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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. If I remember correctly it was about the same time last year that the Thai naval vessel went down off Bang Saphan. RIP
  2. This is simply a resurrection of the Good Guys In, Bad Guys Out program. Looks like the meeting of minds was unable to come up with any constructive new ideas so they’ve simply repackaged this old chestnut to justify their love-in.
  3. Here here. I second your assessment. She had been arrested, detained and charged by an illegal regime. Why wouldn’t she flee? The real criminals are still in our midsts living without fear of retribution. What this whole episode highlights is that the Supreme Court is in the pocket of whoever is in power and is not there to make any decisions based on the point of law. They are only there to add legitimacy to decisions of corrupt government.
  4. There’s a lot of probing going on. This investigation is going to have to relocate to Pattaya if any more probing is required, in which case a thorough job will be done and the truth will be, no doubt, revealed. I look forward to the findings. Thaksin will be beside himself I’m sure. This is like one of those Carry-On movies. Carry on probing. Until there is no one left to probe.
  5. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the end of the probe.
  6. Let this be a lesson to all Thai women looking for a partner.
  7. The probe will be done with a very soggy, single rolled sheet of toilet paper I’m sure. Probably not even 2 ply. The sort of thorough investigation anyone in a position of influence gets. I bet he’s trembling in his boots.
  8. I know quite a few over 50.
  9. Grilled with an ice cube I bet. That’s about as hot as it’s going to get.
  10. Not likely. An exception will be made or an intervention.
  11. Let’$ $ee how long they keep him locked up before he elope$.
  12. I suspect he’s had a brain transplant himself except they forgot to replace the one they took out.
  13. Phuket's 2023 population is now estimated at 449,389. Do they get a vote?
  14. A comprehensive review done in a few days? Not sure how comprehensive it’s going to be considering the 18th and 19th are the weekend. I don’t think they are too concerned about air quality at all. They just want to give the appearance of doing something. Comprehensive????? 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
  15. Only if you are rich and run over a police officer whilst driving at ridiculous speeds
  16. He doesn't look like he's had a tough time behind bars. We'll never know just how tough he had it, if at all, during his tenure as an inmate. I'd bet my house that he was afforded more privileges than the average prison cell occupant.
  17. What a load of <deleted>. This article is based entirely on presumption. Based on this logic Chinese would never venture out of their country in fear of being shot. Thailand is not the only country with gun violence and is by no means the worst.
  18. Not sure tourist is the best description of who these people are.
  19. I understand the gravity of what is happening but by no means is the blame entirely that of Hamas. Israel has oppressed the Palestinians for decades while at the same time encroaching on and seizing their lands. What did they expect would eventually happen? Ultimately this needs to be resolved at a regional level but that will never happen as there are too many players with differing agendas. The Palestinians are simply pawns of so many of the Middle Eastern countries that would love to wipe Israel off the map. It’s a battle between the Islamic zealots and Jewish zealots and there will be no room for compromise even if moderate Jews and the Palestinians want it. This is likely to get ugly. Iran is just itching to get more involved than it already is. Scary sh*t.
  20. That’s more a reflection of how nasty and lowdown the Thai political scene is and the retribution he would have to face from the shattered egos.
  21. They’re on half salary until they die. Plus free medical. Not a bad gig.
  22. What a load of codswallop
  23. Me too If you are travelling with a Thai friend or wife or whatever always book and check in using their details. Just stay in the background and no one ever bothers to ask for your details.
  24. Big Joke Big Tor Big News Big Deal Same ol’ same ol’
  25. Smoke and mirrors A vote buying venture at best.
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