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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. Nope. I found her account believable and credible.
  2. I disagree as I watched the debate and her tone implied otherwise but ok you don’t agree that matches Chomper Higgot’s interpretation-I do but that’s me. Oh and truss got the group name wrong. She made an assumption that proved to be wrong…quelle surprise.
  3. Not some but many on this thread have commented on ethnicity, orientation and political views. In effect irrelevant issues…almost as if they have an agenda.
  4. After the interruption by peaceful environmentalists protestors “During the latest Conservative hustings in Eastbourne, Liz Truss was interrupted on two occasions by protesters highlighting climate change and the cost of living crisis. Truss told the audience: “I take it as a compliment that I’m so popular with Extinction Rebellion.” The activists from the Green New Deal Rising group were escorted out of the venue by security staff.“ https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2022/aug/05/kwasi-kwarteng-boris-johnson-nadhim-zahawi-economy-recession-liz-truss-rishi-sunak-tory-leadership-uk-politics-live?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  5. I believe her, but still wonder why so many focus on the areas I mentioned in my last post to you. Yes I do think the media would be reporting on any such story regardless of ethnicity, orientation and political views of the individual caught up in such a situation. . Why they are so important to so many on this thread though, that I do wonder about.
  6. She made a careless mistake. Surprising how many seem to focus on her ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and political views when commenting on this thread, yet ignoring how trivial her unintentional mistake was. Now why is that I ask myself…
  7. She was asked to explain how she would have saved the £8.8 billion pounds the pledge she u turned on promised if it did not include teachers, nurses and police. She was unable to do so, it is a serious concern that the next pm (probably) has such a poor grasp of her own policy pledges. #gotruss- pledging without comprehending
  8. She unintentionally had a few vape cartridges containing essential oils derived from cannabis in her bag. That’s hardly “moving drugs”. Not the brightest thing to do but we all make mistakes.
  9. So…not the same then. Still I’m sure if Sanchai had been obscenely wealthy something could have been worked out re leniency…
  10. Not really in your case. It’s what you do.
  11. Yeah saw that interview earlier this week. truss lost on a show of hands from the tory members who will vote for the next leader. Again she was unable to answer questions on her own pledges. #votetruss-the opposition’s choice
  12. Just watched the hustings and regarding answering questions or having the facts at hand, sunak is streets ahead of truss. Not that what he says is any better than truss, but he comes across as being more aware and on top of things, quite worrying really. truss really is a wooden, stilted, terrible public speaker, and just seems unconvincing. The opposition must be praying she wins and hoping truss' lead amongst the tory base carries her to victory. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2022/aug/05/kwasi-kwarteng-boris-johnson-nadhim-zahawi-economy-recession-liz-truss-rishi-sunak-tory-leadership-uk-politics-live#comment-158010538
  13. Major boost for truss as sunak makes a massive howler and puts his foot in it… https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/05/video-emerges-of-rishi-sunak-admitting-to-taking-money-from-deprived-areas?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other However truss’ threats to the Bank of England’s independence could yet trip her up. Let’s hope no asks any awkward questions at this evenings hustings in Eastbourne- or any other time…
  14. From the OP ”Griner contended she made "an honest mistake" when she brought vape cartridges containing oils derived from cannabis into a Moscow airport back in February,” Hardly major league smuggling (if smuggling at all) and certainly not worthy of gaol time. Stupid maybe but we all do stupid things.
  15. I listen to the tories because they are the party in govt and what they say affects the country. I think sunak would be a better choice for the tories because he could conceivably win the next election. truss not so much...that's why I hope she wins. She is the only one capable of overturning a 70+ majority...
  16. That’s true, because unlike truss he can explain his policies.
  17. Nope, I really don’t. #votetrussnow- the opposition’s choice.
  18. The audience who were questioning truss are the ones involved in choosing the next leader-they are the ones involved in this aspect of the political system and they voted sunak on the night. Let’s hope truss pulls out of any future debates and the tories get those ballots out sharpish. #votetrussnow- the opposition’s choice.
  19. You do understand all of the audience will be amongst those voting for the next leader-they are party members…LOL.
  20. I’m sorry but you think a terrible live debating performance in front of tory party members who will vote for the leader of the party, a debate the audience agreed (by a show of hands) sunak won, doesn’t matter? LOL “The Battle for Number 10, will see the candidates take part in back-to-back questioning from the live studio audience of Conservative party members, followed by an in-depth interview with Kay Burley.“ https://news.sky.com/story/amp/tory-leadership-debate-be-part-of-the-audience-12658835 #votetrussnow- before it’s too late.
  21. Yes I know, I just said so…???? The problem is truss may have to face another interview, take part in a debate or perform another u turn. The more she speaks the less credible she becomes. #votetrussnow- the opposition’s candidate.
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