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dick turpin

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Everything posted by dick turpin

  1. Truly hope all goes well for you, but am paranoid about these things and even when here never leave it to the last week to go for my extension. You never know what they a will come up with. This year had a major run-in because name in bank book did not match passport, middle name was missing. This after a dozen extensions at same office, with same mis-match.
  2. Have just noticed Monday June 3 is a national holiday....your options are narrowing,
  3. "Assuming he is not held up in the UK", being the critical phrase.
  4. Think his wife may be more concerned about him getting back in time, returning on May 27 he will only have a short window to get to immigration before June 6, assuming he is not held up in the UK. Would personally not risk it.
  5. Curious to know how you have a UK bank account, which normally requires UK residency yet your bank sends statements to a Thai address.
  6. You need to fill out a separate payment form with your card details and payment will be deducted only when application reaches UK, for which reason payment using Thai cards seem to have a habit of being rejected....by the Thai banks.
  7. Interesting, that a certain ex-con has just been visiting his home town, what possible influence could he have.
  8. Leave it now, think this thread has been done to death....rather like the snake(ha ha).
  9. Mind your own business...ha ha
  10. Pity you were not on hand to educate me Not murder then, more a case of mistaken identity.
  11. Blah, blah.....should have guessed another stupid, ignorant American.
  12. Was not to know that at the time.
  13. No worries, actually thought it was quite a rstrained response, particularly in respect to my unwarranted jibe about your age. Have a good day.
  14. Yeah right, and when I next come across a nice docile friendly snake.
  15. You need to get out more.
  16. You not seen on TV items where mechanics are trying to extract a reluctant snake from a car engine
  17. Actually quite enjoying it, but surprised at the snowflake reaction of some.
  18. You forgot Gecko Getters
  19. Also ashamed to admit last night I swatted two mosquitos, can hardly live with myself
  20. Have no intention of violating their territory, if they don't violate mine. But my house is fairly open plan downstairs and in the time it takes to call international rescue the snake could be anywhere, my greatest concern being it could easily have climbed into the engine bay of my car. But thanks for the positive input and adivce.
  21. "Also maintain a spreadsheet to monitor the wear rate of tyres on my bike" Think that tells us all we need to know about you.
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