Even now I’m not convinced. I do believe there is an even chance that he’s been set up to stop all his meddling and investigations into police corruption. One is as likely as the other.
The government holds no power over the military. They have the bigger pistola. Any commitment for military reform would need to come from within. Government threats would not worry them one iota.
Quite likely. Most government positions have a price tag on them. Even entry level positions come with a fairly hefty price amounting to well over a year’s salary.
There’d be some serious dosh up for a Governor position (x77 provinces)
Looking at the video I think the lights were on but there was nobody home. His glazed-over eyes suggests he was either drunk, high, or mentally challenged. Not a good look whichever way you look at it.
I know of a pedo who, within a few days of incarceration, was in hospital with a broom stick inserted into where the sun don’t shine.
Sleep well Richard.