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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. 10 hours ago, webfact said:

    the whole exercise as driven by personal rather than national interest.

    From grass roots politics right through to national government it’s all driven by greed. It’s a way of life practiced by a self serving group of wasted skins. It’s not about delivering for your constituents it’s about how deep you can stick your head into the trough. There is no shame and the bulk of Thai people accept it without demanding better which is understandable as big government has the big guns on their side. And prepared to use them. 

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  2. 6 hours ago, pattjock said:

    I have done this for years using a browser on my PC. This has been for reporting myself living in my own condo.


    I downloaded the app and logged in using my old login name and password and everything seems to work fine, well done.

    But it needs to be done within 24 hours. Last time I didn’t do it until 5 days later ( I forgot) and it wouldn’t let me do it. 

  3. 14 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    Neatly buried amidst the waffle is the most important part. Mueller thinks he can just resign and slink off into the sunset, and never speak about his witch hunt again He is sorely mistaken. It doesn't work like that. Mueller will be dragged kicking and screaming if necessary to testify about what on earth he was thinking acting on the Steele dossier(that even Steele refuses to talk about!) that was paid for up Clinton and team, and how he could be so stupid to stack his team with extremists like Page and Strzok, and the rest of the bizarre actions he undertook. You can't overshadow and ruin the first 3 years of the best President ever for no reason whatsoever without some serious blowback after you fail. Expect treason/sedition charges at the very least. That also goes for Comey, Clinton and the rest of those complicit in this farce.


     Mueller can finally stop talking about this travesty of justice and soft coup attempt when he is safely behind bars. Can't come soon enough.


    edit to add - did anyone else notice the guys demeanor? He started off the speech in flat-out panic mode. He was finding it hard to breath, looked like he was about to have a coronary. He knows he is in a world of trouble.

    .......and on what planet have you been living? Guilty as sin.

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  4. 7 hours ago, zydeco said:

    Hard to tell. I was innocently walking past a restaurant the other day when a busload of Chinese disembarked. It must have been their feeding time. Awful racket, no order, complete chaos. Are these numbers really down? We can only hope.

    And were you shoved to one side so they could have their photo taken in front of a landmark you may have been obscuring?

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