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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. Looking forward to seeing which “witnesses” are hauled up for perjury. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap”
  2. Not that tricky to anyone with more than three brain cells really.
  3. A: Tough. B: Being concerned about human rights, the environment, health and safety, and community engagement isn’t woke , it’s called being a decent human being.
  4. A sign of what is awaiting you in gaol, you bigoted racist piece of <deleted>.
  5. Given the complexity of many criminal investigations, that is a ridiculous suggestion.
  6. The article there deals mostly with drag artists who are reading stories from a pre approved list. Not that shocking at all.
  7. Yes. They are supporting theatre and artists. As long as the content is suitable for children, I don’t see what the problem is.
  8. Surely that’s the parents choice to make.
  9. Uh oh…yet another thing sunak didn’t know about. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/feb/13/david-frost-urges-uk-embrace-brexit-plot-unravel-deal?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  10. Clueless as well as classless. Rihanna’s half time show was good. I enjoyed last years show more, but I am more a fan of last years artists. To claim her show was a failure, as trump has, just further exposes how his narcissistic like attitude impairs his ability to view anything dispassionately.
  11. I asked for links to evidence backing your claim the Dutch police will not enforce the regulations.
  12. Now here’s a thing… https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/feb/11/revealed-secret-cross-party-summit-held-to-confront-failings-of-brexit?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  13. You know the police won’t enforce regulations? Links to back that up please.
  14. It is irrelevant what you “think” the Dutch police will do. New regulations have been passed and those responsible for enforcing them should do so.
  15. According to the OP new regulations have been put in place to address the residents concerns. The restrictions are aimed at people entering the red light district, alcohol and drugs.
  16. If you regard any and all as trolling then they can be reported.
  17. You can still see the emoticon and know it is trolling. You can report the trolling even if you don’t know who it is.
  18. You don’t need to see who has posted a trolling emoji to know it is trolling and report it.
  19. Easy enough to report trolling.
  20. True enough but doesn’t change a thing. It’s fair enough if residents, whether new or long term, have legitimate concerns and thankfully for them these have been addressed.
  21. The residents have legitimate concerns and they are being dealt with. As I said earlier, fair enough. Nowhere in the article does it state those complaining are new residents. Could well be those living there have had enough. Again fair enough.
  22. Irrelevant. The residents have concerns and they are being dealt with.
  23. They don’t have to move as their legitimate concerns are being dealt with.
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