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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. 17 hours ago, BadSpottedDog said:

    Wow. Thanks for sharing. I knew that was the case. Why does Thailand have China envy? It's bizarre!

    I think perhaps because the Chinese are short time stayers and if one was to calculate $$$/day spent they may be closer to the top of the list. Scandinavians seem to top the list in terms of total spend but I suspect they are likely to stay on much much longer and their daily spend would be lower than our Chinese brothers and sisters. Seems Thailand enjoys ST not LT.

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  2. Until Thailand lifts it's vaccination numbers some of these countries may not allow their citizens to return without quarantining. This will be a deterrent for short term tourist visitors who then will need to fork out for their quarantine costs on return to their home countries. Simply opening your borders will not ensure an influx of touri$t number$.

    I'm not sure sinovac as a vaccination will be recognised as a suitable vaccination in terms of % of people having been vaccinated within the country. The government has to realise there is more involved than simply throwing open the borders.

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  3. 14 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

    did he also say that the earth is not flat ? needs to keep quiet . just by mentioning radioactivity, one million thais found something else to worry about needlessly re. vax….

    no other strains … MU now waiting to enter the conversation ………

    I think this was the gist of a previous post. The intent being to slow things down before they ran out of supplies of mRNA. Easier to deflect answers about uptake than those asked about supply.

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  4. 2 hours ago, darrenr said:

    So Australia is not on the list , yet USA with some close to 100,000 cases a day is on the list ?

    This may be a result of Australia's restrictive border lockdown. I suspect as they re-open to international travel (both ways) Thailand would be more likely to include them. Fingers crossed. The Australian approach has been mean and and tight fisted, especially on allowing their citizens to return to their homes and families overseas but it looks like changes are afoot.

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  5. I've been questioning the concept of herd immunity since vaccination of covid began. How can we reach herd immunity when the vaccine does not stop the spread of the virus? It only mitigates the severity if one catches it. Talk of herd immunity should be deemed as fake news as, as this guy says, it is not achievable until we find a vaccine that kills or stops the virus in it's tracks.

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