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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. 4 hours ago, The Cipher said:

    Wealth levels in Thailand are already low and inequality is high, so if prices do trend upwards with deregulation, major landholders are gonna do great but a lot of people will suffer from the resulting lack of affordability. Generally a bad idea.

    Exactly. A huge majority of Thais will be worse off as a result. I think it’s a bad move. Someone will get rich but it won’t be the average Joe. 

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  2. 7 hours ago, Thunglom said:

    It would be interesting to see how someone on 43000b per month with multiple luxury cars, and video of a murder can talk their way out of this by saying it was part of his job. What is the job description?

    What we are forgetting in all this is the police, like the military and politicians, are not here to serve the people but to control and take full advantage of them. To this end he has done nothing wrong or out of the ordinary. Stop picking on him people!!! He's playing within the rules.

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