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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. Wouldn't have thought there was much to catch in these waters anyhow. They'd already be flogged to death by the local industry.
  2. Why bother with the ATK test? The virus is rampant and ATK tests would do little to nothing to alleviate this problem. Yes, by all means, encourage people to test when they feel symptoms but a one off test is absolutely useless as it is very possible to contract covid 5 minutes after receiving a negative test. Remove all impediments and the masses may respond. Seems like they are finding it difficult to wean themselves off the silly testing regime they have put in place.
  3. Deputy Prime Minister and Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul has disclosed that the ministry has prepared the required medical equipment, medicines, and vaccine to combat any Covid-19 mutations. Yeah yeah yeah bla bla bla You've got my vote.
  4. Perhaps the last 2 years were a godsend. Depends on your perspective
  5. What is scary is that he thought he had to respond to these claims. I guess it was the only thing he thought he could respond to with some surety of being correct. I'm not sure he even thought of it all by himself. It was likely the outcome of a long round table discussion with all of his ministers to come up with this response. I feel so much safer now.
  6. Has certainly caught the attention of my wife. She’s now officially an armchair detective following this case like a bloodhound. Finally her Buddha has some stiff competition
  7. Not sure justice is going to be served. Again!!! You’ll be able to knock me over with a feather it is.
  8. If there was a list of unfriendly nations wouldn’t Russia be be right at the top?
  9. I think they are here because it’s so easy to buy their way in. Money talk$
  10. Not sure all Russian’s support this madman. Putin demands their support with threats of imprisonment or worse. Perhaps they come to Thailand seeking a reprieve from this nutter.
  11. I’d hate to be in the same foxhole with them and depending on them with my life in a real scrap.
  12. With these numbers in play what difference will a few extra international visitors with the virus make? The test and go as it stands is futile and can only be seen for what it is - a money grab.
  13. After 5 days in the community. Why not test the whole population every 5 days?
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