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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. Dubl dek abbas. Wasn’t that a Pakistani cricket player?
  2. It’s for sale to the highest bidder
  3. And pigs might fly
  4. Not beyond the realms of possibility
  5. I think the 2 Sergeants will be pooing their pants seeing as how they are at the bottom of the food chain.
  6. Saw this on one of the news channels this morning. What a mess. Could have easily been a lot more than two deaths.
  7. I guess an appropriate amount of time to negotiate would roughly equate to the time needed to dispose of all the evidence. And then a little bit more to be sure. Up until a few weeks ago I gave this guy the benefit of the doubt but since the Kamnan cop killing party and the subsequent investigation and shooting of the star witness I no longer have any doubts. On line gambling may be the very pointy tip of a very big iceberg. This investigation will go nowhere.
  8. No doubt he has negotiated his 2 weeks in hospital as his penance before offering himself to the courts
  9. Because he doesn’t own shares in a defunct media company. Everything else goes.
  10. Look on google flights for the dates you wish to travel and they will give a whole lot of flight options and prices. It’s best to book directly with the airline even though some of booking options are cheaper with some of the other websites. If there are any issues or changes you are able to deal directly with the airlines. If you use one of the other website booking platforms changes can be difficult and costly.
  11. Possibly in recognition of the motley coalition of muppets who stole the election and who are now pretending to govern this place.
  12. This was probably one of the easiest crimes to prosecute and yet it’s fallen off a cliff and everyone knows why. There is less chance of gaining trust than there is a prosecution because, after all, the star witness (the gunman) was conveniently removed from the equation. I recall the media frenzy at the time when a very senior officer said the police would take the gunman (prime witness) dead or alive. Regain trust????? What a hollow, throw away statement. My, yet to born, great great grandchildren will be dead before we see any trust issues resolved and I still don’t have children yet.
  13. You’ve got to remember that this PM has no real power to have him released. He is in a very weak position by virtue of the this bastardised coalition of political parties which placed him in the job. I believe Thaksin will be kept in “custody” until the real powers to be allow him back into the general public.
  14. We only needed to be told twice. We’re not as dumb as we think.
  15. True dat. The more you think you’ll get the more the lawyers will benefit. You’re on a hiding to nothing if you take this to court.
  16. And be mindful of the fact that the last government to do this was ousted by the military
  17. Please define thorough. The cover up began when the gunman was killed.
  18. If they go to prison. Depends on their connections and how much they are prepared to pay
  19. In the old west they say the best lawmen were ex-crims but I think in this case that may be a bit of a stretch. How the f*** does this guy keep popping up where you’d least expect. A classic square peg in a round hole every time he squirms his way into government.
  20. I knew the gunman/shooter would not be brought in alive. Dead men don’t talk.
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