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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. Nonetheless the policy outlined has nothing to do with nationalisation.
  2. The news and facts are accurate, that you can’t cope with that and blame the source is your problem not the sources.
  3. Nonetheless starmer is not advocating any such thing in this policy. Do try to keep to the facts eh…
  4. I don’t think they did as they are just reporting the facts-double helpings holidays while the country endures crisis.
  5. You may note that starmer has not advocated nationalisation. And if you think that what is happening now is working out then you have clearly lost touch with reality. truss’ team are probably already explaining stuff to the confused -that being their candidate…hopefully, for truss, clarification team are on standby for when she demonstrates that the explanation didn’t sink in.
  6. Talking of holidays https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/15/senior-tory-defends-johnson-for-taking-second-holiday-amid-energy-crisis?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  7. Nah, should go with Gordon Brown’s nationalisation idea…but kudos to starmer for throwing this into the truss/sunak campaigns. No doubt both will be busy explaining why they don’t think this plan will work. Though in truss’ case we will have to wait until someone on her team “clarifies” what she meant the next day.
  8. Not saying the parents were right to try to push through, they could have made a bad situation worse, but given what happened in Texas can’t say I entirely blame them.
  9. and what names would you allow for someone to be considered American, or if you wish New Jersey acceptable?
  10. Oops…looks like sunak has stirred up a hornet’s nest https://www.theguardian.com/inequality/2022/aug/14/ministers-reject-attempt-to-curb-political-influence-over-the-allocation-of-levelling-up-funds?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  11. Nope and neither was I discussing any of the opposition. Where did I say truss had the job. I’m not your chum. #votetruss- promising without understanding
  12. Why fear the inevitable. You’re born, you live, you die.
  13. Guardian-socialist You really do need to get a grip on reality. truss will have control-LOL- that’s even funnier. More than half the party voted against her. There are reasons they did that. The divisions in the party are exposed and festering. Nothing truss has said or done suggests she can heal these open sores, but she has certainly shown an ability to make them worse. #votetruss-the opposition’s choice.
  14. If it’s on the classroom wall behind the teachers desk, as the story says, it can serve any purpose related to teaching. I use mine for putting up pictures or independent writing carried out by my students. Other teachers have different things up.
  15. You just don’t like reported news that doesn’t fit your worldview, do you… truss, if she wins, will indeed be pm. How much control she has over a deeply divided party…weeeell now… #votetruss-she can overturn a 70+ majority.
  16. No need to guess, truss has shown how bad she is already when pressured and has bottled interviews sunak took in. Latest u-turn ”A spokesperson for Sunak’s campaign said on Friday that Truss had “blown a further £5bn black hole in her plans” by not backing the windfall tax. However, the Truss campaign later clarified that she was not scrapping the current windfall tax, despite being against them in principle as a “Labour idea” Lot of clarification required after truss speaks on something-might need a minister of clarification in the next cabinet. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/12/liz-truss-plans-lowest-earners-pay-energy-bills-insulting-labour?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  17. truss is a terrible public speaker and does not cope well under pressure. She cannot explain her own policies and has shown a tendency to spout absolute nonsense (women in gaol for tv license non payment for example). Her lack of knowledge about the minutia of policy is an Achilles heel the opposition will be able to exploit. The opposition will enjoy pmqs. And as to the division’s exposed during the current campaign, they will not heal quickly… All looking good for the opposition with truss as PM. #votetruss- promising without comprehending.
  18. Yep. Looking forward to truss pmqs. I doubt she is though. #votetruss- not good on details or under pressure.
  19. As I said, I hope so but not seen any polls lately. If the base do vote truss in, the opposition should be delighted. She is a key election asset for them given her gaffe ridden campaign for the leadership of the party. truss is not good under pressure and during this contest has dodged situations where she would be pressed on her policies (She has avoided an interview with Andrew Neil and the BBC, both of which sunak took on). She won’t be able to avoid pressure when pm and her lack of understanding of her own policies so far does not bode well for the tories. #votetruss-the opposition’s choice.
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