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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. The alternative was to leave the children with their families and not use facile arguments to justify cultural genocide.
  2. You used one person’s views as your defence of the cultural genocide this thread deals with, I’m simply pointing out even his own brother rejects that view.
  3. Well A: Starmer is only one of the opposition’s leaders. B: the tories electing truss as party leader won’t be a miracle, just an act of self destruction. Let’s hope an early election is called before she does too much damage to the U.K. though. #gotruss
  4. And you should read up on his brother’s views… https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4493732
  5. I’m sorry but you have just described zealotry in the final sentence there. Forcible integration is both evil and the act of a zealot.
  6. Please, please, please tory membership, vote in truss. She will be a gift to the opposition. She’s already bottled it and refused to take part in an interview with Andrew Neil…can’t take the pressure. Opposition must be praying she wins.
  7. Windfall tax the <deleted> out of them.
  8. And yet there are still those who would deny that human behaviour is causing climate change.
  9. Two posters have already pointed out why you are wrong in the assertion you made. It is irrelevant what was policy was a century ago, it was still cultural genocide.
  10. Sometimes a thing can be two things at the same time…
  11. Narcissism personified and all you need to know about this wretched excuse of a human being.
  12. Yep, all of which your government presided over…but don’t worry sunak, you won’t be responsible for turning an emergency into a catastrophe- the base of the tory party will follow their more base instincts by voting in truss and her tax plans will do that.
  13. Oh they will fail. They are a road to ruin
  14. Already done so. To you in fact. LOL
  15. Oh they are facts, her plans will fail.
  16. See previous page where you say so three times.
  17. Expert opinion on her policies and why they will fail.
  18. You’ve got nothing. You have no idea how the candidates will cut inflation and are completely unable to back up your earlier assertion they can do so.
  19. No, I read experts dissect truss’ plans and formed an opinion based on that. Now, as you have failed when requested to do so previously, please explain your understanding on how sunak and truss will tackle inflation.
  20. Guesswork? Nope I have read the economists dissection of truss’ tax cut plans and how they will not work. I did study economics at school for my A levels and in my first year at uni but no I’m not an economist. That’s why I read expert opinion…
  21. You don’t know how the candidates will tackle inflation…thought so. Ah well, no worries-I don’t think redliz does either.
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