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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. 14 minutes ago, Paiman said:

    It should be all back to normal. May be others can confirm?


    You are most likely referring to state run interprovincial bus services, they did ban Farangs for some time.  

    I read on a FB group today that bus travel between Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai was allowed by farang. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, robblok said:

    Good point actually about the reaction time. All of us watching the video were waiting for something to happen. So we were ready for it. For the car driver it was something unexpected. I am not sure how fast I would have responded. But I am sure I would have responded faster if i knew something would happen like now when playing the clip then when it would happen for real.


    However he did not break at all did nothing, can't totally say he is without fault but obviously its mainly the motorbike driver. If I were to merge traffic on my bike like that i always check. Its just stupid not to check. So most of the blame is on the motorbike driver.


  3. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    Hoteliers push back at Thailand’s shift to target high-end tourists


    And why wouldn't they? Occupancy rates for hotels would be sitting very close to ZERO if they went down this path. By all means try to attract high end tourists but common sense suggests this should not be the priority as history shows budget travel is what has allowed Thailand's travel and tourist industries to grow into what we see today and is what has provided employment to probably millions.

    I do believe, however, that it has grown and morphed into an ugly, unsustainable monster that needs to be reeled in but not to the detriment and exclusion of the sector that provides and has invested in most of the jobs.

  4. 1 hour ago, tifino said:

    my angle was that a plane is built to fly...

    if it is left non flying, it slowly dies.


    Hence the even higher costs in eventually 'restoring' it back to full flight status. Many deeper levels of maintenance require the serviced aircraft to fly, as part of it's post-maint checks... 


    these aircraft, flying one or not, still get basic Servicings, so there will always be Costs anyway. 





    I think the airline industry will have a very different look about it when this all over. Higher prices and less flights may be the new norm. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, moe666 said:

    The real problem is the people will not lock themselves up for 14 days and have to go out and visit all their friends and relatives spreading the virus

    Self isolation is the next step and unless their is compliance and serious policing it will mean nothing. Contact tracing is also a critical tool and will require a diligent, motivated and committed army of workers to trace down anyone known to have had contact with carriers and be sure they isolate themselves for 14 days. Not sure you will get a high enough level of participation within the population for this to be successful. I hope I’m wrong. Time will tell. 

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  6. My wife who had worked in the health system for 25 years has told me that EVERYONE on her FB group were absolutely irate over his comments and were calling for his head. Not a single person defending him. She was so upset herself she had to do 20 minutes of meditation to settle down. Slowly she is realising Mr P and his ministers are not governing for the country and that they are only concerned about themselves. I’m surprised it’s taken her so long but slowly she is seeing them (gov) for what they are. 

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, dabhand said:

    Why are the Embassies not making protests to the Thai government on this serious matter?


    Instead they are merely scuttling around to provide Immigration requested paperwork, rather than firing back at yet another example of completely unnecessary red tape.


    Yes, I am looking at you, the British and US Embassy.  Once again you are failing your fellow citizens. 



    Because they charge a hefty fee to supply these letter$

  8. 2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    That's been pretty apparent for some time... But good luck in getting the government to admit to that failing.  He may be an infectious disease expert. But the government is expert at leaving the barn door half open months after the horses have all bolted.



    And the front door which opened onto Xi Ping boulevard. 

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 400,000 translates to 0.6% of the population. Many countries are predicting 20 to 60%. Why the huge discrepancy? If these figures could be used in Thailand then 400,000 is the possible death toll at the top level assuming a 1% mortality rate. 

    400,000 may be the number of diagnosed victims but the real number will be much more than that. 

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