading and based in ignorance of the subject they spout on.
  4. No it doesn’t. You need to research before posting incorrect nonsense such as this.
  5. Erm, looking at the poll, and I am, a majority of those who do spend a lot of time in U.K. have voted to show brexit has failed. Not that it matters as there is plenty of evidence, as opposed to alleged anecdotes, to show the negative impact of brexit has had on the Uk’s economy. So it really doesn’t matter in the slightest where anyone lives.
  6. Election results for Stormont and polls show majority support for the current protocol arrangements.
  7. Not true again. The majority of members elected to the Stormont are in favour of the current border situation as it preserves the Good Friday Agreement. Those not in favour are a minority of members and are exploiting the terms of the Good Friday Agreement to prevent Stormont meeting. Polls show support amongst the population of Northern Ireland for the protocol is ever more growing. https://www.qub.ac.uk/News/Allnews/2022/public-support-protocol-increases.html Educate yourself before posting such inaccuracies.
  8. Sadly you are probably right; there are some who may well do so and others who will no doubt claim it’s all about money.
  9. That is to be welcomed. The less people this creature influences the better.
  10. You have no idea what you are talking about. There has to be an open border between the Republic and Northern Ireland as part of the Good Friday Agreement.
  11. Care to back that up with evidence?
  12. Nah, we can discuss it now on any and every thread where it is relevant, despite how much brexiteers dislike doing so.
  13. You are not making a valid point. You are flailing to answer facts and deflection is your desperate attempt to hide this.
  14. Why does that matter?
  15. Ah, so the tourists will be free to say no thank you?
  16. Playing the immigration card…
  17. Also been charged with rape. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/30/andrew-tate-detained-in-romania-on-organised-and-charges?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  18. Given his misogynistic views, it is quite believable he could act this way.
  19. There is every reason to show how brexit continues to damage the uks economy. That you don’t want to face that and refuse to accept facts is no reason to stop doing so.
  20. And yet again you fail to mention the role brexit has played. Quelle Surprise
  21. Anecdotes are not facts. Facts need to be supported with verifiable evidence.
  22. Yeah, reading the posts on a thread before commenting is such hard work eh…
  23. Why not just try to refute the facts in the report rather than denigrating the source?
  24. Uh oh…could it be this lying liar who admitted lying could have been lying about not committing any crimes.
  25. It’s not so much you don’t respond, rather, as pointed out, your responses are anecdotes based on alleged observations.
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