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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. Anyone can join a conversation on an open forum such as this one. This “conversation” is by no means private.
  2. Please post links to the income bands you are referring to. Include all and any relevant information regarding regional/national living costs, including local taxes, rental costs/house prices, energy costs linked to environmental conditions and any other costs.
  3. Because of the economic crisis. I have answered three times now. Time for a new question if you wish to continue this...
  4. Evidence with links please. Not true for many, including my family when I was a child. Evidence with links please. Nonsense. Please provide evidence that the people struggling are to blame for the current crisis. So you are residing in the UK now...and we all pay tax, even those on welfare and struggling in the current crisis.
  5. How lucky for you...tell me, how are, for example, single parents of young children, those with jobs to maintain or family to care for to do as you did?
  6. Nonsense...people struggling in the current economic crisis are not to blame for it.
  7. I have, in previous post...read and digest.
  8. Do the words ''economic crisis'' mean anything to you?
  9. People are in crisis because of the current economic situation and those here are lecturing families who are struggling, while making anecdotal claims about lifestyle choices that are stereotypical garbage.
  10. Three pages of stereotypical bar stool philosophy and economics...my oh my.
  11. Do you even read the OPs before commenting? Also is Eminem particularly right wing...his interviews on political views would suggest not.
  12. tucker has not only lost the plot, but he’s descended into the realms of gibberish idiocy “The changes sparked controversy from conservatives like Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who said the female M&Ms were now "less sexy" with their new footwear. In January 2022, Carlson said on his show that "M&Ms will not be satisfied until every last cartoon character is deeply unappealing and totally androgynous until the moment you wouldn't want to have a drink with any one of them."
  13. Nope. It is a fact it was a democratic exercise of peaceful protest. It is a fact you advocated draconian measures for doing so.
  14. Nope. It is a fact.
  15. It is a fact she was not arrested. I have made no comment on police actions. You have advocated tyrannical punishment for people exercising their democratic rights to peaceful protest. That is the point I have been making.
  16. I made no comment on police actions. Just your post advocating tyrannical punishment for the exercising of a democratic right to peaceful protest. I also don’t which laws you are referring to when you say they were broken. The OP does not mention any broken laws. In fact it makes clear she was not arrested. From the OP “Police clarified that Ms Thunberg had not been arrested, and later said she had been released after an ID check.”
  17. I have made no comment on the police actions. Please explain in detail why you are making comments not connected to my post? Why have you chosen to comment on something not linked to my point? My point being you are advocating tyrannical punishments for the fact those involved in this protest were exercising their democratic right to peaceful protest. No deflections please.
  18. At least 10 dead. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/22/monterey-park-shooting-los-angeles-lunar-new-year-festival?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
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