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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. These money changers scrutinise foreign currency pretty well. I tried with 4 different changers to exchange a USD100 note and they all rejected it for the same reason. A tiny print defect on the top edge. Even when it was mixed with other notes they all picked up on it and refused to accept it. The note was legit and the defect was hardly noticeable so it comes as no surprise this guy was apprehended
  2. I think a more selective approach would be in their best interests but needs to be applied equally to all nations independent and free of any government interference to the process. I do, however, believe it would be difficult to set up such a system in Thailand without compromise. I guess that rules me out.
  3. They certainly are an asset of convenience and priced to attract the customers. Quite the contrary in Australia. I don’t suppose the franchisees see a whole lot of this. 399 billion baht is a lot of money in anyone’s language.
  4. This is also the case for government health workers. I suspect all government workers have access to this type of seemingly cheap, crippling debt
  5. Combined with the inevitable smoke this could be insufferable and downright dangerous. I hope the electricity network can cope.
  6. I concur. Makes no sense. Serves no purpose and has no benefits. Any benefits are a figment of someone’s distorted imagination.
  7. The police resources spent on these types of motorcades is ridiculous. Hundreds or thousands of coppers spread along 50km of roads to allow a seemingly important person to travel at speed whilst the rest of us serfs have stand still and wait for unnecessary lengths of time. Not too bad if you can slipstream them though.
  8. 50? Dream of getting up to 50. Where do they dream up this stuff?
  9. This wreak$ of double $tandard$. I wonder what a local Thai person would have to pay for the same offence. Another blatant, opportunistic money grab. There is truly no $hame when it comes to applying the law equally.
  10. Onboard enforcement of the wearing of life jackets is a step in the right direction. This could have been ugly but can now be held up as a shining example of what boat safety could look like. Going out in treacherous weather conditions may not have been a good decision but at least consequences were mitigated by the wearing of the jackets. This can be a learning experience for the whole boating community.
  11. This initiative will, no doubt, bring the air pollutant levels down and stop the problem in it’s tracks. Why has this never been thought of before? You guys are worth more money.
  12. Not just a catholic phenomenon. Sickos everywhere. How this is dealt with is now the issue or can it be swept under the rug?
  13. Failed balconies are synonymous with Thailand. Remind me to rent a room without a balcony. I’ll probably live longer.
  14. She died and lived to tell her story. I find this a bit spooky.
  15. Not if they are going to be accidentally pushed off a balcony on the 30th floor of a Moscow high rise. This Thai government has no concern about human rights and would be a classic case of kowtowing to Poo Tin.
  16. Catholic schools were training grounds for up and coming sadists pretending to be teachers. Not all, but many.
  17. Gotta keep those netizens off their backs
  18. The genie is out of the bottle and now they are trying to put it back. If we are going to be honest with the situation we have to admit the current laws were passed without a lot of thought of consequences. Whilst I love a puff as much as the next guy I do concede the current situation is only going to lead to more pain for many in the form of irresponsible use and behaviour leading to more road deaths and accidents as well as other long term health affects from blatant abuse of the stuff. I do believe in the up side regarding health benefits but getting stoned and then getting behind the wheel or handle bars is not a health benefit for anyone. I gave it up 5 years ago after smoking it for 40 years and I can’t say I regret it. My memory was being f##ked over and I was doing some silly things. I appreciate the investment ploughed into the grass business but I do believe the current laws need to be amended to at least try to protect innocent lives that may be inadvertently affected by some irresponsible users. These laws were passed in haste for political and financial advantage and now need to be reconsidered.
  19. Singapore is my favourite place to lose stuff. I’m 3 for 3 there. 0 for 2 in China and 0 for 3 in India.
  20. Hardly headline news but it does show us there are good people everywhere. Probably more than we give credit for.
  21. How many of the average Joes have been afforded this privilege of passage out of the penal system and into medical care with such lavish trimmings?
  22. 1997, I think, was the last time an iron was used on my clothes.
  23. …….. and countless police checkpoints. I believe we underestimate just how effective and meaningful these are in bringing down the road toll. NOT!!!!
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