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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. Surely UK police checks would not allow this to move past first base.
  2. Even now I’m not convinced. I do believe there is an even chance that he’s been set up to stop all his meddling and investigations into police corruption. One is as likely as the other.
  3. An, almost non story with very little newsworthy content at all.
  4. Not a good idea. Ukraine already has too many of these thugs that they have to deal with. Lock him up for 5 years then <deleted> him off.
  5. Lucky us. Looking forward to it already.
  6. And there is very little attempt to hide it. Just shows the utter contempt they have and their extreme confidence that nothing will come of it.
  7. I suspect that there will be a lot of dirty laundry aired by the time this little spat is over.
  8. Says who? Perhaps not your typical Portuguese name but who’s to say she’s not Portuguese?
  9. So long as the lessee is held accountable for any breach within their responsibility then this may save lives. Otherwise they are pi$$ing in the wind.
  10. Arrogant and self entitled comes to mind.
  11. That’s not what the photo suggests:)
  12. Formerly known as twitter.
  13. The government holds no power over the military. They have the bigger pistola. Any commitment for military reform would need to come from within. Government threats would not worry them one iota.
  14. And for this reason it will fizzle out and the game will continue.
  15. Just wondering what the roles of two sergeants were. Seems a strange mix alongside a general and two colonels.
  16. Aahhhh….. women in uniform. I must admit I do have a weakness for them.
  17. Hopefully, with Songkran in the rear view mirror, the big rains are due and everyone will get an eight month reprieve. Bring it on.
  18. Any Burmese on the island will be sh#tting razor blades right now.
  19. Quite likely. Most government positions have a price tag on them. Even entry level positions come with a fairly hefty price amounting to well over a year’s salary. There’d be some serious dosh up for a Governor position (x77 provinces)
  20. Looking at the video I think the lights were on but there was nobody home. His glazed-over eyes suggests he was either drunk, high, or mentally challenged. Not a good look whichever way you look at it.
  21. I know of a pedo who, within a few days of incarceration, was in hospital with a broom stick inserted into where the sun don’t shine. Sleep well Richard.
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