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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. If you wish your post to be see as factual, credible and based on the truth, yes you must. However, I know you won’t, because you can’t. I know that deliveries are available in areas that voted remain. Just as I know that being part of the eu was not responsible for the decline in milk deliveries across the U.K.
  2. Please show that the only areas that still have milk deliveries are those that voted leave as you just claimed. That means you must prove that no area that voted remain has milk deliveries. Provide a link proving this claim you made is 100% accurate. edit: by the way, I can show that milk deliveries are available for example throughout Scotland and London … areas where the remain vote was strong.
  3. Link to back that up. And still does not detract from the fact that the claim made was false.
  4. Jonathan Pie is a comedic fictional character not a news guy.
  5. Disgusting behaviour to exploit people in such a manner for political theatre. Unforgivable really.
  6. Sunak is so out of touch with reality it beggars belief. Good job the cameras caught the conversation or it may have morphed into an anecdote that claimed that he, sunak , once met a man on a food line who asked for his advice on how he could get into financial services in order to turn his life around…
  7. A:that had nothing to do with the EU. B: you can still get milk delivered to your door if a dairy is willing to do it. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/11/milk-floats-ride-to-the-rescue-of-locked-down-british-households https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-29327881.amp
  8. Uh oh…the brexiteers are not going to react well to those facts. From the OP “The UK chose Brexit in a referendum, but the government then chose a particularly hard form of Brexit, which maximized the economic cost,” said Michael Saunders, a senior adviser at Oxford Economics and former Bank of England official. “Any hope for economic upside from Brexit is pretty much gone.” So no sunny uplands then.
  9. No. They said what they said. They may argue they then qualified it (I’d disagree) but they still said it. Edit: to make you happy here is the comment (I’ve ignored the waffle about anecdotes) where such criticism was made. “People complaining because they cannot put the heating on at home and having to use blankets to keep warm . What a hard life these people are living, having to wear clothes at home instead of walking around in shorts and T-shirt and turning the heating on like they are the tropics” That is still having a pop at people who cannot afford to turn on the heating.
  10. It is ironic that, at this time of year, that the lessons of the Charles Dickens Christmas classic have still not been learnt by some. “These are garments, Mr. Cratchit. Garments were invented by the human race as a protection against the cold. Once purchased, they may be used indefinitely for the purpose for which they are intended.” Scrooge A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens
  11. Not Californian snow then…
  12. More alleged life anecdotes being posted as research based evidence. You two should form a club.
  13. A bonus Christmas gift with that verdict. Get over it lake, you-like your mentor- lost the election.
  14. It’s not a reporter’s view, they are the facts on the uks recent trade deals. Though as this thread makes ever clearer, you can’t deal with facts.
  15. You flatter yourself. Not bruising or taxing at all. Though as I pointed out to you earlier, your ego does bruise easily, thank you for using my metaphor, you’re learning. Still not answering my questions though, that ego must be mighty fragile. Your deflections are getting rather desperate though…a little sad really. Now how about you get back on topic.
  16. Get over yourself. You failed to answer the questions I put to you. The reason being you can’t find anything to justify your scatter blast unfounded allegations.
  17. It is. Personal anecdotes are not research based information and on a forum such as this are to be doubted as they cannot be supported by factual evidence. Nothing, but I can see why you would like to imply that is the case. So much easier than refuting research based facts eh…
  18. Irrelevant as per…
  19. Absolutely spot on assessment.
  20. Oh dear, your poor bruised ego can’t take people disagreeing with you so you make false claims about the manner they answer your posts. How sad. Where did I dispute any facts you made? Which facts did I dispute? Be precise and show exactly where I did anything other than state my view and where I referred to, quoted or actively disagreed with your “facts”. My points are clear. He is unrepentant and trying to profit from what he did. That makes him scum as far as I am concerned. I would rather he be locked up and left to rot in a cell. That not being possible he should live out his life in misery and poverty. He certainly should not be allowed to profit from his crimes. Finally… He is filth.
  21. Yeah right… Do you not realise how ludicrous that post is? People were shopping and there were long queues so there is no poverty? People are shopping so they can’t be in financial difficulties? Absolute complete utter nonsense.
  22. I’m neither ranting or raving so stop using such terms to deflect away from the fact that someone can disagree with you and still have a valid point. The man is unrepentant scum who has shown no remorse for what he did nor the misery he inflicted upon his victims families. He is trying to exploit his victims and profit from what he did. He is filth.
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