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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. You just don't like to read facts that you can't refute.
  2. truss is a type of conservative, I'll give you that. If she is going to perform slight of hand politics she should expect to be called on them.
  3. Actually truss called for fees long before sunak. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/18/liz-truss-called-for-patients-to-be-charged-for-gp-visits-2009-document-reveals
  4. Nothing I said was inaccurate, it was a true reflection of this policy. If truss has a limited amount of money she should quit the tax cut blah blah blah or admit she cannot fund all areas if she doesn't.
  5. No, my summary was correct-though it was mostly quoting what was actually said. The fact is truss is not putting forward any type of solution that allows the NHS and care services proper funding to act as they should.
  6. Here is a fuller account of what was said "Richard Murray, the chief executive of the King’s Fund, a health thinktank, commended Truss for paying attention to social care, as he said a sustained lack of funding had left England with a system that was failing many people, but he said the NHS needed the funding as well. “Liz Truss’s comments are welcome recognition that the lack of social care capacity has a knock-on impact on other health and care services, but it’s hard to see how the NHS could have this funding removed without it impacting the standards of care patients receive,” he said. “The unfortunate reality for whoever takes over as prime minister is that robbing Peter to pay Paul is not a sustainable solution to the health and care crisis.” Or: truss' plans are not a well thought out solution...quelle surprise.
  7. Oh dear, another truss policy being exposed as ill thought through. No doubt a clarification being prepared… https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/24/liz-truss-plan-to-divert-nhs-funds-to-social-care?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #votetruss- promises, not substance.
  8. Looks like the division, back stabbing and internal fighting will continue after this disastrous leadership campaign. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/24/rishi-sunak-hails-margaret-thatcher-influence-tory-leadership?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #votetruss- the oppositions choice
  9. Oops, looks like truss is being called out on her plans to avoid scrutiny of her tax cut blah blah blah policy... ''Mel Stride, the chair of the Commons Treasury committee, urged the government’s economic watchdog to produce forecasts alongside any emergency budget this autumn, after Truss indicated she would try to avoid early scrutiny of her plans. The Conservative MP said the chancellor must ensure that the OBR provided its assessment at the same time as the new prime minister made any big fiscal decisions.'' https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/23/rishi-sunak-attacks-liz-trusss-plans-to-curb-bank-of-englands-independence #votetruss- the opposition's choice
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/23/liz-truss-refuses-to-commit-to-appointing-ethics-adviser?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #votetruss- nothing to see here, especially policy wise.
  11. Bring it on, a truss win benefits the opposition. ''For Truss, the strength of the internal opposition could also be significant if she wins power as expected. Her top team of fervent supporters is largely from the right of the party, apart from a few outliers such as Tom Tugendhat, a former contender, and Robert Buckland, who switched from supporting Sunak as Truss’s lead became larger. That leaves a fairly sizeable group of former cabinet ministers and potential critics on the backbenches observing her economic plans with a sceptical eye. They have been saying that unfunded tax cuts and insufficient help for the poorest will backfire, while team Truss has been keen to play down the need for “Gordon Brown-style handouts” and the likelihood of recession.'' https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/22/tory-big-beasts-put-careers-on-line-with-aggressive-criticism-of-truss
  12. Utter nonsense...but yes, I do get that you want to avoid reality, it really isn't your thing.
  13. When the going gets tough, the desperate panic...
  14. Nope. Just reports truths you don’t want to see or hear. Truth a little too much for you? Anyhoooo, this thread isn’t about news sources, so why not get back on topic eh… unless of course you can’t refute the facts being reported on truss…
  15. Ah poor you, do the nasty papers keep reporting the facts,,,how dare they expose truss’ flawed policies and the consequences of them. The guardian isn’t mine. The article you post a link to ((I read it rather than just the headline…) is not anti U.K., it is just an opinion piece based on truss’ policies and the likely effect of them. Though as you seem to believe any view on the U.K. that does not chime with yours is anti, it’s no surprise you came to the incorrect conclusion you did.
  16. Deary deary deary me, this is what happens when truss makes financial decisions… ”The fact that Liz Truss was the one to cut the EA so severely not only demonstrates her lack of foresight but also her lack of care for the detail, in recognising the need to adapt to the serious flooding that had just happened on her watch.” https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/22/liz-truss-environment-agency-cuts-sewage-water-pollution?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #votetruss- acting without understanding
  17. Tattoos and prison time served are ludicrous indicators to compare as indicative of being bad.
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