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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. Those cables are not only good for the shade they offer. Also somewhere to bunk down for the night away from those pesky soi dogs.
  2. He’s a cutie alright. Looks so good in “borrowed” clothes. I mistook him for a teenager. I’m sure all those girls are just wetting themselves. Come on Thailand. You can do a lot better than this.
  3. Probably won’t be be for sale Thailand. Will be illegal to do so.
  4. Not for me if I’m the poor sod that has to wait 10 minutes while they go through the motions of trying to park. Sometimes I’d love to bulldoze them out of my way. Since when has parking become so difficult?
  5. Isn’t the next election a foregone conclusion? Why bother with all the semantics of who the preferred PM is? It’s already been decided by how the parliament is made up. It’s been designed to give some semblance of an election but we all know there can only be one winner. The people will get the PM they’re given and not the one they vote for.
  6. I sense some dodginess in this guy’s claim. Pants on fire for sure.
  7. And yet they continue to cherry pick which ones they choose to enforce. The word missing in the above statement is “all”
  8. It’s an admission of guilt and a demonstration of his inadequacies as a leader.
  9. 80 Immigration Police To Be Quizzed ………… and that will be the end of it.
  10. Wasn’t there a recent article about withholding the nationality of foreign offenders?
  11. Time to bring out my blue and yellow shirt
  12. If you didn’t get paid you wouldn’t work. We almost all do it for the money and only the money.
  13. Any money from his autobiography should be paid to his victims. Shame on any publisher who would consider any arrangement other than this. Let him rot in his old age.
  14. I think if the crimes were reinvestigated it’s likely a couple of young Burmese men would be convicted. Best let it alone just in case.
  15. Red Bull comes to mind. Let’s compare the outcomes in relation to the punishment issued to this offender
  16. Is there such a critter as road safety and if there is how much of these proceeds actually make it to the start line? Is it a road safety fund or a slush fund? I don’t see much in the way of road safety initiatives that would need this much funding
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