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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. Reality calling-another truss u turn on the horizon. “In the last two days Truss has indicated she will provide help as and when it is needed, but it will require a U-turn before she even becomes PM. David Gauke, the former Tory Treasury minister, said he believed she would have to announce some tax cuts to save face, but that these would provide nowhere near enough help.” https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/aug/27/she-has-no-choice-liz-truss-faces-u-turn-on-energy-if-she-enters-no-10-mps-say?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  2. Past coming back to haunt truss, as her inability to comprehend how her policy decisions will affect the country become clearer. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/aug/27/liz-truss-allowed-farmers-to-pollute-englands-rivers-after-slashing-red-tape-say-campaigners?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  3. Pressure’s growing on truss to explain her policies. Time for her to do some homework or revise someone else’s… https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/aug/26/liz-truss-economic-watchdog-confirms-it-could-scrutinise-cost-of-living-plans?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  4. 1. I know she can’t explain her policies and resorts to tax cut blah blah blah when questioned on solving the cost of living crisis. Then fails to explain how it will do so. 2. Don’t quote me if you don’t want a reply. 3. see previous response to this.
  5. Where did I say she was in situ? I don’t follow you, you have nothing of interest to say. If you don’t like emoticons attached to your posts then don’t put them on other peoples posts on this thread or others.
  6. I know what she has failed to do throughout her u-turn, clarification strewn campaign. When under pressure or questioned on her policies she can’t do it. She does not understand her policies and relies on the mantra of tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts. The second half of the post quoted here confirms you are trolling…you got nothing.
  7. What party? This is not the first time you have stated I support a party. Be specific and quote where I have mentioned a party I belong to or i will have to assume it is just more trolling from you… What I know about truss’ inability to explain her own policies is based on watching most of the hustings and the few interviews she has not ducked. She can’t do it and has no grasp of the most basic facts on how her tax cut blah blah blah (never mind the minutiae of what she claims are her policies) will solve the current cost of living crisis.
  8. “The Conservatives were in disarray over their response to the energy crisis on Friday, with some Tory MPs backing Liz Truss showing signs of jitters over her refusal to spell out how she would help households.” https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/26/liz-truss-tories-disarray-energy-crisis-urged-spell-out-plans-help?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  9. No she won’t explain her policies, she can’t. I’ve watched the hustings and truss has on a number of occasions proved unable to explain the minutiae of her tax cut blah blah blah and how it will resolve the current cost of living crisis. She does not understand her own policies and cannot respond when flaws in her “thinking” are pointed out. truss will be a gift to the opposition and if I were them I’d be praying the base vote her in.
  10. Clever/ reasonable- nah. Running scared more like it, she can’t explain her own policies without having “clarifications” put out the next day. It’s all tax cut blah blah blah without understanding.
  11. LOL- yeah right that’s why she waited so long… #votetruss- promising without comprehending.
  12. Nope. The bbc specifically invited her to an interview at the same time as sunak and she dodged it. That she is now claiming she will attend this one once the campaign is nearly over does not change that. She avoided scrutiny of her tax cut blah blah blah at the earlier stage of the leadership campaign when it could have swayed the undecided in the tory base. And let us not forget she also dodged the Andrew Neil interview. https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/politics/liz-truss-bashed-for-dodging-bbc-interview-with-nick-robinson-332061/amp/
  13. Doesn’t negate the fact she dodged one with them earlier in the campaign which sunak didn’t.
  14. truss says whatever she thinks the audience wants to hear and then has her clarification squad clarify what she meant. Her inability to actually explain her policies is why she has avoided interviews with the bbc and Andrew Neil on channel 4. The opposition probably can’t believe their luck that the tory base is on course to elect her leader, if the polls are correct that is. She is unlikely to be a leader who will heal the open sores and divisions that this leadership campaign has exposed. #votetruss- promising without comprehending.
  15. I do not say this every day. So as usual you are wrong. Something else I could but don’t say everyday. Now get back on topic.
  16. Just can’t refute the facts again can you.
  17. If they’re dumb enough to vote truss I don’t care. She will be a gift to the opposition.
  18. Don’t you know who I am? How dare you question me…peasants.
  19. sunak getting desperate and trying to appeal to the anti lockdown faction-you know, he could be just as disastrous a leader as truss. The future is indeed bright…electorally for the opposition that is. For the country, less so. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/25/rishi-sunak-covid-lockdown-harms-not-properly-considered?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  20. Nah, you should thank those dumb enough to vote in truss #votetruss-promising without understanding
  21. Already told you I read from many sources...my but you are forgetful - especially with regard to where you admitted you get your news from...
  22. I don't have a party...and I have made no secret of my desire for the tory base to self destruct and vote in truss. I am hoping truss wins, not because I back her but because she is going to be a gift to the opposition. Though sunak is increasingly lurching to the right of right of centre, so a good chance he will be equally inept.
  23. Based on your own words from earlier in this thread
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