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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. Reminds of that movie Pacific Heights. Landlords have few rights.
  2. The fact they haven’t named and shamed the Brit suggests he may not have initiated the fracas.
  3. He’s gonna have to cash in a few Yuan to pay for this mess. And then some, hopefully.
  4. This is looking a bit fishy. I hope all works out well. The boyfriend is going to hold the answer to her whereabouts.
  5. Nip it in the bud. There is no up side to vapes of any kind. It is fast becoming the new entry level platform for nicotine (and other) products. By adding flavours and other things, it is primarily designed to hook young people into using them under the illusion of being cool. These marketers are driven by greed and have no regard for health issues and focus on entrapping the undeveloped minds of our youth to become the life long consumers of their products. Let’s not kid ourselves that they’re the healthy alternative to cigarettes. This is far from the truth.
  6. Very Donald Trump-ish with his appointments. This just keeps getting uglier.
  7. Off with their heads. It seems like there is a world wide trend towards the use of bladed weapons by young people as the weapon of choice.
  8. I used to think that too but now I rate it as one of the best fruits out there. The only pitfall, I'm told, is the high cholesterol.
  9. I'm not going to hazard a guess as to what happened. Only one person knows for sure. The good news is that, luckily, no one was killed.
  10. Well this has to be a surprise for everyone. Nice to see Jabbah’s watches in the media again. It’s been a while.
  11. You have jumped to so many conclusions here. You’re obviously a very compassionate guy but I only hope I never have to depend on you if I’m ever in need.
  12. Although these pants are being worn by the locals now. I have seen many Thai women adorning themselves lately.
  13. Hopefully the complaints were made from outside the country free from potential prosecution for their negative reviews.
  14. There goes his chance to move into the 1000 club.
  15. I’m sure Buddha would be more forgiving of this child’s actions than all these thin skinned, righteous netizens.
  16. Hopefully a Krispy Kreme.
  17. Another oxygen thief wasting a good skin. Put her down.
  18. And yet he has thrown his full support behind the modern day Hitler in Vlad “the impaler” Putin. Go figure.
  19. It used to be that air was free but now it’s gonna cost you. Your life is the going price. As much as I like CM and CR it’s a great place not to be for 6 months of the year. It is downright unhealthy and depressing for that period of time.
  20. 40 years ago I would have rated many beaches in Thailand as world class but, alas, those days are long gone. The fact that Pattaya is on the list must throw some doubt of credibility upon it and the author of such a list.
  21. Newton's third law is at play here. A nice and thoughtful gesture will hopefully enhance and better the life of another at the expense of one's own. RIP
  22. Tuk tuk drivers in Phuket do have a reputation for rip off behaviour so it is very conceivable the Brit was scammed. If so, I can understand his reaction. I agree with an earlier comment whereby the video does pick up on a smirk from the driver as if to say “gotcha!!” Now he’s in the frame for financial compensation for being the victim. Only two people know the truth of what happened and one of them is a liar. The Swiss Dave incident has potentially opened up a whole new opportunity for scams of this nature. Not that I believe Dave was scammed but the outcries from his behaviour have got the tills ka-chinging all over the place.
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