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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. He won’t be going anywhere if the army wants him to stay otherwise it’s likely another General or one of his current goons will be stepping in to replace him. Pretty sure the next occupant of the office of PM won’t be the result of a free and fair election.
  2. They'll be used to ensure the outcome of the next election.
  3. Because only half the population is allowed to drive
  4. I agree. It’s just that, here, they don’t try to hide it.
  5. I love them. Been using them for 40 years. Sure they almost always arrive late but when you aren’t in a hurry that’s no bother. I’ve gone Chiang Mai to Singapore a number of times and thoroughly enjoyed it. Maybe I’m just a train person
  6. Only if the same electoral format is maintained. I really don’t think he has a big following with the general population but I’m sure he could find a way to worm his way in. God help us!!
  7. 500.000 medical coverage for what calculates to a 34 Baht premium payment (11.3% of 300) will surely mean it will not happen as one might expect. I’m sure many will fall foul of this scheme when it comes time to collect
  8. Are they offering SAL to overseas yet? It ceased when Covid struck. Just wondering if anyone has used it recently.
  9. Further evidence that they really don’t have a clue and another fine example of government incompetence. Brain dead oxygen thieves groping around in the dark hoping they’ll stumble onto a good idea. I just hope it’s not used to adopt an increased pre pandemic hotel pricing policy which I believe is where it’s headed. They could declare every hotel a national park to justify their decision. For a country that relies heavily on tourism they are truly going out of their way to bring it to its knees.
  10. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  11. An obvious mandate for another stint in the top job. He could win with 5% of the vote the way the current system is set. Mr P is not about to panic just yet. The courts will do all the dirty work for him to eliminate any serious contenders. We will go through the charades of an election and nothing will change despite his unpopularity. The military will be responsible for any future leader choice not the voters but they’ve got to feel like they were given a chance to be part of the selection process.
  12. I think it’s a step in the right direction. Won’t please everyone but definitely better than the 30 days currently on offer.
  13. Not always. They do manage to put it on the sister or injured son at times. But brother is certainly the “go to” excuse more often than not.
  14. Love the place but my biggest concerns are Lack of road rule enforcement. It’s highly likely I’ll die on the roads Too much plastic. Not enough bins.. Its all the sh#t that people complain about that makes it more interesting b’dair b’dair that’s all folks!!!
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